
Chapter 28

All she could hear were the shockingly quiet footsteps of her companions and the sounds of animals moving away from them. She focused on the footsteps, confused about their near silence despite the fact that they were sprinting through the forest.

They should have been landing on dried leaves and twigs, but they avoided them with what appeared to be ease.

Isla was jostled around in Kelly's iron grip, but it was preferable to trying to keep up with them. She'd had enough of trekking through the forest to last her a long time. She wrapped her arms around Kelly's neck and simply allowed him to carry her. Where they were running to, she had no idea. At least, she had no idea until they came to the clearing created by the lake. Both men slowed and kelly set Isla on her feet. He grasped her shoulders and caught her gaze.

"I'm going to warn you now, we're going to shift," he told her slowly, but also slightly rushed.