
His Perfect Mate

Reid Javernick had everything that society would deem to make him happy. He had a successful business, enough women at his fingertips, a handful of really close friends and of course a house fit for a movie set. But despite everything he just wasn't happy. And then he met Sunn Carter. She was the alluring devil who turned his world upside down and rejected him more times than he could count! He knew she was meant to be his mate but how could he convince her of that? Could he trust her with a secret that not even his closest friends knew? ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~• "That scent would haunt him for the rest of his life. It was a delicious scent of crushed red petals mixed with expensive white wine. A scent that invaded his dreams night after night. And there she was sitting in his office, staring expectantly up at him with inquisitive liquid blue eyes. He moistened his lips and said the two words that would make him both the happiest and saddest man at the same time, though he was yet to know that. "You're hired.""

Saleika_Telicia · แฟนตาซี
25 Chs

Chapter 17: The Kiss of Judas

Tsuki's POV

I stood there frozen like a fucking statue. Nothing I said would ever be able to erase how she looked at me earlier or how she was staring at me now. Her eyes averted to the wall. Why did I suddenly feel like the villain in the story here? The blue, green and yellow LED lights situated in the bathroom at Sea Garden and Chill reflected off of Sunn's face giving me a glimpse of just how upset and hurt she was. Great. Now I could see how pissed she looked blue, thanks LED lights.

"Sunn," I whispered, wishing she would look at me again, instead of the ghost white bathroom wall. When she finally looked at me, I wished she hadn't. Had I really hurt her that much? I felt like how Kim Kardashian must have felt when she lost her expensive earring back in Bora Bora. I gulped. I inched closer towards her. "I'm thinking sorry won't suffice?" She gaped back at me, watching my every move intently. "How can I fix this?" I asked, desperate to make things right between us.

She turned her nose up at me. "Meeting you here was a mistake. I'm leaving." She spun around on feet covered in some silly fluffy shoes when I grabbed unto her arm. She made a feeble attempt of shaking me off of her. "Tsuki, let me go, please." "Sunn, I need to make this right. I can't have you hating me," I implored feeling the tears threatening to spill over. "Don't you think it's a little too late for that?" she threw at me with a glare.

She turned around, fully facing me, the emotions she had been experiencing earlier long wiped from her face. "Was I some kind of joke to you? I am so grateful that this revealed what your true colors actually are and who you as a person." As soon as she said the last sentence, the tears flowed freely from my eyes. That couldn't have been anything further from the truth! I never wanted someone to believe me, as badly as I wanted her to.

Without thinking I smashed my quivering lips against her angry ones. At first she was reluctant to return my affection, but slowly she gave in. I hadn't meant to kiss her, but she was too much of a tease just standing there. She took a step back, licking her lips in the process.

Her gaze softened when they landed on me, once more. She inclined her head, towards the door, "You and Keenan?" she started up. I sighed. When someone was important to you, you didn't lie to them, no matter how ugly the truth was. "Umm," I cleared my throat," I guess you can call him my boyfriend." I studied her reaction carefully. Either she was really good at masking how she felt because I saw nothing. Her mouth formed into a round O. She motioned to me and her. "And we are?" "Wasn't planned!" I shouted, not leaving room for another possibility.

"When I came here, it wasn't to mess around you. I was supposed to help Keenan with something but now.. now I'm just a fuck up begging you for another chance." Her eyes lit up at my choice of my words. "You're not a fuck up," she replied, quietly. I gave her a smile of my own.

"You could have told me about Keenan, y'know. We're both grown." "Oh," I replied, feeling small all of a sudden. A smile played on Sunn's lips. "How did you think I would have reacted? Tsuki you're amazing, no way could you have been single. I just wished you weren't taken by a jerk."

Can someone explain to me, please, why I was blushing like crazy? "He's not always a jerk," I replied defending him. Sunn rolled her eyes. "No, shit. Because I didn't see him assault you this morning." Ouch. When she put it like that the words stung. She cleared her throat. "That sounded harsh," she admitted, "but um.." her words trailed off.

"You're wondering where this leaves us?" I asked, picking up at the hint she was throwing. She nodded her head, licking her lips in the process. Don't tempt me, Sunn. "How about we keep this to us?" I suggested, hoping she would give in. And she did. We sealed the deal with a kiss coated in sugar.

I pressed her up against the wall, inhaling her as our tongues danced around in the roofs of our mouths. How did she have the ability of evoking such strong feelings within me? She left me confused as I wondered if this was how I should feel about Kennan. But, I didn't. Not even a teeny bit.

I pulled back, scared that she could somehow tell how I felt about her. Gingerly, she touched her lips. The impression of our kiss had her lips a little swollen. "I better go outside. I don't want a repeat of this morning," I said, meaning it as a joke. But the way how her eyes flickered told me that we didn't share the same sense of humor.

Without looking back, I fled the scene. I stopped at the entrance of the restaurant trying to regain the breath that Sunn had knocked out of me. She was perfection wrapped up in a woman. Sadness creeped up on me as I thought about what I would be doing to her. Surely, she'd forgive me?

Pushing that thought at the back of my mind, I squared my shoulders and walked out to meet Keenan. He sat in his sleek white Tesla patiently awaiting my arrival. His fingers drummed lightly on the steering wheel as he hummed along to an unknown tune. I cleared my throat and he looked up, pulling the door open for me in the process. I slid into the two-person car, buckled in and stared straight ahead, my face completely void of all emotions.

"It's her," I told him in a monotonous tone.

He started up the engine, not sparing a glance my way. He maneuvered onto the main road with ease and precision. "Are you sure?"

I gave him the one answer that would have made him the happiest man in the world right now. "Yes, it's her."

He beamed at me and patted my bare leg. "Now, this is why you're my favorite girl!" he declared. The fool in me had the audacity to smile. His words echoed throughout my brain calming my heart that had been going like a runaway horse mere seconds ago.

"You can do this," I whispered to myself. Where was Yūmō, my Kami, when I needed him the most? This new plan of Keenan's required him expeditiously.