
His last bite

His eyes searched for his next prey as he finished his lunch. Hunger lingering inside him, as he searched with his dark hungry eyes for something to satisfy that monster inside him until, he got his eyes laid on the most gorgeous thing he had ever seen. Thus, he declared, this would be his last meal, his last bite. For the sake, of that one woman who stole his icy heart with her warm, innocent eyes.  ... Yato Takashi. One of the alpha vampires. His speed faster than the wind, his teeth sharper than a needle, and a heart full of guilt. Finds himself cold and lonely in the middle of an icy forest. Wondering if anything will change in his life. Soon on one of his hunts he finds himself memorized by the beauty and the fragility of an unknown woman who seems more of a human than a vampire. And there goes his heart, this love at first sight forces him to cease one of his most important ways of surviving. To put an end to hunting. With the intentions of getting closer to the gorgeous human without scaring her away. Will she be worth ceasing his main food supply? Will she realize the sacrifice the alpha made just to win her heart? ... Book cover made by using Canva. Fiction only

IM7 · อื่นๆ
15 Chs

5-Monsters don't cry

"Can I keep you then?"

''Uh, pardon?'' With a flutter of her eyelids, she reacted.

"Nothing. I made no words of my mouth at all." My lips were sealed. Have I just made an odd remark?

''O-Oh, okay.''

This begs the question, "What happens next?" That's what I did when I needed to know.

''I... I don't know.'' As she turned around to look at the tree behind me, she exclaimed.

"What if you actually settled down here? No one currently resides in this area as we try to figure out what to do next." I hesitated. No one is someone who is going to kill me.

''What? Nice thought, that is. I owe you a bunch. As always, thanks for everything." Her voice sounded like an exclamation point, and she bowed once again.

''It's fine.''

''Since I feel the need.... to continue sleeping, I....shall do so.'' Rather awkwardly, she said.

"Yeah...go ahead,'' I said, and then she shut the door in my face.


To put it mildly, I fudged up too badly...


''That's MY house, and you're not taking it!" Ito yelled.

''Listen, I promise I'll come up with somewhere for her to go in the next few days.''

"No. The duration of one night. One evening you mentioned." While his rose-red hair hung over his eyes, he rolled his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose.

As I poured us each a bag of blood, I apologized and said, "You can live with me."

"Nah-uh! Become roommates? You can't be serious, can you?" His pupils dilated as he glared at me.

"Certainly, feel free to use the bed as needed. You're free to make use of everything you desire. If not for me, then please do it for my dad. You felt favorable toward him. Please..." Basically, I pleaded. Why? Soley for the female human?

He gave me a long, intense look.

"That's it then, starting now on...the property rightfully belongs to me. You clean your bathroom while I use yours. Here, you cook, and you wash up. You get up, and I'll get up and you make the bed. It will make me feel less lonely and irritated. Do you see no problem with that?" He was almost done talking when he reached for the glass on the counter and drank from it.

I came up to him and said, "Man... you are a legend."

"No! Why are you hugging ME? No!" While he raised his glass into the air, I ignored him and continued to hold him.

"I answered in the negative. No! You need to stop! YATO!!!!"

As for me, "I already did." He stood there looking irritated, so I backed away.

"Oh, hold on. Your Refrigerator. Fridge! Did I forget about those blood-bag things doing in your fridge? God, that's awful." In a fit of fear, I let out a loud cry.

''Cool it, loser; I went out and got some that day, but you dragged me here and now they're not where they are supposed to be.'' He rolled his eyes once more and took another sip from his beverage.

After a moment of internal debate, I sighed.

''I appreciate it.''

''I mean, how is that person still alive?'' Ito asked while his legs dangled on the edge of the couch.

For clarification: "What do you mean?"

"Alive, if you know what I mean. Here, in these woods. With vampires?"

"Right. Oh, well."

''Perhaps, if she is here.... I could have a taste.'' He playfully licked his lips.

"Hey! Yah! No way! "As he laughed, I yelled at him.

"Fine, I won't eat your lover. Hahaha." He kept on laughing even while we talked.


"L.O.V.E. R! Officially, YATO has fallen in love. Surely you remarked on that just now. Huh, so you're shocked now."


"You wouldn't be saying that dude if you didn't love her. If you had the chance, you certainly wouldn't go to her aid."

A resounding "That's not true."

''So, go ahead and keep telling your tale.... however, if the house still smells like a human being after she departs, I'll kill you YATO whatever you are!" At that, he let out a loud yell.

"Noted. Get many bottles of fragrance!" I squealed, giggling.

''By the way, when she said she is going for a nap, was that true?'' Ito asked.

''Uh, yeah? Why would she lie?''

''Because...I don't know. But probably she lied, because again...why would she say it so awkwardly?''

''You weren't even there.''

''Look, I know...girls.''

''Girls? You dated before?'' I asked while frowning.

''Of course, man, only you are a virg----'' Ito exclaimed.

''PPPPPTTTT!'' I spat my drink in the glass.


''Hilarious Yato! Your parents will be so proud that their son is so innocent.''



