
Chapter 36

She didn't believe her Grandmother was right until...


Sophia put on her hood as she walked through the streets of Gabesh wandering about...she couldn't get hired for any petty job not because they would not give her but because she would risk being found out as a witch.

Thus went into begging and stooped to the lowest levels. It had been three years already in the bondage... she didn't want her mother to go out begging, she couldn't even do that, everyone knew her as a witch before the burn.

Talmon and her would take a position in different streets begging,it was better than stealing.

Today she had noticed the street was extremely lonely,no one passed it had gotten strange and scary.

Suddenly wind had blown sending the hood off her head exposing her hidden face.

She could feel strange about the eeril Silence as she raised her head her eyebrows furrowed in confusion and fear.

Multitude of witches, she could recognize her friends Sallai,Shammuma and joiada but their eyes where cast down lifeless.

These where dead witches.

Even her fellow witches who had gone missing with the future Queen where present.

She turned her head to the side there.....there stood Leah..the one who was supposed to have succeeded Diana if she hadn't been killed.

Besides her was... Sophia's grand mother, Hepher. Only their eyes seemed to have light.

Hepher smiled lightly, walking forward to her.

" You can see us right My granddaughter?" Hepher ask lifting her hand to touch Sophia's cheek.

"My sacrifice wasn't a waste afterall...you are the Witch Queen now" She whispers.

"'No granny,Queen Diana never handed over to me before she dissappeared" she whispers slowly turning her head to lock eyes with Leah.

To her surprise Leah smiles.

She had been friends with them before her disapperance. Leah was a good person,the best person for the position of their Witch Queen she wandered why the Queen's ancestors allowed her to die.

"Soph" She whispers her voice and soft and Caring as before.

"Why did you Leave?" Sophia asks.

"You'll probably forget this but you'll remember when you have to soph,I died so you could rule,catch them and leave none unpunished,these are the words of all the Witches behind me and our ancestors as well...this is also Diane's last Wish to you" Leah says.

She turns to her Grandmother who smiles nodding at her before they all Disappear from her sight.

As they leave her breath hitches.