
His spur-of-the-moment decision

We wanted to keep it low, I didn't want my fiancee in the spotlight."I played along at least this would get her off my back "Who do you think you can fool? you're engaged and yet you're seen with different women every week." "Because I'm seen with them doesn't mean I sleep with them and beside it was a distraction for the press." "What distraction?" My mother asked "I'm known to be a player mom and if the press notice I'm not anymore, they're going to start digging which I don't want but since you know already,I'd like you to meet the love of my life." I stood up and walked over to the girl cleaning my books and held her by the waist.

Drusilla_Silas · สมัยใหม่
15 Chs

Chapter Eleven

(Theresa's POV)

Yeah about the part of being madly in love?

He told me that some people are saying we weren't going to last and that brings doubt to others saying what if we were faking it.

So the plan was act as if we didn't know about it then go out privately, the type that looks private but you are fully aware that that place is packed with paparazzi ready to take pictures if us together. To the media, it's a quite private time together as couples but in real time, it's public appearance.

"But I thought this engagement thing was to get your mother off your back?"

"It still is but now we also have to make it real because who can capture the notorious workaholic playboy?"

"So people have to believe also. Right. They have to so that's your plan? How is it going to work and why do they need to think that we're madly in love?"

"That's my plan and anyone who can make a player want to settle down, that person is worth dying for and anyone worth dying for,is someone your madly in love with."

"O..kay. I don't still see the reason even if I do. I still feel there's more to your motive."

"That's all." He smiled and I could tell he was hiding something

"There's definitely something else." I folded my arms.

He chuckled "Aren't you curious as a cat."

"If you want me to tag along you're going to tell me."

"You're ordering me?" He laughed

"You're not the only one who can order people around." He laughed out loud

"There's nothing. It's nothing much and I'm not telling you."

"Fine." I answered


"Yeah, fine." I repeated

"Okay, it's so unlike you to drop an argument. So fine what?"

"Fine I'm not going."

"You're not going?"

"Mhmm. You are not going to tell me, I'm not going with you."

"You are."

"NoPe." I popped the P

He sighed "You have your mind made up don't you?" I nodded after he asked

"I want to get them all off my back, the media including. If they see that I fell in love and madly in love, by the time the contract is over and we end it as a breakup everything goes back to normal which is me not dating and not planning to date ever. So it will give them the mindset and the perfect story that the only shot I gave love, it broke means I don't think I'll ever be ready to love again, others may have the thought that I fell too deeply that I can't stand giving my heart to anyone else except you, while some may think that I finally concluded that love is not meant for me."

He finished and I was...

"You have everything planned out already don't you?"

"Have my whole life planned out." He said proudly

"Really? Care to fill me in?"

"Focus on my job, never get married cause it's a baggage and not having kids because they're distractions."

"So.. let me get this straight you see marriage as a baggage and children as distractions?"

"Of course, I was only being honest and besides you asked."

It was true that I asked but I wasn't expecting that reply from him. He's a really crazy guy.

"Who's a crazy guy?" He sounded surprised

"Crazy guy?" I asked not understanding his question

"You just said he's a really crazy guy. So who were you referring to?"

Did I really say that part out loud? OMG

"I wasn't talking to you."

"Then who?"

"My instincts." He probably think I'm insane.

"And do you talk to your instincts all the time?"

"Everyone talks to their instincts."

"I agree but making it an open conversation, I don't think that everyone does that. So you coming?"


"I told you so you coming?"

"Well, you did so I'll go. I have to return to my room now."

"Did I say something?"

"No, it's not you I'm just feeling a slight headache." I lied and I could tell he didn't buy it but he didn't push.

"Okay, then you need rest."

I left. I knew I withdrew all of a sudden but didn't you here him?

No matter what, it's just a contract to him not that I'm looking for anything more but.. I have to keep to myself.

Knowing me, if I get too attached I might start feeling something which is not supposed to be. So yeah I was only protecting myself. I didn't even ask him where he has in mind.

Well, not that I really specific about where to go. I'm kinda excited that I'm traveling. My family never wanted me around so they always pushed me away. Either to France, Rome, Italy, I even went to Nigeria once! It was a lovely place, the people were so welcoming even if I was a stranger, they treated me like their own. The fact is I've been to almost fifteen countries and because of this act of them pushing me made me love travelling a lot, you know the joy of going somewhere you don't know, a different culture. It's all thrilling

If you're asking if I can speak some of the languages? The answer is no. I was never the type to pay attention but I can understand the languages clearly. It's part of my secret to know, so I won't be killed of they were planning to. Promise me you won't tell anyone. You're the first I'm telling that's cause I love you. At least you understand me.

