

The sun is about to set. The skies are now painted with vivid orange, yellow and purple colors. The scene where the sun is slowly hiding its majestic beauty away from the eyes of people is such a marvelous sight. But still, a certain little lady is not in the mood to look at it. 

The carriage door is already open, but Penelope didn't get off right away. Instead, she is glaring at the person who opens the carriage door for her. His bright smile is making her feel more irritated than before. That person is none other than her cousin who is not only annoying but also a liar, Prince Lucien.

"Lady Penelope, is there a problem?" Prince Lucien asked with a smile.

Look at him. Just look at his refreshing smile. Acting all innocent as if he didn't try to deceive her. Hiding her tight fist behind her back, Penelope smiles back at Prince Lucien and tilts her head.

"Your Highness Prince Lucien, can we talk inside the carriage for a while. This is very urgent."