
Chapter 72

"I didn't mean to offend you," Stanley stated, holding up a hand complacently.

  "It's just that wolves, rogues or not, don't have the greatest relationship with humans. Learning that you turn into a wolf..." Her brother sighed heavily and shrugged his shoulders.

Evelyn turned to Isla and her eyes softened.

  "Darling, he has a point. Gaius's men will likely have strong feelings about what you are."

"We have to try," Isla told them. 

She looked around the room, making eye contact with everyone before stopping at Kelly.

  Her eyes locked on his, that connection between them as strong as ever.

  "I can't let him hurt any of you."

Her gaze was pulled away from Kelly when Victoria walked around the table to grab Isla's hand. 

"Isla, darling, that's not your responsibility."

"Isn't it?" Landon countered from his position at the head of the large dining room table.