
Twenty Two

Erin took a deep, fortifying breath and stepped out the elevator into the private ward where open, her father lay recuperating from the surgery.

After her shower, she'd fallen asleep with memories of the night spent in Ethan's arms swimming about her mind and plaguing her dreams. Frankly, she was even surprised she'd gotten any sleep at all.

Cautiously, she made her way to her father's room half hoping she wouldn't run into Todd. Though she knew she would have to face him sometime soon, her nerves were just too high strung from the encounter with Ethan and the poor man deserved more than a few curt words of apology. In fact, he deserved a full blown bout of groveling from her and a pound of flesh.

She reached the door and hearing muted voices coming from within, she jerked it open and walked into the room.

Her mum occupied the sole chair on the other side and she was gazing tenderly down at her husband who was finally awake.