As days went by, Mevrick requested I act more convincing and soon we were on our way to Croatia. I've heard so much about it, well not much but I did my research and I'm excited to see there especially Dubrovnik, Spilt, Zagreb. I guess I said too much.

I'm super excited and also feeling down.

Am I up for this? Can I put up with the act? What if I make a mistake? It could ruin his reputation. I'm not fit in this kind of world, I don't even know what some of the events he attends are called!

"Hey, you okay?" I totally forgot we were on our ride to the villa.

"Yeah." I answered

"You don't sound okay."

"Just having doubts."

"About what?"

I sighed and just shook my head "Nothing to bother you about."

"Too bad cause I want to be bothered."

I smiled but said nothing

"You know I want answers."

"It's stupid,so it's better if you didn't know."

"I love knowing stupid things and besides anything from you isn't stupid."

I smiled "Just having doubts."

He sighed and tilted my chin to look at him "You're an excellent actor, why do you think I hired you in the first place? You made my mom believe the very first day and you have the perfect answer to all her questions. You don't need to be having any doubt, this is a huge step for job and my publicity."

"I know but.."

"But what?"

"I...well, I've never had this much attention before and I wonder what it will look like for me after this. In the spotlight all of a sudden, will I be in the shadows again after all this."

"You like the attention?"

"I thought I hated it but it feels good knowing that people want to know more about you and whatever you do that they pay attention for details even to the smallest thing.." I smiled at the thought "or maybe it's just because I didn't get attention while growing."

"Even some people who had attention while growing still love the attention. You're not guilty for loving it."



"I thought you'll see me as a gold digger."

"Why would I?"

"Cause it's a job and I'm the one seeking attention?"

"You're not a gold digger. You literally turned down the offer at first and also me tripling your salary. Speaking of salary,  you're doing great at your job."

"Or you're just saying to cheer me up "

"I'm absolutely saying the truth you do better than my assistant."

"What?!" I laughed

"Why are you laughing? I was thinking about firing him and promoting you."

Is he for real?

"I'm serious and saying it out loud like this, we can use it as opportunity to be closer and it's a win-win."

"But... I thought you don't want your fiancee working in your company?"

"You do work for me and if they find out who cares? My company will grow with a brain like yours. What do you say about being my personal assistant?" He smiled

"Are you proposing a promotion?"

"What else am I doing? I wouldn't want an opportunity like this to pass me by besides I want the best for my baby."

"Your baby?"

"Yes, my companies are all my babies, as tender as they are, they're what give me joy and they also need extra care so yeah they're my babies."

I could see his eyes light up with the way he talks about his companies that I couldn't help but smile.

"I'll let you sleep over it." He said " but I get an answer the moment we leave." He added

Here I am thinking about screwing things up and there he is giving me a promotion not just a promotion but a massive one. I mean, from a floor member to the top?

We got to the villa and man was it wow

"Like what you see?" He smiled as we walked towards the door.

"It's breathtaking." If I think the outdoor was amazing? The inside was a wonder.

All the interiors and decors were perfect not over the top but mature elegant and speaks authority.

"Did you rent this villa?" I asked

"I bought it." He answered

No wonder that it's so much like him.

"It's lovely."

"Just lovely?"he grinned

"I can say you have great taste." He pulled me by the waist

"You can say." He leaned in and kissed me softly. It was supposed to be a simple gesture but when we were about to stop, he nipped my bottom lip and I gasped giving him access to dive in. And as usual, I melted. My hands travelled his body and we heard someone clear their throat. I pulled away instantly but he still held me

"Welcome master, I didn't mean to intrude but I was about to take your luggages up and was thinking if you would share separate rooms or the same one."

"We'll use the joint room."

"Okay sir." With a nod the man left.

"That's Jackson. He's been here for as long as I can remember."

"As long as you can remember?"

"Yes, he worked for my parents in this same villa and they wanted to sell the villa and kick him out so I bought the villa from them and let the staffs stay."

Well, this is shocking. This is the first time I see that he is considering people who work for him as staffs and again care for their livelihood.

"You look surprised." He said

"I am surprised. I mean you said staffs, like you care about them and now that I think of it, you didn't order Jackson you told him to do something and you were polite."

He laughed hard "Is it hard to believe I can be kind?"

"Well, yeah?"

"They are more like family to me." He smiled

"I'm guessing you knew them right from when you were a teenager."

"More like when I was a kid. I grew up knowing thier faces."


"But that story's for another day."

He led me upstairs to the bedroom. They have separate doors but inside, there's a  french door that joined both rooms.

