
Drama, Drama, Drama

Bella's Pov

After a while, I pulled into the Cullen's place. I sighed trying to prepare myself for this I know it won't be easy nor will it be easy. I sighed getting out of my truck as Alice rushes to me frowning at me. I mentally groaned, especially with her, I forgot all about Alice's visions knowing she saw I was going to leave.

"Bella, might I ask why I had a vision of you leaving?"

"I was going to explain to all of you, Alice."

"You broke up with my brother for no reason!!"

"I have a reason I broke up with him."

I see the rest of the Cullens heading outside, Esme looked sad, Carlisle looked upset but not too much, Emmett looked sad, Rosalie looked happy probably because I was choosing life, Jasper looked pained and upset probably from everyone else, and Edward looked pissed off.

"Love why did Alice have that vision hm?"

"First off don't call me love, we broke up and I am leaving. I have to for myself please understand."

I whimper as before I know it Edward grabbed my hand rough as I wince, pain is what I felt he was grabbing me way too fucking hard.

"Let me go now."

"No, we will talk about this, and we will work this out."

Rosalie stepped forward shaking her head ripping Edward off me looking at the bruise forming on my arm. She scowls at him shaking her head.

"If she wants to leave, she, you won't stop her she deserves a human life, let her be before I hurt you for hurting her."

I smiled softly at her words I knew Rosalie always wanted me to choose like I knew she was right. I have to live I wanted children later on in my life. I rub my arm softly as Carlisle came over to me checking out my arm as Edward and Alice growled at me.

"Why Bella, why don't you stay here your meant for Edward I have seen it."

Emmett scowls as he speaks up.

"Alice we all know how your visions work; you see what you want to."

Rose looks over at me taking my hand and gently leading me to my truck.

"Go we will stop Edward and Alice from following you as much as we can."

"Thank you Rose thank you so much."

"Just live Bella have a life find a great man to marry and have kids with, no vampires please."

I nod hugging her.

"No vampires not anymore."

I head off towards port and, as I look back one more time see Edward and Alice being held back by Emmett and Jasper. I smiled at them I was happy they supported me; I was proud right now. Happy that's what I was I have never been this free, I turned on the music getting comfortable as I keep driving. Relaxing into the music calming myself rubbing my bruise on my harm still a little sore. I would have to cover it before I get to Charlie, I rather not start more drama with my dad knowing Edward hurt me.

After a while, I finally pulled outside of the mall parking. Getting out I feel the small warm breeze against my skin as I sigh, walking into the mall to a small clothing shop. I looked around for a while as I finally found some cute dresses and outfits for myself to replace the one Alice had gotten me, plus my old clothes I smiled setting it at the register and paying for them as I head off to the food quart. Looking around I see a smoothie place I head over when I bumped into somebody. I look up to see a big man that was built as if he worked out too much.... he started to growl. I heard his deep voice speak as he growls each word out.

"Watch where your...."

As soon as I looked up into his eyes, he pauses...I stopped thinking as I saw his bright yellow eyes glowing at me as he looks at me like I was the only one in that room. It confused me what he said next.

"I'm sorry I ran into you are you ok beautiful mate."

He tilted his head looking over me slowly as if he was checking for any injuries I had. When his eyes met my bruise from earlier, he growled as he looked back up at me.

"Who did this to mate."

I was shocked, what did he mean mate? Why did he keep calling me this? Better yet why were his eyes yellow? I swallowed speaking softly.

"Just a bicker w..with my ex that's all sir I should get going I am very hungry it's been a long day and I always have to finish shopping so I can get home to cook dinner for my father."

His head tilted a little more thinking as he smiles slightly.

"Mate hungry?"

It confused me more again with this mate's name. I nod softly as his eyes soften as he understood that I was confused.

"First feed mate then explanations."

I smile softly as he took my hand leading me to the burger place looking at me then ordering a strawberry smoothie and a burger with fries for me and 4 burgers and 3 sodas and fries. I started thinking as he ordered that much food for him. A small voice in my head said shifter I shook my head he wasn't native that's for sure and he didn't have a tribal tattoo that the La Push pack had not on either arm all I could see were a bunch of tattoos covering his arms. But he wasn't human that's for sure I could feel something, especially with the way he kept calling me mate. I knew he wasn't a vampire. I lost my thoughts as the guy at the register speaks."

"32.50 is your total."

I go to pay with my money as this guy pushes my hand away and frowns paying the guy a 50 and tells him to keep the change pulling me over to the spot to pick up your food.

"Mate will not pay for anything with me here."

I tilted my head in confusion.

"What are you talking about with this whole mate thing Mr. and I can pay for myself thank you thought."

He shakes his head about to answer me as another guy showings up

"Alpha, we have some business they are here."

The man growled next to me looking at me and then at him their eyes glazing over almost like they were talking to each other. The other male takes off he looks down at me smiling softly eyes softening.

"mate eat we will be back."

We? Before I could ask, he took off leaving me alone with all this food.... and the questions I had that were making my head hurt I sigh heading off to finish the rest of my shopping making sure I stopped by the grocery store and picked up food as I head back home still dazed from what just happened. Who was he? What was he?