
His last bite

His eyes searched for his next prey as he finished his lunch. Hunger lingering inside him, as he searched with his dark hungry eyes for something to satisfy that monster inside him until, he got his eyes laid on the most gorgeous thing he had ever seen. Thus, he declared, this would be his last meal, his last bite. For the sake, of that one woman who stole his icy heart with her warm, innocent eyes.  ... Yato Takashi. One of the alpha vampires. His speed faster than the wind, his teeth sharper than a needle, and a heart full of guilt. Finds himself cold and lonely in the middle of an icy forest. Wondering if anything will change in his life. Soon on one of his hunts he finds himself memorized by the beauty and the fragility of an unknown woman who seems more of a human than a vampire. And there goes his heart, this love at first sight forces him to cease one of his most important ways of surviving. To put an end to hunting. With the intentions of getting closer to the gorgeous human without scaring her away. Will she be worth ceasing his main food supply? Will she realize the sacrifice the alpha made just to win her heart? ... Book cover made by using Canva. Fiction only

IM7 · อื่นๆ
15 Chs

14- Pending joy

''I had a great time,'' Ito stated.

Yato yelled, "I just want to have a fresh drink," and without further word, everyone stood up for some hunting. They weren't sure whether that was real, but Yato appeared to be very content.


"That was a fantastic hunt!" Yato, you absolutely stole the show,'' Ito exclaimed.

''I only wanted to brag.'' Yato chuckled as he leaped onto the couch and extended his arms.

Ray questioned, still unsure of what had happened, "So...you are happy?".

''Yes, why? Do you want me to see the emo boy once more?'' Jokingly, Yato enquired as he raised his feet to rest on the glass table.

''Of course not,'' Ray said, "I'm just happy for you," and he smiled slightly.

Ito stood up and said, "Let's have a feast, my treat, I'll cook you the best thing in the world!"

"Okay, I'll help." Yato agreed and stood up to assist him.

With a few 'funny' jokes sprinkled throughout, they enjoyed their delicious meal until the end of the night.

Yato glared at Ito who was planning to have breakfast at Yato's house once again and said, "Cya guys, don't knock on my door until 9 a.m."

Ray exclaimed, "Take care," as they parted ways.


Ray had a lot of thoughts as he made his way back to his home, including how Yato felt better. He stopped considering life to be an issue. He stopped thinking about her, and strangely, everything went smoothly. Overly well. Whatever had actually occurred, he was happy that his friend's youth was now finally being lived. He was walking with his hands buried in his pockets and sporting a tiny, sincere smile.

He abruptly picked up a sound coming from a nearby tree. He disregarded it, figuring it was most likely a harmless animal, and continued on his way. He then heard a voice, a lovely, well-known voice, and at once he smelled it. A human being. He stood motionless, his eyes widening.

A..Asami? No way. Never. She was so terrified that she might never return. To wreck his friend's life again here her was. He didn't move as he stood immobile. What terrible things would happen again if he looked back and saw her?

''R-Ray?'' A voice inquired.


His hate did not abandon him when he turned. He was accurate. In the exact location. He grabbed her neck and threw her to the ground without saying another word.

As his eyes darkened, she struggled while gasping. It was time to put a stop to the person who had hurt his friend who was like a brother. She had bad intentions of repeating all of it. Without anyone knowing, he could choke her. Yato's agony must end. But the thought of finding out that his close buddy had choked his lover tormented him. What a despicable conduct. But that was due to her. Truly.

As he left her, his grip on her neck gradually loosened. He felt relieved and regretful at the same moment.

On the ground, she struggled for breath. He continued thinking about the beast who ruined his friend's life.

''R-R-Ray.'' Even after failing to kill her, she persevered.

''What?! Now what is it? You returned to make him feel terrible for even being alive?'' Ray screamed angrily.

"I'm so sorry, I am aware of how he would have felt.''

"So you returned? You are such an idiot if you think you can ruin him once more!''

"You can call me anything, but just let me meet him," she pleaded.

''Never.'' He crouched down and said, "You won't be happy if you ever showed your face to him," in a cold voice that was more of a threat both understood its significance.

"P-please, I-I can tell you w-why, why I have to meet him," she said with a breaking voice. She was adamant.

As he was able to restrain himself, he exclaimed, "You piece of trash!"

''You know what he's been thinking, right? He's edging closer to dying, you moron. He was crushed by life and this time you worked twice as hard To make him feel terrible for being himself! Every every day! When he opens the door even with a little delay, I am frightened that he might have-'' He yelled, tightening his grip on her collar as a few small tears started to form in his eyes.

"You self-centered human, only think about yourself. Your security, your life, your emotions, YOUR heart, and YOU! You are not alone in being selfish; his own parents were those to crush him too!'' She cried quietly as he finished.

"I had no idea! I am sorry! I-I returned to my life, okay? Although I made an effort to act normally, his horrified face wouldn't go away. I-I was unable to eat or sleep. I'm very sorry for feeling like I ended his smile forever! Just please let me express my feelings to him. P-Please!'' She spoke quickly as new tears began to fall from her face.

''Your guilt! You don't care about him you want yourself to feel better.''

''No! I am truly sorry. Please...just one moment.''

He gave her his most icily frigid gaze. He was tempted to end it right here, but he knew Yato needed this and whatever she had to say. He had to double-check to be sure that Yato wasn't making a smile just to please him. He agreed. He had a plan in case anything happened, but this time he wanted to see his friend truly empty with this guilt that he carried, to end his suffering. He agreed.

"One moment, only one. No more.''

Hi, sorry its been a while I published a chapter. Here it is

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