
His lover is Mafia Mermaid Prince


Saniya_Maji · แฟนตาซี
28 Chs

"Crazy husband,

Immediately Leela woke up and looked in that direction, and immediately stood up and angrily grabbed Ayush's collar and said, "My life has been wasted because of you, witch witch. How dare you waste my life in this state today because of you. I have to say something to someone. What happened if I can't? I can tell youThis happened because of you"

Ayush looked at her expressionlessly. Meanwhile, Leela catches Ayush's hand, if it was anyone else, Ayush would have cut her throat by now.

As it was Leela, Ayush stared at her expressionlessly.

And Leela started saying with anger "What do I have to do for you? Even my parents told me that I can't stay there anymore. I have to stay with you. My life is wasted. How can I fulfill my dreams! I didn't want to get married. I wanted to fulfill my dreamI just thought I'd go to Canada with you and then you on your way and I on mine."After saying this, Leela let go of Ayush's collar, turned her face and looked at the wall with wet eyes and said, "Where did I think that I will become a great writer, my name will be heard all around, I want to be not only a writer but also many things, I want to be a doctor, engineer, scientist, officer, army officer, I want to be all of them But I can't be all for you"After saying this, Leela turned back and looked at Aayush and grabbed the corner of Aayush's shirt and wiped her nose on it and said, "I will hold those awards as much as I can, but they want me to be a child. babNow that I'm old, now I have so many things to do, I won't do them at all, and I won't handle them. I slipped for a little while, and the penalty was so great that I could not have imagined it."

After saying this Leela Neka started to cry and said "And now I have to do the housework too. I have not taken a glass of water till today and now I have to do that too. Am I a servant? Those tasks are not mine for servants! But one word Arohi aunty if even one. I will not leave you with workAnd when someone asks me to do something, you will marry me."

After saying this, Leela looked around and immediately noticed the chair and brought that chair and stood up on that chair and looked into Ayush's eyes with anger and said, "It seems that because I was not born to do those things, I have many dreams."

That's when Ayush Bina Express said to me, "We have 200 servants in our house! More than a thousand bodyguards. And my parents don't live in my mansion, they have separate mansions. We have many mansions. Buildings and many things."

Meanwhile, Leela is laughing and listening to Ayush. All this time he was thinking about working and thinking that he will be made to work but after hearing these words he was surprised that it was his dream. That is about to be fulfilled and she and her husband will live in an apartment where only the two of them and two or four servants to do the housework.

Leela looked at Ayush with happiness and said "really aunty uncle doesn't stay with you?"

Ayush shook his head and said "yes mom dad doesn't live with me I myself don't want them to live with us is my personal life!"

Hearing this, Leela gritted her teeth and said, "What kind of boy?Mom's away from Dad, crazy, a head screw seems loose I need to fix."

That's when Leela remembered that today is their wedding night. Soon a smile appeared on Leela's face and Leela happily jumped on the bed and said "Hey Yeh Ki Maja Ki Maja Aaj Umar Sohag Raat! My dream since childhood is that my husband and I would jump on the bed together on a special night.

Saying this, Leela started jumping on the bed with a pillow in her hand.

Ayush's eyes narrowed and he stared deeply at Leela, seeing which Leela hurried to Ayush. And took IC's hand and dragged her to the bed and asked her to jump with him.

But Aayush stood the same without any expression as Leela started to jump by holding his hand.

Seeing Aayush not doing anything, Leela got very angry and punched Aayush in the face with her small hands and said "Let's do a boxing fight. Let's see who will go. I heard about Suhag night's fighting from a friend. I will also fight today by fighting big wife." let's see who goes"

By saying this, Leela made a two handed punch. On the other hand Ayush knows everything about love, love, affection, Maya Mamta but knows everything about fighting.

Ayush once saw Leela from head to toe. Leela's small hands and feet, Leela's small body was so low and understood that if Leela was even pinched, Leela would faint.

Realizing that Ayush turned his face and Leela started punching him.

