
Chapter 14 of chapter 5The dead body in the woods

Isabella Pov...

was Marcus, his face seen worried when our eyes locked. "I have something to discuss with you in private" 

The Duke turned at me and said. " I would be back" he kissed my head again but this time slowly. He release my hand and walked to Marcus. 

He whispered something into his ear. Was unable for me to hear since I am laying on the bed ..

Suddenly, calm eyes turned into the devilish dark red eyes... I didn't understand while his face expression change to something cold and scary. What have Marcus told him that makes him this angry...

When Marcus was done, he steps aside a little from him. Avoiding to look at my direction. The Duke glared at me, makes thoes almost scared out my ghost...

"Guards!" He growled, within a minute the men appears with their heads down.

"Call me the doctor!" Immediately,one of the men left frightening, aand later comes back with the same lady I saw when I wake up....

"Milord" she bowed and didn't Ries her head up. Because she was scared to look into his devilish eyes. 

"I want you to stay with my woman until I comes back" 

" Alright milord" the lady replied sincerely. 

He strode towards me, and lift me up in his arm while the men who were standing on the door entrance, cleared the way for  he to walk through....

I didn't understand what's going and where is her taking me to. My hands warped on his neck to support myself more balanced in his arms. 

"Where are we going?" I asked, hoping he would tell me but he only replied with his usual cold voice "you will know whenwe get there" 

I looked through his defined masculine shoulders. I saw the all men both the doctor and Marcus was following us behind. I tried to read the looks iin Marcus face since he was the one I can little understand compared to the monster that hold mein his arms.

There were anger and worried in his eyes, makes me more curious to know what going on but no one was giving me a clue. 

I shift my gaze and looks at the man face who I'm still on his arms. That same expression of terror was since there. 

Something might have happened but I couldn't figure it out....

We keeping on walking until we guys to the Duke chamber. The door was opened and he carried into the bathroom and drop me gently on the bed ..

"You're okay, right?" He asked when he release me on the soft giant bed. This  really make me remember the memories of him with lady Elsie. I sweep it out of my thought before it stuck into head, I never want to remember that again...

I nodded, his hands slide on her face. "I will be back, within five minutes" he said calmly even though there are fire burning in his  eyes. He chose to speak to me calmly...

I smiled, when him had get the satisfied look on my face. He wants to leave but I hold him back, I don't understand why I did it but I just do it... I don't want he to go

He turned at me and smiled briefly.

"Don't worry my sweet girl, everything is going to alright" I did not understand what he was assuring but I accept it that everything was going to be okay....

Meanwhile, the guardmen, the doctor and Marcus were all in the room and he called me sweet girl in theirs presence. I  felt a bit shy. The word sounds so horny in his mouth! 

He shift his gaze from me to the guard men. 

"If anyone entered my chamber and something happen to my woman, I would have your head in the scaffold. And make sure your families stands there to watch you died" he threaten 

The men bowed, he gaze at the doctor. As she understands what to do before his eyes fall on me.. Meanwhile, I was trying to get Marcus eyes on me. At least, to give me a little clue of what's going on but he was always avoiding my gaze..

"What's wrong? anything you need would be provided for you" 

After those last word, he stromed out...along with Marcus.

The doctor turned at me and smiled, while the men went out of the room 

"How are you feeling now milady?" She asked while get her seat beside the bed side. I have study her had been calling me milady since the time I wake. I wonder why the name change when she can simply call Isabella...

"I'm fine, but please I am not to address as milady but Isabella that my name" trying to correct, maybe because she didn't know my name...

"Of course I knew that your name" 

"Then, why are you addressing me as Milady instead of Isabella"  

She smiled and reclines her head on the cushion of the couch she seat on.

"Because you are more than to address as milady" 

Isn't this woman a bit crazy, I told her my name and she till instead to say I am more thanto be address as milady? What the hell didn't she meant?!.

I tried to seat up since I have been laying down on the bed like a lifeless person but I couldn't even rise up my hand.... Immediately the lady get off her seat and helped me sit up. 

"Thank you" I said appreciatingly 

"You don't have to thank me milady" 

There we goes again! Why is she call me milady! 

"I should be the one to thank you for coming into the Duke life"

" Why?" 

" It seem you have forgotten faces that easily and also forgotten your place in his life" 

Her voice sounds so familiar to someone that might have meet before. But while I am not remembering where I have met her....

I was going to ask you if we have meet before but was interrupt by the knocking on the door.

"Milady, a meal was bought in for the lady!" A  gruad man alarmed..

The lady stood up and opened the door. A young lady walks in with a moving tray. When her eyes fall on me, she was surprised.  

I recognize her face , she was one of the maids, we all share the servant quarter...

I wasn't surprised about her look on me because I have witnessed such looks before. Besides I am laying in the Duke bed, what did her expect her to think.

She was instructed by the lady to taste the food before it was served to me. Because I was already feeling famished. The lady didn't what she was told..

She bowed at me before leaving the room, I shocked a maid bowed to her fellow maid. What happens to everyone while I was in the dungeon? I asked myself. Cause everything seen weird to me...

Curiousness, I asked. "Why did she bow you me?" 

The lady who was also have a taste of the food to be sure if it wasn't poison... Before serving me, replied. "Because is her right to do so" 

Her right? Since when did it turn out to be a maid right to bow for another maid? She pushed the trays of meal closer to the bed. And seat beside me. "Was that necessary?" 

"Of course milady. It for you safety and have been stated by the Duke. You are now his woman" 

Oh my Jeez! I wished to seen my friends, Emma, Lady Lily and Lady Angela, maybe them might tell me what's going on because this lady was annoying in all aspects!

"Here milady" she pointed a scoop of spoon to my mouth. I rolls my eyes and open my mouth. With mouthful " I would like to talked to my friend, her name is Emma, she is one of the maids. Please can you send one of the men to go and summon her for me?" 

She stop what she was doing and looked at me sadly. " I am sorry milady but that's can't be done" 

" Why?" 

" It the Duke orders, no one should enter his chamber. That was the instructions he gave" 

What the hell is wrong with this maiden, I can't see my friend again. I folded my hands tightly.. trying to refuse to eat...

"You have to eat milady, the Duke would be angry if you don't and I would end up in trouble" she plead. I know the type of person the Duke is but since it an order from the Duke. I have to....

I allowed her to feed me. After awhile of slience between us. I asked "Do you know what Marcus told the Duke that makes him change his face expression?" 

" Well, milady I wasn't there when Marcus speak to the Duke. Then, how will I know?" 

Of course she was right. She wasn't there but I was asking if maybe she might have a clue of what's going on....

With the slience of the lady with me in the room wasn't helping my state..

Before I knew it, my eyes close...