
Chapter17 of chapter 1 New rumors

Narrator Pov....

After what happens in the court room, the rumors have been in every part of the mansion that all servants, maids, cooks, butlers and lords discuss in secret. The action of the Duke was a shock to all. Them couldn't stop themselves for discussing about it! 

What must have happened to the man who once disregard the black skin color. Now, he was the one cherish it with all his heart!

What have that black maid given to the Duke that turns her from a common maid to his personal handmaid, now his woman! Not just his woman but their future duchess to be! That was the shaking part. If the Duke can chop a man head for her only because he spoken bad about her, 

Then, he might do more to protect this black woman that had found favour in the sight of the Duke... Very she would not be ordinary woman but a woman with supreme power and authority... This is just the beginning, and them know it.. a black low life woman would soon rules over them! 

Lady Elsie was still her sorrowful mystery in the dungeon of hell, snoring day and night with no hope to be free.  If she wasn't threaten by the black woman, she would have still stayed in her position in the mansion , enjoying all these richest she had been given by the Duke. 

Now, she was no body but a locked up prisoner!  Kept in the dark to suffer and died painfully. No title was attached to her name now. Everything she holds have been taken away from her.... 

She's hopeless and helpless... Nothing to show forth. She blame all these in her ignorant and stupidity! If she knew, she would have never laid a finger on that black slut. Truly the Duke pleasure her more than nothing now.... She buried her face on her dirty hands, weeping bitterly in pains. This is not the life her chose to live. After murder her family, she  chose to have all she didn't have when she was younger but all had go invain! All she had worked for all these years! 

Just wipe away! She prayed for the ground to open and swallow her out of existance..  she could not bear the burden.. it's too much for her to handle. The pain, tears, and sorrow!

Was too much to bear in... She cried.

"Why wasting your time to cry?"  Lady Isla gritted her teeth. " Can't I died in peace without you crying! Even though you cry for now till next year to come. You would still remains here! " 

Lady Isla is right, whether she cry or not nothing would change what that happened. It waste crying.... 

She sighed, wiped her tears painfully, no one value her existance again. Whether if she died or live, no one cares at all. At least, she had someone who chat with her hatefully, even with the grudge between them, she happy to seen her face before she died.... 

Just that moment, in the dark cell, them heard the voices of the guards gossip about something important that catch her attention.

"You can't believe it, the Duke is madly falling for that black maid" one voice echoed in the dark.. 

" How did you know?" The other asked, curiously. " The rumors is all in the mansion. Everyone is talking about it. She was once a common maid before choose to be the Duke handmaid. But now, she was more than a handmaid. The Duke address her as his woman! The next duchess!"  The first voice echoed..

Lady Elsie shocked, it felt a cold water was poured on her. Did the Duke called the black slut his woman? In the presence of the others? Have it gotten to that! 

She curiously and chose to listen to the men talking in the dark again... 

"Are you serious?" 

"Of course, really serious. If you think I'm lying. You can go and ask others who are present in the court room today. The Duke bought her to the court room. She was dress like a royal queen! When one of the lord's choose to defy the Duke order to chase her out. The Duke chop his head in the presence of everyone present in the court. He set the lord as an example to whosoever that chosen to speak rude or disrespect her" 

Lady Elsie was stunned, she couldn't believe her ears! Did the Duke, do all that just for her? Was he really into her that much that he could do anything that harmful just to protect her? She only thought the Duke fancy the black maid to sleep with her, never have she knows there was more to this than she thinks!  She clenched her teeth. Even her being in the dungeon, he had never come to visit her but was playing along with the black slut in the mansion! 

Why didn't she died! 

If she died, she would feel a little better. But hearing the news that girl was still alive ache her heart in more pain....

"It hurts, isn't it?" Lady Isla voice echo from the other cell. "That was just the way I feel when you frame me. I thought I was the bad person, the one at wrong then. Now, you're worse than me" she said drily....

Lady Elsie couldn't defend herself, let truth be told. She was worse than the devil, she was responsible for the death of her family out of the same jealous and ignorant. She killed her lovely brother in the process..

"You're right lady Isla, I'm worse than you. I wish I could turn back time to correct my mistakes but I can't" she cried..

Lady Isla was on the side of the cell, felt pity for her. " Who do you regret killing?" She asked drily...

Lady Elsie raised her head in the dark 

"My brother, Matthew"