
His Royal Highness Retaliation

Running away from a life of magic and mystery, Gehenna, the spawn of the most powerful witch has a target on her back. With the secrets of her past she hides within the palace, concealing her identity with the name Ezra and the noble title of the help. But when her concealed identity is unraveled by the heir to throne her twisted fate lies in his hands. Will he kill her? Or is he just twisted enough to create a powerful alliance with a witch without power?

Rainingcats_dogs · แฟนตาซี
31 Chs

Taste My Pain

I could feel it in the air that day. That night, that hour, that minute and that second. That was the only time the realization hit that all I could do was run. Run until my legs quivered and gave out at the thought of a stumble more. And at that moment the revitalization hit me that I now had nothing, my friend, my captor turned husband or my father who probably now laid dead somewhere because of who he chose to love.

The anger ached in me, throbbing against my chest until it begged to be released as I screamed in frustration. I wouldn't cry, not until I was forced, but I screamed til I was blue in the face, a scream that still haunts me. The scream that damned me to hell that fateful day.


"She has to still be alive, I know it!" I saunter out, and now I truthfully regretted those last words I spoke to her.

"If she was dead would that really be such a big loss?" Emilia admits as I bit my lip, but I find it almost impossible.

"You-...." I start but suddenly I am interrupted as I mere sound is mumbled out of King William's mouth.

"William?!"Emilia's lips part for her brother as she walks towards him as he suddenly falls into her arms, his eyes pleading as I quiver at the sight. Blood suddenly pooling out of his mouth as I freeze, feeling the cold around me.

"BENJAMIN!!" Emilia yells as I watch the king collapse further into Emilia's shoulders.

"William?" Benjamin calls as he smacks William across the face.


The pain continued, the aching, the agony as I kept my mouth wide. The pain forcing itself out from me. As I dug my hands further into the soil, hoping it would absorb part of my pain.


I could see in his eyes something I barely saw in any men's, fear. He feared what could very likely come next. And I saw that in Emilia's too as they draped his body over their shoulders, leading him to the doctor.

It was hours later when I saw her again, her same blood stained dress as I continue to look out the window. Wondering to the moon what in the world is happening? But I could feel her silhouette near me.

"He's dying, Beth" she whispers as she looks to me, I'm staring at her, her eyes to me seem to hold the stars.

"Don't say that!" I urge her as she looks closer into my eyes, leaning into me as I close my eyes. Feeling her breath on my cheek as I smirk, hoping her kiss will follow.

"And if he dies, I will be queen" she says as I open my eyes, seeing her sadness buried in her eyes. "Having another woman join me on that throne would be nothing but scornful" she admits. And just like the stars the desire to ever obtain her would be impossible, her love bitterness now.

"You would rather rule than be with me?" I ask, hoping she will answer with something that would allow her to whisk me away. Make up for the utter heartbreak her last sentence left me with.

"I have to" she finally tells me as I feely tears icing my pain.

"I guess I know where we stand!" I say, the throbbing in my chest pushing out that meek response as I continue walking away from her.

I wanted to be with her, I adore her and somehow my heart belongs to her. But how am I supposed to be with someone after that admittance? Somebody who would chose power over me ever opportunity?

"No one is allowed in here" one of the guards sternly says, standing in front of me.

"I have information regarding the queen's whereabouts. I was told to convey it to Benjamin" I say snidely, out of pain as he moves aside. Allowing me in as I walk to Benjamin.

"You know where Gehenna is?" Benjamin ask as I look to him, my tears still wet and my heart torn.

"No" I admit as I dig deep in my pockets. "But I knew if I arrived at the door with the news I could save the king I would be jailed for insanity." I confess as I pull out my necklace that I kept in my pockets, that most called a corset.

"A jar? How will that heal William?" Benjamin asks as I smirk. Leading the jar of the leather rope that tied it to my neck.

"A jar Gehenna made for me" I say as I hold the vile out to him. "Many of them were protection but I'm learning some were her blood. She told me to use this if I was ever hurt or in pain." I tell him as he takes the vile from my palm, holding it to his eyes.

"What if the key to her blood is it being fresh? What of that is her healing power?" Benjamin ask as I nod my head. This must have been the reason William kept him around, his intelligence.

"That what she thought, she gave it to me before I started working at the castle. She told me, a few days ago she sealed them, her blood in this vile" I tell him, pointing to the vile, "knows no time." I finish as he thinks about it.

"We can try" he says, handing the bottle to my hands. "I don't want to be responsible for killing our king" he scarcely says as I snicker at his comment. "Why are you using this?" He ask before I start.

"I'm doing what she told me" I say aloud as I pop the vile open and Benjamin lifts William's shirt up, revealing what looks like several stab wounds. "I'm hurt and in pain" I say breathing as I pour the vile onto William chest and we wait. My breath hitched in my throat.