My side of the room is cute and his side is just like him, smells like him.

He noticed I was looking at his room

"You can always share with me you know?" He grinned

My eyes instantly fell to the bed and I blushed, hard.

He stood in my front and touched my chin gently but his eyes wasn't gentle. I grew hotter

"The doors are always open." His voice was hoarse.

I swallowed and I know I look like a smashed tomato right now.

"How many times have a told you that you're cute when you blush?" I refused to argue with him because I know how red I am. His lips made contact with mine and I let out an air of satisfaction, I didn't even know how much I wanted to kiss him again.

He pulled away and I felt like I was just getting started. "Don't want to tempt you do I? You have your reasons." He winked at me and retreated to his bathroom

He stopped because I told him I had my reasons, does this mean that even if I tell him he'll respect my decision? Or will he just make jest of me the way Julius and Casper did. I closed the door and went to refresh myself. After, I was told that dinner is ready. Sometimes I like the idea of just focusing on what you love and the other things get done but I still love the fect that I can prepare my own food.

I got downstairs and heard Mevrick laughing, I followed his voice to the kitchen. I've never seen him with so much love in his eyes. He was talking with an elderly lady but she's good looking and also a staff.

"You think you've grown tall, eh?" She said drawing he's chin.

"I'm tall but forever your boy." He said and she let go of him and they both laugh. "You don't know how much I e missed you ma."

Wait? Did he just say ma? He has respect?

"I'm happy you followed your dreams and I'm glad you made it. I'm so proud of you."

"I'm glad you are. I won't be where I am today if not for you and everyone else."

"Speaking of everyone, that fiancee of yours, I don't buy it."

Is he going to spill?

"You see right through me." He chuckled

"You did it to get your mother off your back didn't you?"

He shrugged "Couldn't think of another way. Nick gave me the idea and she was in my office so I hired her."

"Did you now? Or did you impose it on her?"

"More like the latter, she was a bit stubborn."

"How does she feel about it? Is she coping?" The lady asked concerned

"Yeah, seems like it."

"And do you have doubts that she may mess things up for you?"

"I don't know but she has her doubt."

"Do you like her?"

"No." He answered quickly and I don't know why but I felt my heart drop. "Why would you think that ma?" His voice said nothing but disgust. "You know how much I hate anything that has to do with a lady, I dislike them so why would I like one and even if I did, it wouldn't be Theresa it can't be Theresa. Besides she's just my worker and workers are off limits."

I don't want to hear any more so I quietly left and located the dinning.

(Mevrick's POV)

I went to look for Madam Aretha. She's more like a mother to me. When looking for her there is only two places you can search, the kitchen or the garden and she was in the kitchen when I saw her. How much I missed her. We chatted a lot but when she mentioned me liking Theresa? Oh don't know what to think but I know I don't like her that way, well I do but she doesn't want it so it's a no for me.

I'm not saying the girl's bad what I'm saying is that I like her vibe but maybe she doesn't feel the pull I feel towards her so it's best I keep it to myself and steal moments to kiss her and act normal but deep down I know nothing is normal about her. She's always keeping me on my toes but the only thing I don't like is how much she doubt herself. She's literally everything anyone would wish for.

I know Madam Aretha didn't buy my denial but I was glad she didn't push it. These people here are my true family. Unlike the people who called themselves my biological parents, these people cared and catered for me.

"Well, we don't want to keep Theresa waiting in the dinning room." She pushed me out of the kitchen and I chuckled.

She sat quietly and I could tell something is wrong "What's it?" I sat beside her

"You shouldn't bother. It's none of your business." She snapped

"Okay, calm down. What is it?" I asked calmly.

"I said none of your business you don't have to know everything." I'm to get mad but I didn't, it's like I know where she's heading with this attitude

"What do you have in your head now?" I surprised her by smiling

"None. Of. Your. Business." She spelled out.

"Okay, that was harsh." I held her face but she smacked my hand. Mr. Jackson just arrived with other staffs and the food.

She stood up "I'm not hungry." She stormed off.

Jack shit me a worried look and I smiled at him assuring him that all is fine.

I waited five more minutes before heading upstairs. After setting room up, went out to knock on her door.

She opened the door "What?!"

"You what?"

She was about to slam the door in my face but too bad for her I stopped the door and walked in.

"What's wrong with you?!"

"Why do you care?" She folded her arms

"Are you for real now? I know that you've probably concluded something in your head that's making you act like this."

I think I'm going to loose it. Why does she have to put this up now? She always do the same thing, think or imagine something, conclude and then she blows. Why does she always have to? If she has something on her mind she should say it!

