
The Guards

"Your Majesty!" The twins shouted the second they spotted a familiar shadow whirling past them. 

"There you were." Elias slowed down and glanced at the assassins with distaste. "Shoot their arms and legs, I want a few alive."

"Of course, Your Majesty," Easton fluidly said.

"If you're heading towards Adeline, where is Lydia?" Weston asked.

Elias and Easton exchanged glances with each other. "She's in the room, hiding under the desk like the appropriate daughter of an armory tycoon," he snickered.

Weston shoved Easton towards the room. "You heard His Majesty, go."

Easton gaped at his older brother. "Why do I have to go? I don't even like her that much!"

"You agreed with Dorothy, so the least you can do is protect the woman you wish to be Queen," Weston hissed. "Besides, we already killed the people here. Just go."
