
Chapter 32

"Few weeks is enough time to train her and allow her to connect with her wolf. We'll have to play it by ear, I suppose."

Landon shook his head and laughed.

"I tell you to find two rogue wolves and instead you possibly find the lost daughter of one of my closest friends."

"What can I say? I go above and beyond," Kelly shrugged, grinning at his father.

Stern as Landon could be, he'd always been a loving father. Not particularly affectionate, but he was quick with words of praise and treated his sons with respect. He was supportive and patient with them, especially when they were younger and simply learning how to be people. Watching Landon cope after Valerie's death had been the hardest thing Kelly had ever had to do. Landon had pulled away when Kelly and Solomon needed him most, and when he needed them most. Luckily Victoria had been there to help pick up the pieces.