Wearing my denim jacket, I announced, "I'll go do a round to check on her."

"You just left man. Wasn't she the one who didn't open the door on you? Chill."

"Yea." I sighed.

As Ito relaxed on my couch, he mused, "Good..."

I said, "I am going," and left the house.



I eventually arrived after a lengthy journey. Darkness was descending. I decided to try my luck and knock on the door. I'm worried it won't open for me again.

"I'm sorry, I was only tidying up." Again, I just stood there after she opened the door.

She had a bun with a few stray hairs sticking out. The dimness of the sky and the light from the house made her eyes more alluring. Her clothes are a little worn. But she is, nonetheless, stunning since every part of her is purposeful and contributes to her overall attractiveness. Everything crossed my mind in a split second. Perhaps...I put the words together correctly. Perhaps... I was in love with her. Loved. Someone except my sibling, though. Someone with human traits. Totally unique and totally fascinating.

''You look lovely.'' I whispered to myself.

She froze up in an instant.

''Do you know what I mean? I did say the house looks gorgeous!'' Within seconds, I revised my statement.

''Oh...I might be imagining things.'' In between giggles, she made a remark.

Haha. Honestly, I am the most peculiar person ever.


''I was just wondering how you were doing. Could you please tell me if everything is, okay? And I went and got you a chicken." I remarked clumsily while holding up the bird I had just hunted.

"No way! The ability to hunt?! Oh God! Show me!" It was her initial statement.

"Oh, that takes a long time. Another time. Now is the time to boil it." It was my idea.

"Yes! I will. Let me ask you something...will you please join me?" As I handed her the chicken, she inquired.

"To be honest, I really need to leave now. One of my friends is waiting for me." I spoke.

''Correct, care for yourself, and hold tight! Wait...'' I immediately came to a halt as a result of her words.

"You have a cut below your chin... " I turned around as she asked, my arm seized by her.

"Ah...yes. Yes, I received it, and it doesn't hurt." Retracting my steps, I froze with fear.

"Definitely not...there must be a solution. Hold on a sec." She declared, before entering the house.

When she finally arrived, it was with some sort of bandage on her hand.

"Here, takes this badge I discovered in my bag." She took it out of its packaging, revealed a picture of a cat on the front, and walked over to apply it on me.

I retreated, but she persisted, so I used it and retreated once more. It nearly gave me a heart attack.

"Behold! Your very own hello kitty bandage pin!" Smiling, she stood with her arms behind her back.


"Hello, kitty. And you don't know, do you?"

I agreed and nodded.

"Hm... it's a cute kitty whom I used to watch when I was small." She remembered it with a grin on her face and gave a wry reply as she looked up at the sky.


"It's time I get moving on it. You...enjoy." I spoke.

"Yeah...bye! Um..." She hesitated.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"No, it's just.... I feel like I'm taking advantage of you," She replied. Her eyes were cast downward once more as she spoke.

"No, I want to.... I want to help you," Is an affirmative action. I stutter-typed my way through an explanation.

She looked at me questioningly and said, "Why?" Her innocent eyes were riveted on me.

''Why? Because you are kind.'' I said to her, gazing into her eyes as I approached.

In other words: "Everyone is....'' She replied.

''No. No. As a matter of fact, our world is populated by demons, but that doesn't mean they're everywhere. With those who... stab you in the back.... and.... hurt you," I said as I fiddled with my fingers.

''...thanks. I appreciate...everything you've said. You may think I'm being overly sentimental, but the truth is, I owe you a lot. ''

''You can take my word for it that everything is good. To overcomplicate matters is not what you should do. Yes, I really do mean what I say. I will help you because you are important to me. That's because you've earned it. Stop talking trash about yourself!'' I looked at her with bitterness as I grasped her arm and talked. To make matters worse, I was becoming increasingly irritated by her constant expressions of gratitude, despite the fact that she owed me nothing.

She initially showed signs of surprise and astonishment.

When she smiled, I lowered my grip on her arm.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done it. I'm truly sorry.''

"No, it's fine.... I needed to hear that for once." She spoke. Then, as she rubbed her hands together, she continued.

''You need to go in since it's becoming chilly outside.'' Then I motioned for her to go inside and spoke.

''Yeah...indeed. Just, you know, stay safe, okay?''

''Okay.'' It was with a grin that I said it, and a smile that we parted ways.

After talking to her, I always feel weird. Why? Could this be love?

I took another glance at the badge featuring the cat. To me, it had a... unusual appearance. However, in context, it became a symbol of hope and anticipation. As I pondered, I hopped from tree to tree.

When I was younger... When I was younger, the slightest scrape would bring me to tears. This used to be quite painful. No one else used to worry about me except him, and it was awful. From what I can recall, I don't feel like crying right now. No whatever, because.... monsters don't cry. Never. Because they lack a heart, they are immune to hurt.


What, though, is a person to do if they are under the false impression that they have no heart even when, in fact, they have? A sensation of coldness and numbness. Hurting. what will happen when she finally convinces him that compassion isn't a sign of weakness. There is still.... optimism in life.

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