

Caine, having been faced with a lot of hardships meets a billionaire young woman, who could change his life in a moment. But there is a huge price to pay. He has got to quit his marriage. In the ensuring romance, backed by an extreme desire for wealth, he does exactly that. He kicks out Sandra his wife and child and marries the rich woman. He becomes a billionaire boss. Sandra turns out even wealthier later and buys off his company. Now he returns to ask for a second chance in her life. But the twists have only begun, one thing leading to the other………….

PENNYMAMA · สมัยใหม่
4 Chs

chapter four

Weeks had passed since Kelvin was discharged from the hospital. He sustained a hand and leg injury and wore bandages for a while. He had completely recovered, but was yet to resume school.

His parents needed to be with him for some time, perhaps to give him some more care.

Sandra actually took a leave from work for a week or so, to be with him.

Mr. Blind -the fat, huge lawyer, who managed their apartment also visited, to register his joy over the boy's survival. Of all that came, he remained the only one viewed as the most unexpected. But the fat lawyer was not as bad a fellow not to see reasons to come. And ever since then, he had rarely bothered them about rents..

As it were, two pupils lost their lives in the crash, the other had a severe waist fracture and needed a surgery.

The driver of the school bus who had only minor injuries, was said to have dozed off on steering, and then, skidded off into the other lane, right in front of a speeding truck.

He had been detained by the police.

 "So man! Why would you have to sleep on steering?` The officer at the investigation office quizzed him, as he was brought in.

"Well- em…` the driver stammered.

"Look, I'm gonna be ruthless on you if you don't tell me the truth!!" the officer thundered with a menacing look.

The driver merely hesitated.

He was short and bore overgrown hair that made him look untidy and irresponsible, aside the irritating mark on his forehead. The police man examined him further..

` So, I ask again! Why did you sleep while driving?`

, "I stayed awake through the night.. My wife nagged, and would not let me catch a wink and..`

"Shut up!` The officer cut him short.

"We're gonna take your blood samples for some test, if it appeared you drove on alcohol, you'd rot in jail, you hear me?

The officer adjusted , intending to swing into action when he confessed,

"Sorry sir," I took some liquor last night at a party."

Why did you lie then? the furious officer queried.

The driver moped at him with a sobered gaze.

"I was afraid i could go to jail` he revealed` The officer removed the lens glasses hanging on his nose and let it drop on the table before him, and as he robbed his eyes, he rested his back on his chair for a moment of thought…

"Tell me..` he resumed. "You drank liquor all night long and gave no sleep to your eyes, right?`

`Em- yes..` the driver admitted, with a nervous gesture, not knowing what else the officer intended.

"So after the night long fun, that required that you take a day off from work, you resumed `Don't you think that such an act amounts to negligence of duty, and is punishable by law?`

`I'm very sorry, sir`

"What! You're gonna face the law, man! The officer disclosed, seemingly unmoved. The parents of the dead kids have vowed to prosecute both you and the school owners in court. You gat to go in for it, man!`

`Oh! Oh my God, I'm dead`…the driver cried out, and .shook his head.

I don't want to go to jail, I'd rather die...

You aren`t gonna walk away for killing the kids, okay`. the officer revealed..

The driver was full of tear.. The officer had barely put back his glasses, and sorted out some documents, when the father of one of the dead children entered the office. Angered at seeing 

the driver, he rushed at him with a punch that brought him to the ground, before the officer .could intervene.

"That's an offense, Walter. You don't try it!"..

I don't care officer, I'd rather kill this hopeless drunk!!`

`You gat to take things easy, right`.

As it were, the parents of the pupil had blamed the school for hiring such a fellow to drive the school bus. There were blames and hyper blames. The school only had to apologize. But that did not change anything. Most parents would not let their children continue schooling there. They had to find another school.

 Kelvin's parents were not left out either.

They would not consider the school safe for him anymore.

More than that, the parents of the dead kids had had o sue the school for compensation.

Over there at Caine's workplace, it was a different thing altogether. The workers could not hide their joy for Kelvin's survival. That was the first time since Mr. Bid's trouble that such joy could be...

Mr. Bid himself, who never smiled, was seemingly happy and would not harassed anybody. Whatever the case, that was a gesture the workers prayed should continue. What was more, the store owner's birthday drew nearer.

That would be another joyous moment.

The man- Mr. Greenwood as his name was, was to celebrate his sixty eight birthday. He was barely a year older than Mr. Bid who was sixty seven.. yet, far younger. One thing, Mr. Greenwood never failed to visit the store and other places where he had businesses, to officially invite the workers there to his celebration at each time. It was often a big event, with pomp and pageantry. He was not so rich a fellow, though, highly connected.. More than that, he was a giver. Such visits to his business places, were usually characterized with refreshments of sort.. The workers did dine and wine. ..

`I want to thank all of you, for your commitments here, at the store..` . he observed, as he visited and eventually stood to address the members of staff who gathered around him, with a gleeful look.. He was such a finely built man, tall, and could have been quite hand some, while a youth.

"You guys `re great.. you've done your best, except that the situation at the store could not be better, " . And then, having gone on and on, he created an interactive time.

At first, everyone sat, quiet, and would not speak for lack of courage, until a fellow- raised his hand...

