
His last bite

His eyes searched for his next prey as he finished his lunch. Hunger lingering inside him, as he searched with his dark hungry eyes for something to satisfy that monster inside him until, he got his eyes laid on the most gorgeous thing he had ever seen. Thus, he declared, this would be his last meal, his last bite. For the sake, of that one woman who stole his icy heart with her warm, innocent eyes.  ... Yato Takashi. One of the alpha vampires. His speed faster than the wind, his teeth sharper than a needle, and a heart full of guilt. Finds himself cold and lonely in the middle of an icy forest. Wondering if anything will change in his life. Soon on one of his hunts he finds himself memorized by the beauty and the fragility of an unknown woman who seems more of a human than a vampire. And there goes his heart, this love at first sight forces him to cease one of his most important ways of surviving. To put an end to hunting. With the intentions of getting closer to the gorgeous human without scaring her away. Will she be worth ceasing his main food supply? Will she realize the sacrifice the alpha made just to win her heart? ... Book cover made by using Canva. Fiction only

IM7 · อื่นๆ
15 Chs

1- The cold-hearted vampire

There's always more going on behind the surface. You can't be sure if the fox you see is full or hungry and on the lookout for a meal. Any animals could have drunk from the river. Mystery pervades nature. Each little piece of nature has its mysterious history, and you never get the complete picture. If you stumble on a leaf, you have no idea what kind of tree it came from.

Humans, too, have their secrets to keep. Why exactly was the child crying and his eyes red? perhaps something had gotten into his eye, such as dust. Every single one of them has a history.

Anyone may, believe me, even a vampire. Okay, I get it. This is one of the few things that humans and vampires share in common.

"Can I ask what's going through your mind right now? You look like you saw a dead rat.''

I frowned and asked, "What?"

"I know how much you loathe rats, don't you?" As my friend and I gazed

up at the moon, I asked him.

"I find them repulsive." Again, my frown was met with nothing but

mirth from him.

"Are you starving?" With a smirk, he posed the question.

"How hungry can one get? We have already eaten." Once more, I frowned.

''Repeatedly making that expression is annoying.'' Observed him.

''Shut up.''

''No matter, I need to eat; I'll have to go out hunting again.'' With

his eyes growing dim, he spoke.

"Bye, and good luck." As I got off the rock we were sharing, I said.

"Aw, c'mon! Please don't leave; I'm terrified." Dramatically, he pretended to be someone else.

''It's not important to me.'' As I spoke, I brushed my hair and pants.

"Isn't this the heartless vampire I've met before? It's so Yato Takashi of him!"

''That's not me!'' To show my disapproval, I grab his collar and pull it tight.

He puts the brakes on and speaks.

''Fine, fine.... only Yato!'' As soon as his sentence is over, I

remove my hold on his collar.

"Hurry up, it's almost morning!" I issued a stern warning and then left.

'' Sir, that's noted.'' He then continued his hunting trip.

Even though I think he should only be eating once a night, he has a strategy in place to gain weight. As I walked to my front door, I reflected. I sprinted from one tree to another. And I would soon be standing in front of my home. Home? Indeed, that phrase fills my mind with warmth and hope. But vampires, have no place to call home. Never.

When I first walked through the door, all I could hear was stillness, and was met by darkness. Each is one of my closest friends. They both accompany me all day however still fill my heart with loneliness. After closing the door, I went straight to my couch for a nap. Even though I own a bed, I'd rather be sitting here on this couch than on my hard mattress.

And with that, I drift off to dream about the past. How bad one can get hurt and how nice it feels to stop the pain. But who will? Who will look at a lonely vampire who drinks blood? The perfect balance of bitterness and sweetness. I guess I'm just lonely, again. Hahaha.


"Hello? Hello? Yato? Hello?" While someone is pounding on my door, a voice says.

''Get out of here!'' As I toss and turn on the couch, I shout out loud.

