
His Second Bride:Illegitimate


Chapters available on Wattpad and Inkitt



The paleness of my skin whitened as I stood in the balcony staring at my younger sister being in love with one man yet marrying another.My heart beat became uneven as I bit my lower lips gripping on to the metallic disaster.I yet could not come up with the courage to lift the Killer gun to shoot the lover.

"I'll do anything for me to become free from your trap and becoming your wife."I spoke,my eyes glared holes in to his back as his leathered chair was turned to face its back to me as he stared back out the double gazing windows.

" Anything is a big word Beauty,I wouldn't say that word,I could ask anything that word anything can make your world crumble down to your feet."His voice held no pity, complete emotionless as if he could careless about me and becoming his second wife his pet who would not be valued.

"If the word Anything can get me out of becoming your second wife then I would take it,It would be better then being in a loveless marriages to a man who is going to be engaged to my sister in a week time." I spat out each word with hate,I had not wanted my sister to be Wedded to a criminal but it dragged me to be his second wife And I could no let that happen.

The Leather chair finally turned around letting me look at the arrogant handsome man who's hand was covered with blood of men,women and families.

"I have something for you and with that you'll understand my way of setting you free." He said throwing a white folded envelope which landed near my toes.

I stared at the envelope for a while before crouching down and gripping it around my palm.

Opening the packet as papers slid out falling to the ground my eyes stared at the photographs as my throat became dried.

"A king can not let his wife have a lover roaming around his castle,kill him and you'll be free.You've lived with the name illegitimate you can survive with the name murder." He spoke he had come far to close,giving me his metallic cold gun.

"I'll do it." I answered grabbing the gun as i stared Into his mysterious orbs.

"Remember if you can not do it you'll be mine on the marriage night from your soul to body." His words sent chills down my spine.

The man not far from me was not just my sisters lover but my best friend,the man who I had seen grow into a gentleman in front of my eyes.

The grip tightened around the gun which was the only way for my freedom to be given. Lifting the gun pointing it at him as I inhaled the air,

Could I do this?The answer my was no.I closed my eyes as I realised I was going to be trapped.

Bang Bang

My eyes snapped open staring at everything in slow motion, everything froze I watched as Jace fell on his knees gasping for air as Iyla turned around letting out a piercing scream,my world froze as I realised it wasn't me who had shot him.

"Jace"I whispered, my voice snapped Iyla's eyes towards me as she watched In horror,dropping the gun to the ground I ran inside shutting the balcony door as I got inside my duvet sobbing at the lost of my best Friend.

It was my fault!

Everything had become wrong I had been a fooled and once again trapped by the man who I now loathed.My sister who know believes I had killed her lover and my bestfriend,I should have never under estimated him he was a criminal after all.