

Hailey Hayes found herself trapped between two brothers who wanted her so badly. while her heart chose Bay, she was nothing more than His Little Play Thing.

Mc_Abel · วัยรุ่น
10 Chs

love Triangle

…Jake crossed his arms, leaning against the doorframe. I stood in shock for a moment. He stared, towering my face. Between the two brothers, i can't tell which is more weird. One just jumped out through my bedroom window and the other  is staring right at me in the front door.

      "why do you look so shocked? Are you going to let me in or not" 

I stepped back to let him in. He stalked into the living room and plopped on the couch like he'd been here many times. I closed the door and braced myself to knock him off of his effrontery.

 I hurried to where he was seated forcibly trying to keep a straight face.

    "What are you doing here Jake?" I tightened my vocal as much as possible.

     "I was worried about you. You didn't pick my calls and you probably left my messages unread"  he said, raising his eyebrow with a smirk.

     "Jake you should leave" I said meanly. 

     "fine… I will leave but not until you tell me why you have not been picking my calls". 

     "I was not just in the mode to talk to anyone"  I sat next to him and lean the guitar on the couch. 

    "do you play?" he asked.

     "that was a long time ago. I feel awkward not being able to play a note perfectly now. I have an audition tomorrow"

     "that's too bad.. I can coach you if you don't mind"

     "you know how to play?" I asked with a hitched surprise.

     "why? You don't think I can? Don't underestimate me Hailey. Now, Show me what you can do?

I gave him a long gaze and he nudged his elbow on my shoulder encouraging me to give a try. I hesitantly picked the guitar up and strum a chord. It sounded awkward and hollow. A guitar with poor action can feel horrible to play. The last thing I'd want  restarting my guitar playing is for it to feel horrible to play. I casted a glance at Jake to read his expression and met his face stiff and his teeth clenched. 

      "very horrible, right? His squeezed  made a small laugh steal out of my mouth.

He moved up close to me and dropped his voice to whisper "you played just like a star, you just need a little touch of Jake Schuyler as your coach to reach the moon" He swiped his hand up in the air.

Smiling I uncautiously sling my arm around his shoulder affectionately. There is a shocked silence. Jake's jaw dropped as he stared at me in mixed amazement and confusion. He cleared his throat deliberately, and I flinched, pulling away from him. For some reason, I felt happy. My face became a little calmer… and resolved.

I didn't know why I hugged him like that. It just feel peaceful and comfortable around Jake and I am drawn to him, somehow. Not sexually… His kindness and personality generally.

        "shall we" he said, snatching the guitar from my hand. 

He strummed CDEFGAB at once and the Strings came to life. He did it with so much ease. I watched as he started picking chords and in no time, the living room blazed. As he played the notes simultaneously I began to hum. His face lit up with a broad smile as he nod at me to sing. I closed my eyes and started singing… digging deep. At that moment it felt like, singing is what I live for. When I stopped and opened my eyes, I met Jake's mouth wide in shock. I couldn't tell if the shock on his face is for Is because I sang horrible or if it was good until he... 

        "wow! That was amazing. Angelic,  incredible... I didn't know you could sing"… he managed to voice out.

         "well, I didn't know I could sing too. Be honest with me, how did I do? He gazed into his eyes, searching for his sincere opinion.

         "Hailey, that was amazing. You will totally crush the audition, trust me. I just need to teach you a simple note and you are good to go"… 

I positioned the guitar on my lap and gulp hard, nervously. He stood behind me, and I felt his strong arm as he guided me. 

    "Now, relax your shoulders Hailey. You are nervous! It's just the two of us here, shove the rest of the world behind you and just fly".. 

I took a deep breath and started strumming. He was there to guide me until very late in the evening… 


The next morning I was rummaging deep through my bedroom closet tossing cloth over my head.  

      "Emily I need your fashion advice, I really have to look my best today, I have to" my nerve was wracking. 

       "Sorry, I'm still processing the fact that you want to go against Claire Gustavo after what she did to you. Hailey, I think you should stay, I have a very bad feeling about this"

The truth is, I had a very bad feeling about it too but after spending time rehearsing with Jake the day before, my confidence powered to one hundred percent. 

      "don't worry, I will dazzle you. Just make sure to be there"… I said with so much confidence.