Not everyone's her family who want the worst for her, I'm actually looking out for her but if she keeps up with this her conclusion of a thing, I think I might really treat her as nothing but a  worker who is off limits.

"It's stupid." She sighed

I lost it "It's always stupid. You conclude something in your head, act on it then when I call you out the same thing that got you so worked up becomes stupid! Listen, I'm not going to pry you for answers or to spill or whatever. Whatever stupid thing you think you have thought about, keep it to yourself."

"Well, sorry if you think it's what I thought because it's what I heard!"

"Okay. It's still stupid isn't it?"

"You won't understand!"

"Yeah! I always won't understand but surprisingly, I always do and sometimes even better than you."

She looks disappointed at herself "Mev.."

"Don't Mev me Tessy, do what you want but make sure after you're cooled up, don't say a word about whatever thing that got you worked up, don't even bring it up. Whatever happened here dies here." I turned to leave my hand was already in the door knob when

"You." I froze

Me? Me what?

"I overheard you talking in the kitchen and you mentioned not liking me. I just got this all in my head, like you said and I concluded and it was stupid."

Is that it? Me saying I don't like her? She got to be kidding.

I was still making my way to leave

"I'm sorry! I don't know how to react to all this. It's hard." Her last sentences were sad and I was compelled to turn just to see her sitting at the edge of her bed looking down at her palms.

I exhaled and walking over to her clearly still mad. She looked up to me and her eyes were red with tears threatening to pour. The sight immediately tore me but I said nothing. She looked at her feet digging her nails into her palm a gesture that very well tells me she's trying her best not to cry but it's not working

"What got you emotional? The fact you were eavesdropping? Or the fact you thought about your history?"

"You've never yelled at me the way you did." Her voice was low but pretty clear and her answer shook me.

I yelled at her and she felt it? Was I harsh?

"Was I harsh?" I spoke my thoughts sitting beside her

She made eye contact with me and a tear escaped. I quickly caught it and held her face.

"I'm sorry. I just.. I'm struggling. I don't know how to act with this... I've never had anyone to look out for me and I... This was why I said it's stupid. All my assumptions are stupid, everything about me is stupid and you just don't get. I may be composed on the outside but I'm a complete wreck inside and sometimes I don't understand myself and mood swings.. maybe I just got used to the fact that if I'm not harsh or hide my intentions or play dirty, I'll always feel in the dark and I don't like that feeling. I wasn't like this. I know myself but I'm too scared to show it. Too scared that the only way I hide it is to get mad yell and do crazy stuff." She inhaled and smiled softly " I told you it's stupid."

I sighed, the tears were freely pouring. She had a rough childhood,I get that but that doesn't make her stupid. I also hide behind the cold mean boss and that's not me, I lost track of who I am and that's why I came back here to see if I still have myself.

I leaned in and kissed her softly then I was given access to dive into her mouth and I didn't resist. I don't think I've ever kissed her like this, it was different from the others. The other kisses were good,great even but this was something else. I could feel emotions, sadness, hope, passion, then something else sparked up but I cannot place a finger to what that is, then came the desire, burning and the once slow, soft, romantic kiss became  a hot, wild and demanding kiss. I don't know how I came to this but I was hovering above her and kissing like my world depended on it.

"Mev..." Damn her! Does she always have to do that? To be frank I always love the sound of my name from her lips. Come to think of it, she's the only one who have two names for me and on different occasions. Mev, for a sweet scenerio, Rick when she's scolding me and Mevrick when she's being formal that makes three and I love all of them. Her fingers gently dug into my skin and I felt the slight pain but it was a good one because it have me shivers.

She took my shirt off and her arms roamed my bear chest. My hand found their way under her blouse, the urge to touch her skin was burning. Her cloth was going above her head when I stopped all of a sudden because I heard a voice ring in my head

I have my reasons...

Her voice.

"What's wrong?" She asked. This is going to be the hardest thing to do just look at her. I want her and I want her bad. But I have to respect her decision.

"I'm not going to go against your wish and besides you have your reasons." I winked at her gently getting up

She turned red but said nothing.

"I'm really sorry for the way I talked to you." She apologized

What for?

I gave her a confused look

"The way I yelled and acted rude."

Oh! I totally forgot I was mad at her, I even forgot what brought me to her room in the first place. I smiled and gave her a soft kiss on the lips before slipping my shirt on.

"It's okay sweetie."

Sweetie? Where did that come from?

I got to the door " Madam Aretha's going to be mad if we don't eat."

She stood up and arranged herself before joining me and we headed back to the dinning table

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