"It's me! Ray! Do you recall me? We had a late-night get-together!"

"Stop talking you moron, I recognize you." With a frown on my face, I said as I covered my ears with a pillow.

"Ah! How could you possibly forget? It's been four years since we became friends. Ahh! Be honest." With a giddy grin, he knocked once more.

"I am busy." Almost immediately upon awakening, I considered returning to bed.

"No, you need to wake up. Where was it? Oh, yes, your couch. Yes, you are, wouldn't you agree?"

"Uh, fine." Like a zombie, I awoke and pushed open the door. The

biting chill of the wind on my bare arms.

"It's chilly." As I stretched my yawn into a statement, I said.

"Yes, can I come in?" While he was trying to peek inside, I put up a hand to stop him.

"Show me why I should let you in." As I say this, I grin maliciously.

"Hmm...I am handsome?"

"Really? I was wondering whether you have any girls." He has pushed through me.

"I'm about to enter! Many thanks!" When he broke through my defenses, he made an announcement. That made me laugh. Here we have this dude.

''What are your plans for today, if any?'' As he shut the door behind him, he questioned.




"Oh, come on, and who sleeps on their couch wearing jeans?" Inquired him, pointing at me.

"Me." It was while I was sipping water that I finally managed to react.

''I don't care who you are, freak, you're coming with me.'' As he sat on the dining room chair, he issued a command.


This is why: "Because...we are going fishing." He then withdrew a little fish from his pocket and stated.

"You can't be serious, can you? And how exactly do you plan on

digesting the fish out of your pocket? Eww." Frankly, I was repulsed.

''I saw this on the way over here; it's not awful to be interested in

things that are "human," after all.''

"No. I won't be there."

''Yato...why? You've been avoiding us so much lately, it's sad to see.'' As he approached me, he talked in a worried tone.

''Indeed, I am much happier on my own.'' I said firmly.

"But you hang out with me." He argued.

''Because you are... fine. No, it doesn't make a difference.'' I say, trying to dissuade him as much as possible.

"Yato...I get it. We vampires spend most of our time alone since we are solitary creatures. But you're not alone; you've got your own group.'' He puts his hand on my shoulder and speaks.

"You just don't get it." I exclaimed and stepped back from him.

Why doesn't he leave?

"Yes, I am aware; we never did. As opposed to us, nobody else in here has had a family member die. You had a brother who was taken away. But see, accidents happen. But we live!''

"Stop! I can't believe you brought him here!'' As anger consumes me, I reach for his collar.

''It's all his fault, and you lost yourself along with it. You've decided to end your life since your foolish sibling wished to----''

"I SAID. SHUT. YOUR. SH*TTY. MOUTH." When I finally lost my cool, I punched him in the face and yelled at him. A sudden outburst of blood flooded his white face.

''You have no right to come into my life and talk TRASH.'' When I spoke to him, my tone was cold, and his expression hardened as a result.

''You...keep your distance. Remember your place. IN MY BOOK, YOU AIN'T NOTHING BUT A LOSER!" I yelled, digging my fingers in his chest as my eyes went dark.

''If you value your life, RUN.'' Still on the ground, I let out an exclamation as he clenched his teeth.

I got off him and sat on the couch, staring at the floor.

When he left, I could tell he glanced towards the ceiling and then at me.

Yes, you are correct in saying that. I am horrible and isolated.

A vicious, ravenous creature. Not out of vengeance, but out of love. That is Yato. That is the vampire who bled and burned in an uncontrollable fire of his own fury. Of his own pain. He patiently waited for anything to both quench his thirst and melt the ice that surrounds his heart. Absolute frozenness. This dominant individual was in constant pain.

"I'm in a world of hurt right now.'' He stated himself the reality as he smoked on his last cigarette. Experiencing the full extent of one's pain and then letting it go with the smoke. In a sense, he was dead. And he had no worries about becoming numb. He was numb.

New book! Vampire au, enjoy!

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