
Chapter 12 of chapter 9 gossip mouth

"Maybe she had forgotten her place that black lives does not matter in the society. If not she would have known her place" the second maid snapped.

"But that surprised me, I thought the lord hates the black skin. That's the reason he only employs them to work on his farms not in the mansion. What have that black woman did to him that makes him act too strange?" The first maid asked..

"I heard the blacks are filled with dark magic. I believe she must have used that on the lord to fall for her. Because there's no reason for he to sleep with such a woman when we know he hates blacks" the second maid answered, this time she stop what she was doing to talk more.

"She must have also bewitched Mrs Brett to bought her here in the first place because there's no reason for her to be here!" 

"Yes you're right, I just pity that woman. I heard the lord had been sleeping with other women before even in front of her" the first maid whisper not for the others to hear her.

"That for sure, the man sleep with every one he see" the second maid snapped,  speaking loud ignoring the presence of the others in the kitchen. She didn't even care if there are people in the kitchen. All she was thinking of was continue blabbing about the  bad behavior man.

"I wonder if he had disease for sex because his manhood wouldn't stay in his pants, what type of man is that!" Tell me? The only pity I have was for the poor Mrs Brett. She didn't deserve any of these"  

The first maid tried to keep her quiet but the blabbing woman couldn't hear. But the head maid shut her up...

"I think you have a lot in that mouth of yours than working. Maybe you're tired of been here" 

Immediately she heard the head maid voice, she shut her mouth up. It would be better if her keeps quiet or leave her job without payment.. the choice was for her to pick.


Matthew wander his way to the Mrs Brett room, only to found her sitting on the bed edge delicately, no one can even suspect that something happen in there before. She seem very much okay. Matthew greeted with his head bowed slowly before the lady.

Mrs Brett had wipe off her tears before the boy could suspect anything. 

"Sorry Mrs Brett for disturbing your peace, I am looking for Elsie. She told me she was going to get her doll shoes from your room but I haven't seen her after she left" the boy explained   

"I think you should go to the field and look for her. She hadn't come to the room after breakfast" Mrs Brett said with a warmth smile on her face. 

Matthew nods and set off to the field to look for her....

Meanwhile, Mr Mount was kicking madly on the door. " Mercy, open this door now!" He yells with authority but the lady didn't respond. .

He gets more furious. He had been kicking the door for almost 30 minutes and Mercy had refused to open up to him. 

This provoked his mood the more, "Mercy, if you know what good for you and you don't want to upset me more, open this door right now!" 

Mercy was shrivering in the room, she was clueless and didn't know if she should open the door for the beast to come in.

"Mercy!" He called angrily..

"I'm giving you the last warning. If you don't open this door now, your son would paid for it" 

Within a second, he heard the door click open. There one thing  she wouldn't accept, was a harm coming to her son. Mr Mount knows if he threat her with her son, she would open the door.

His fiery eyes were gulping at her with lust and anger. 

Mercy was sweating in fear. For Mr Rogers to come to her room, that only means one thing. 

"Why did you lock up the door" his voice was a bit calm this time. 

"I.... just..." The woman stermmer without knowing what to say. " You were what?" 

She stays speechless, shrivering and stumbling, the eyes of Mr Mount scared her to the bone

. Mr Mount saw this nervousness wear on her face that occupied with fear. He smiled and step in, stamps the door closed. He walks closer to her breaking the boundaries between them.

"My beautiful Mercy," he mumbled sounds a bit exotic. "You have become more beautiful than before. I just can't hold myself anymore"  he said while his eyes stared lustfully at her. 

"Were... you.. going to hurt my son" her words shakes.. 

"No, why would I do such a thing to my own son. It impossible, I just want you to open the door for me Mercy. I have been longing for you all these years. Dreaming of fucking you so hard"

He grabs on her waist and draws her closer to himself tightly. " Stop acting nervous around me, okay" 

She nodded. "Now, be a good girl and no one would get hurt. Just let me touch you Mercy. I am dying to" he said romantically to her ears. That word almost make her burn but she stop herself. 

She can't allowed herself to be used by him again.

His hands playful drags on her soften buttocks, he squeeze it hardly and moaned

"Oh, fucks Mercy, it just felt like old times" 

Mercy tried pushing him away from her but she couldn't. The man force on her was way too strong.

"Come on, stop being a stubborn girl and let daddy play with you a little bit" 

"Please milord stop, I  begged you go back to your wife " Mercy said with pleading eyes.

His amusing face  change to something hard. 

"You're my wife now and no one else. You better stop referring another woman to be my wife."

"But I'm not your wife!" She struggled, Mr Mount get frustrated and hit her on the face. 

That's the only way to slient her  up . 

"Now lay on the bed and spread those legs for" he command . 

Mercy who was shocked for the slap he gave to her, stand up from the ground and lay on the bed just the way he had instructed her.

"That my girl" he graoned, pulled down his pant in a hurry and laid on top of her. Tears dwelling from her eyes but he ignored it and carry on what he intend to do..

He kissed neck tracing it down to her  boods.

He tossed off her dress abruptly recovery her beautiful breasts. "I missed them" he groaned and launch his hungry lips on them.

He sucked so roughly on them like it was his last time..

 Mercy moaned softly. She couldn't hold herself from the tension the man was giving her even though she despise it... But she can't hide her burning urge from him.

He smiled. "I guess you miss me too" 

He continues with his violent sucking on her breasts. It was so much lovely for he to stop. He wants to fully enjoy this moment more than he had ever expected....

He had waited long for these times to come. This was his chances and he had to have it to the fullest.

"My sweetheart I'm going to put it in, okay" he alarmed her and kiss her forehead.

Slowly he tossed off her clothes, exposing her naked body to the air. He stop and admire the woman lovely curve she had before continue with his burning desire.

"Just relax" 

He hold on to his manhood and pushed it into her. 

"Ahh ..." She moaned but the man find it more pleasure to deep his dick more in her. He pushed more until his whole manhood finally entered her core. 

"So tight" he graoned and pulled out. The second entry was speedy that Mercy didn't expected. It makes her moaned loud.

But that makes the man to answer increase his thrusting faster and deeper inside her.

" My woman this is sweet, much better that the old times" he drags on her lips, and kissed her just the way he had kissed in the kitchen.

"I will always cherished you Mercy, even though you hate me. I will forever adores you" he said while fucking her 

Mercy was lost, this was what she was afraid to happen to her but he succeed on that too. Her nightmare had come to pass, her fear for him to fucked her again just like the old days.

"Mercy!" He graoned,


Hi thank you so much for reading and not stopping thanks you😊 much love to you..

Tomorrow I promise to go into the main story this was just telling more about Lady Elsie. Everyone involved in this story had a painful past. This story wasn't just about sex or romance but about some moral lessons we can apply from. Please keep on reading to know more what happened to Isabella and her love story with the dark Duke