Seeing that, Ayush looked at him once and turned his face again, now he got annoyed and angrily threatened Ayush and said, "Fight with me, are you scared? You don't have the power to defeat me, so maybe you are scared."

Aayush still remained silent, now Leela got more annoyed and said angrily, "Nothing will happen to you, even if you stand, this look of yours is made from gym and plastic surgery and this hair also looks fake. So you have no knowledge about fighting."

Ayush made a pinch with his finger and hit her on the forehead. Leela fainted and fell on the bed.

Seeing that Ayush turned his face. And sat on the bed. Immediately Leela opened her eyes and looked at Ayush with anger and put her hand on her forehead and said, "Crazy boy cracked my head."

Hearing this, Ayush looked at him from head to toe and said, "Well, you are sitting next to me, where did you crack your head?"

Saying this Ayush leaned towards Leela and Leela moved back. As soon as the wind came, Aayush's hair started blowing Leela felt something strange.

Aayush ran his hand through his hair and said, "You know your hair and you look a bit like a mermaid, you know what it means to kill a mermaid prince?Those who have tails like fish and bodies like humans, I don't think you know about those things and I'm telling you okay I'm not today you have a fairy tale story gold okay today is our sohag night we won't let this night go like this it's very important so today I will tell you the story of the mermaid prince and princess."

Saying this, Leela started narrating the story to Ayush and Ayush started listening to her story deeply.

Lila started saying "There was a prince and there was a princess. The princess was a human and the prince was a mermaidOne day suddenly the princess goes to the forest to fetch lotus flowers and there she meets the prince.

Ayush started listening to Leela's story deeply. And said "Then what happened?"

Leela lost in her imagination and said "Then they started meeting each other every day. But one thing the princess noticed very well that whenever they met each other, the prince put his feet in the water and only saw the upper body of the prince and did not see the lower body of the prince... .One day something suddenly occurred to this princess and the princess fell into the water and embraced the prince and took the prince and the princess in her arms."

Aayush eagerly asked Leela "Then what happened?"

And Leela patted Aayush's beautiful silver diamond and said, "Then the prince and princess kissedAnd the princess asked the prince... I have never seen your own body I want to see you completely"... Hearing this the prince said to the princess.. But if you know my secret, you will hate me, you will not love me anymore, for which I cannot tell you my complete secret and show you my whole body."

Aayush put his head on Leela's lap and Leela came and stroked her hair and started saying "Then the princess started crying which made the prince sad and took the princess into the water. And the prince laughedtold him...This is my real truth that I am a mermaid. If you want to be with me, accept me like this."

Hearing this, the princess smiled and hugged the prince and said "I don't mind, I love you, your secret, I can live with you like this."

Hearing this, the prince looked at the princess with happiness and the two became one.

The prince and princess had good news and the princess gave birth to a beautiful baby. But after giving birth to the baby, the life of the princess changed completely.

Saying this Leela stopped and took a long breath while seeing Leena stop Ayush eagerly said to her "then tell me what happened I want to know"

Leela lost in her imagination world said "Then the prince came in his real monstrous form and started sucking the blood of the princess and while dying the princess sadly asked the prince "You never loved me and I gave birth to you and I love you so much yet this secret of myself from mHide and kill me like this"The prince laughed and said "I didn't love you I just wanted a child to carry my clan forward and the girls of our clan were killed by people like you. I needed someone to bear my child! And I kissed you my child was born." to givAnd we mermaids satisfy our hunger and effort by eating people like you, now you will be my food too ha,,,,ha,,,ha,,,,ha"

end of my story"

Aayush looked at Leela in surprise and said "But in the stories that mother has told, your prince and princess are united and the story has a happy endingSo why did this happen?"

Hearing this, Leela screamed and laughed, "Crazy husband, it was a fictional story that I made up from my imagination. It has nothing to do with realityNow that I understand, I have listened to you because I had the opposite idea in my mind that I want to repeat, so I listened to you."

Aayush looked at Leela and then he got a strange feeling and Aayush's eyes were now shining like a blue heart. And his eyes now show desire for Leela.

(So what's going to happen next? You have to read the next episode to know)