
Chapter 1 of 1 arriving in Wales

In 1852, the present day.

"Isabella!!!" A gentle hand taps on me,  I sightly open my eyes, hands rub on them to clean off the sleep. " Are we in Wales already?" I asked hands still on my eyes, " Yes!" The other ladies all answered once in a planned way. "You have been sleeping all the way, haven't you gotta tried of sleeping?" A girl asked, having the approval of the others. I chuckled lightly and looks out through the carriage window. Where we're! The magnificent mansion of the richest lords in Wales, I sighed, let out a warm breathe of welcome to myself. It's has been sixteen years after the terrible incident that happened in Lord Mayors. "Come down!" A young-looking lady order, white and gently beautiful. "Is that all?" She asked the carriage riders who bought us as they nods in response.

Eyes glance at us, as we step out one after the other. We're thirty's in number occupied the sixteen carriages, that's lots of maids I can tell but to the look of the mansion she needs more than that. She glared at us again" Welcome to Wales" she warmly said welcoming us in warm hands.


"This way!" She pointed at the big entrance of the door, opened by two loyal men at the entrance. We walk in following the lead of the young lady. The mansion was one of the best, largest and beautiful I have ever seen. 

"Keeps your eyes forward!" She ordered to drags our attention away from the view of the mansion, " we're here" she pointed at a hall room filled with a lot of standing beds for each of us. We were amazed not because of the size of the hall, but the way the bed feels comfortable itself for a good night's sleep, I say! 

"Hmmm," she cracks her throat. " Now listen good, there are rules to follow for your safety"

Of course! There're always rules and regulations to follow! There's no place in the world that rules doesn't apply." You must truly follow the order of this house if you want to keep working here" she continues "your waking up time is 3:00 am early in the morning and your closing off hours from duties should be midnight depends on the lord's demand if that possible you should be closing late than that! " 

That's means we only have two hours to sleep and rest. "The lord's here are demanding so if I must advice be very careful when they speak to you listen very well, make sure not to make any mistakes"  she warns,

"My name is lady pearl but you can call me pearl I demand" that's the first time a lady address herself to be called by her regular name than adding the respective signals.

"Yes, pearl!" We reply in chorus.

"Good! Now you ladies has to been  divided soon, because, we're expecting more maids to join you!" She alarmed, more maids! Was a shocking word to us, I know working in a house does have to be lots of maids and maiden's to attend to every need of the lord. Either than brushing her hair or cutting her nails perfectly that's the act the ladies want!

None of us has known the duties we're going to face but I prayed! I just prayed! I would not a signed to serve any lords because that's will be hell!