"Sir, I want to appreciate you, for always coming to identify with us at each time during your birthday events. ` he said ` That alone, sir, gives us a sense of belonging and makes us relaxed around you`

Mr. Greenwood merely beamed a soft smile. While he yet spoke, someone walked in, badly tempered..

 "'Where is that wretch that calls himself Caine?" he raged. The session seemed almost disrupted.. Mr. Bid quickly cornered him, and took him aside. Caine shrank with an extreme shame where he was. What a disgrace in the very presence of the store owner and everybody.

`What's the matter, my friend?` old Bid coaxed `You `re not gonna yell down this store`

`You gonna tell that mad fellow to give me my money!` the stranger returned. He was a young man, endowed with energies. as it were.

"He owed you, or something?` Mr. Bid probed.

"Yeah, I lent him 200 dollars but he wouldn't pay back` he disclosed. And then, with a weird look on his face, he threatened,

'"I'm gonna break his neck, if he does not pay me right away!`

Mr. Bid hesitated. ." Aren't you gonna give him some time to pay up?". . .

`He has scarcely come out of the challenges of his boy's accident and has spent quite a huge sum of money`.

"I don't care, if he spent a fortune, old man` the young man, seemingly unruly, countered. Mr. Bid swallowed his next words, as he studied him.

"I called him before his son's incident, demanding that he pay me, but he would not, except to empty promises` the boy further handed down.

"I'm sure he wants to play me, but I'm gonna break his neck, You gonna watch it happen…that's if he doesn't pay me, by the way`

Mr. Bids apparently worked up, approached Caine, seeking to talk to him privately, but attracted the attention of Mr. Greenwood.

'What`s it? Is there a problem, Bid? he asked...

' Em….. Boss … ` Mr. Bids stated with a worried gaze.

"He owed that fellow out there some money, like two hundred dollars, but unfortunately he cannot pay now, having had his boy involved in an accident just recently, and had spent so much to take care of him' There was a sobered silence..

Mr. Greenwood starred at Caine with a look of concern. He almost melted with shame...

`How`s the boy? Hope he `s getting better? `

`He is doing fine, sir`.

The man gave it a thought, turned to Mr. Bids who stood anxiously by his side, and instructed,

" Get five hundred dollars from my bag, give the fellow he owed his money and let him have the balance to support himself... The gesture created an effusive moment.

Caine only had to kneel before him with tears of joy.

As he left for home, at the close of work, he pondered deeply on the incident and breathed down. Such turn of event was inexplicable. The fellow he owed actually planned something crazy. But Mr. Bid was fantastic and could control the situation. And then Mr. Greenwood, who in his kind nature had to seal up the matter, anyway.

What a miracle! Caine's face shone with delight, he owed no active debt, as it were. While Fred's money was being settled bit by bit, from regular deductions from his wages, the fat lawyer never bothered him about rents, at least for the time being.

He had barely stood a while at the bus stop where he waited for a cab, when a posh car pulled up slowly by his side. Who could that be? The look on his face seemed to wonder …..

But the horn beeped and then the tinted glass to the door wound down.

Hello -------- came the voice from within.

It was a young woman, dressed in expensive costumes.

She was overly chubby and strikingly fair, like the red Indians. With her dark lush hair, the huge sun shade glasses on her face and the exotic jewelries she wore, it was obvious she was a billionaire, one of the rich ladies in the city.

"Where `re you headed? Would you mind if I offer you a lift?` She requested with a smile...

"Very nice. I`dl really appreciate that", Caine informed.

As he got in, a whiff of freshness and an exciting new fragrance caught his nose, he breathed in and out. The day had been awesome for him….

I'm Natasha.. glad to meet you` the pretty woman disclosed. Her leg was steady on the throttle.

'Wow 'Caine commended. "'My name`s Caine."

The woman paused. Caine whose eyes were fixed at her only watched carefully... She appeared to have had so much experience in driving, from the way she controlled the steering, and maintained her hold within the network of roads as she overtook other cars.

`So, Mr. Caine what do you do for a living?` She resumed.` I guess you have a college degree?`

`Yeah, I do-` Caine responded.

`Although I do an odd job at the grocery store, not being able to find a decent one anywhere`...

 The frustration in his voice was so obvious, but the woman seemingly unmoved, nodded intermittently.

`You`re married, Caine?` Came her next question, eventually.

`I'm sure you are.`

`Em ----yeah` Caine stammered, anxious that the discussion had suddenly veered into his family life..

You have kids too, don't you?

Yeah, I have a kid.

`Nice, well, I'm an employer of labor, I have a shipping company worth hundred billions of dollars.`

The woman's revelation was stunning! Caine looked very small where he sat beside her, and only had to fight the extreme anxiety that overwhelmed him. The woman moved on and on speaking but Caine held his breath, as he listened. He would not have wanted her to drop him right in the house for obvious reasons but she insisted and actually did, anyway...

`Would you mind Caine, if I invite you over for a dinner next tomorrow?` She enquired, while Caine got off the car…

` Why not? he responded `And thanks for the ride home,`

Natasha removed her glasses, smiled fondly at him, and handed him her complementary card, having also collected his phone number. A sheet of the curtains within the glass windows in the house gaped slowly. Caine caught sight of it , and hesitated. He had got to brace up for explanations, or else..

`I'd give you a call, okay` Natasha promised. Next, as Caine watched, she turned the car swiftly and zoomed off with a speed.