

Finnea refused to believe that her good brother will fall in love with Emilia who he just met. That's very impossible. Just like what she had said, her brother is not a very shallow person. Her brother will choose a good lady to be his wife and not just a random girl that he met somewhere.

"If that's true—"

"Of course that is true!" Finnea snapped.

"Okay. That's the truth." Prince Relias easily surrendered. "Then why is Sir Relias acting like that?"

Finnea did not say anything after that. The prince thought she finally calm down and now thought of the possible answers to her brother's action. But he gets surprised to hear a soft sniffing sound beside him. When Prince Astria looks up, he sees Finnea is now crying while staring at her cake.

"H-Hey, are you crying?" The prince nervously asked.

'No, Astria. She is just sweating through her eyes. Stupid prince. Of course she is crying!'