      "hm! Your level of confidence today is very appalling. You look and act so different. What happened to you Hailey" she asked with a little teasing smirk. 

       " Jake was here! He is a bad ass guitarist. I mean, his fingers does wonders. He is now my personal coach and he will be doing it for free"… I blew up excitedly.

Emily's face became Stony "did you think to ask yourself why he wants to dedicate his time teaching you for free?"… 

   " He is very kind. What else?"

She chuckled, shaking her head "Nothing. It may not be my place to say it, but that boy loves you. More than anything else in Fothoman".

   "you are talking nonsense" I waved her off dismissively. 

She shrugged wryly and plopped down my bed dreamily. I shimmed a dress on, and took one last look at myself in the mirror, drawing a sharp breath.


When Emily and I walked into the living room, I was surprised to find Mr. Schuyler with my Dad whispering, their heads locked closely . Weird! Mr. Schuyler never visited so early in the morning. In fact, the last time he visited was when my mom was still with us, and I was little. Whatever he was here for so early in the morning, whispering with my Dad must be confidential. Emily and I didn't want to disturb, so we headed to the door on our tiptoe.  He looked up and saw us…

     " Oh. Hi Hailey. Is that not your mum's old guitar? Where are you going with it?" he asked, a pinch of surprise plastered on his face. Emily and I froze and swiftly turned to face them.

     "morning Dad. Morning Mr. Schuyler" I greeted, waving at them. Mr. Schuyler just nodded in response.

     "Oh. Dad, I forgot to tell you. I am auditioning for the music club today"… 

    "how can you take such an important decision without asking me?"

    "Sorry dad…" I sucked in my cheek to make a baby face. With that face, he doesn't deny me everything. I am his little girl after all. 

He waved us off but visibly he was angry. I head to the door with Emily and took one last glance at them back to their whispering position.


Soon, we were on our way to school. We were the only senior in a bus full of noisy freshmen and sophomores. I tried to study the notes I jotted down but the rickety bus bounced so much I couldn't even grasp. As the bus stopped at a red light. Emily pointed me to a sleek red car that pulled up in the next lane. I saw Bay behind the wheels and Claire beside him. They were in an expensive car Claire's Dad got her as her sixteenth birthday present.

I sighed absently, trying to keep my cool but deep down my heart was aching so much. As if he felt me staring, he met my gaze just for a moment. I could drown in his beautiful eyes. The traffic light turned green, and he rocketed off… engine roaring.

We shuffled off the bus outside our prestigious Fothoman High School. Rich student parking their cars, high five and hugging each other… Emily ran off to meet Ted and I was all alone. No one greeted me and I greeted no one. As I turned my heels to the entrance door, I saw Jake leaning on his car looking right at me. He plastered a bold smile on his face.

I shrugged my backpack on my shoulder and briskly walked up to him. 

      "what are you doing here Jake?" I asked, darting my eyes around.

        "I came to your house to wish you luck and was told you already left. I thought to come here … 

        "that is very nice of you… but you should go before someone sees you here"

     "someone? Your boyfriend?" he smirked 

      "I don't have a boyfriend" I removed my face to not meet his eyes. 

     "fine, I will go.." he slipped a hand in his pocket and pulled out a gift box. He handed it to me "for good luck Hailey" 

       "what is this"… I asked

        "open it"… 

I opened the box and find a bracelet, a very fancy and expensive looking bracelet. My eyes getting wet as I latched the bracelet to my wrist. 

       " it's so beautiful…and it looks really expensive, I can't keep this Jake" I started to pull it off my wrist and he stopped me. 

      "It looks really good on you, like it was made for your wrist. Never take it off"… 

      "thank you" I crashed into his arms. He hugged me back tighter. 

       "get a room farm girl" A voice said.

We pulled apart, and it was Brad, Bay and the rest of his circle standing not far from us. Bay's eyes was on me, dark and dangerous. 

       "Hey! Dear cousin" Jake said as he went over to shake Bay's hand. Bay refused to take his hand and breezed off. His friends flanking him like he is one big celebrity. Jake shrugged wryly and returned to his car still confused.

      "what was that for?" he asked, still looking in the direction Bay went.

      "I wish I know"… 

      "I have to go fish… I will see you around" 

I watched him enter his car and zoom off before heading towards the entrance.