
His Thirdwheel Lover

" I love you " Reagan suddenly confessed. "Good joke!" Alysa laughed at Reagan's sudden confession thinking he was just messing with her. but as she looked at his serious face, she stopped laughing and her expression also changing into confusion and disbelief. "I'm serious." Reagan replied with a straight face which made Alysa even more confused and angry for some reason. "Mr. Cadel, you must be high on something, I will take this as a stupid prank. bye." she waved and walked away with an unreadable emotions. "It is not a prank." his voice was soft and serious. he looked nervous! Reagan Cadel, The most charming man of Country S, Who can make any women beg for his attention was nervous at the moment and looked so dejected as he watched the women of his dream walk away. 'How can he confess to me when he is engaged?' 'Am I that easy?' 'why did I even have to be in this mess?' so many questions ran into her mind with each strides she took to her apartment. What do you think happened to Alysa that made her feel wronged? And why does Reagan confess to her when he was engaged to someone else? ------- Meet Alysa Arley, Our Average girl who came from an average family in y city of Country S. Who always had a optimistic approach in life even after life was bitter to her many times. She wanted nothing but to lead a happy life with her beloved ones. Reagan Cadel, who was opposite to the word average, He was born with a golden spoon, he had everything the world can offered, still ended up falling in love with our average girl, Who took the country's most eligible bachelor's confession as a joke! Hop in with me to see how their story unfolds. Note: This is my first ever story. I will be happy to have you accompany me in this journey. All rights reserved.

Aiko_Hireath · สมัยใหม่
15 Chs

Didn't even Smile!

Alysa was exhausted for the day. she just felt like the day was so long especially after seeing that face.The person she never wanted to cross paths with was now her Vice-President! she didn't know if she should laugh or cry.

she finally reached her apartment and saw that Clara was yet to reach and Ashley has left a message telling she will be home only after 11 o'clock since she had 2pm afternoon work.

She slummed on the bed as soon as she was in her room. She blankly stared at the ceiling as the memories she thought she had forgotten resurfaced.

It was the first day of their third year in college, there was seminar regarding their placements. she was busy waiting for Ashley as she sat on the bench near the pavilion. She received a message from Ashley that she is running late and to go to seminar hall and reserve a seat for them.

Alysa rolled her eyes as she replied " When were you ever on time? Make sure not to be seen by our new Principal, he will call you out in the middle of the seminar."

Sophie waved at Alysa as soon as she entered the hall. Both were in the same class and they were close from the first semester of the college. Their friendship brewed normally.

She went to sit beside Sophie and put her bag on the seat next to her left, reserving the seat for Ashley.

"Why are you coming now? didn't you say you were already in college when I called you?Sophie asked.

"Well, I was waiting for Ashley."

"ohh... then where is she?"

"stuck in traffic, she will be here soon, so I came first to reserve a seat."

Sophie tried to say something but instead closed her mouth as she nodded slowly. As she was looking around, got a sight of Reagan entering the hall and waved at him, calling him over. He also noticed Alysa as walked towards them.

"Hey, morning, you can sit here." Sophie smiled as she offered him the seat right to her.

"Morning." Reagan greeted as he took the seat.

Alysa wondered why Sophie was calling Reagan of all people. Of course Alysa knew him. He was not only famous in her department but all over the college. he was topper in the computer science department. In spite of being well known in the college, he was not associate with any particular group or have group of friends following around. It looked like he had only one friend with whom he would spend most of his time. He was friendly with everyone who approached him, and even help juniors with their projects. we can say he was one of handsome prince charm of the college. Whenever she came across him, either he would be surrounded by bunch of students or be with that one dude. She had also heard people say he was an outgoing person.

Sophie sometimes talked to him to clear her doubts regarding subjects but Alysa didn't think they were close. so she raised a brow at Sophie.

Sophie smiled at Alysa and turned to the person who just sat next to her "You know, we all are in same department right?"

Reagan looked at Alysa for a minute "I didn't know she was your friend."

"I didn't know you both were close." Alysa said.

"We are not close." Reagan immediately corrected which made Sophie slightly abashed.

"okay, okay. now you know, we are friends. since you both have me as mutual friend. let's all be friends and get along well. okay?" Sophie said as she turned one side to the other expectantly. Alysa simply nodded and extended her hand to Reagan as she introduced herself, " Hi, My name is Alysa. Same class as Sophie."

Reagan just stared at the hand for a second before shaking her hand ,"I'm Reagan."

They all turned to the podium as the MC started with speech. just as Ashley also joined them as she sat beside Alysa.

As Alysa thought back, she chuckled as she remembered how Ashley gave a pointed look when she saw Sophie and Reagan beside her that day. Ashley has been skeptic about her friendship with those two. Thinking about it now made Alysa realise how stupid she has been in the past. Maybe she still is.

The door bell rang bringing Alysa back to reality. she got up and went to mirror, ran her hands through the hair before going to take the door. She checked the peephole and opened the door after confirming that it was Clara.

"What happened to your key?" Alysa asked.

Sophie entered with two vegetable bags in her hands. "Well, i forgot to take them with me this morning."


At the other side of the city, the person who brought headache to our poor girl was sipping his hot green tea in the study room with a smile plastered on his face. It looked like the tea tasted too good for some reason.

From the moment he confirmed to come back to the country, the only thing that excited him was meeting her. The thought of meeting her was as nerve wracking as his excitement. He has been thinking about how to contact her. Never had he thought he would be meeting her so unexpectedly. It made him loose his composure, only he knew how bad he wanted to hug her. Silly him, he even thought his mind was playing tricks on him.

This morning his friends called to meet up. He decided to visit the company since the location was near by. It Surprised him to see her in his company. Needless to say he was overjoyed to see her after so long.

However, when he thought about her reaction back then, it confused him. why didn't she look happy? and didn't even smile! after all, they were close friends before. maybe she was too surprised to have a reaction.

As he kept thinking about it. Her frowning face suddenly flashed in front of him when she greeted him as sir. finally it occurred to him that manager Kim had introduced him as Cadel but she knew him as Lee. Maybe that's why she looked little upset. he made a mental note to clear that misunderstanding and resumed to enjoy the tea which was far from enjoyable taste.

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Today I didn't have time to review the chapter. if you find any error, bear with me and do let me know your thoughts.

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