
His Genius Wife is a Superstar

A world-famous hacker and daughter of the most powerful criminal family who ruled the international underworld for many generations is killed when their organization is annihilated in a single night. She is reborn into the body of Iris Long, a teenage pop singer, wild party girl, and spoiled brat. For the former princess of the underworld who lived an overprotected and shackled life, this new life is a chance to finally live the life of freedom and independence that she always wanted. Jin Liwei is the most powerful man in the country's business world. Cold and ruthless, he is someone only a few dare offend. When the infamous Iris Long, who used to chase his younger brother, wakes up from a year-long coma, his unfeeling heart moves for the first time and he falls hard for this unexpected genius girl. She wants to fly freely and soar high beyond the sky. He wants her everything, to tie her to himself and to never let her go. This is her journey to super stardom. This is his journey in accompanying her. Together, they will rock the world while facing many challenges. But what will happen when she discovers that she can never escape from the shadows of her previous life? Will she still be able to live her dream life of freedom and independence? Will he be able to protect her from the dangers? [Warning: Mature Content. Reader discretion is advised.] ### Instagram: Arria Cross (@arriacross) Discord Server: https://discord.gg/cSUhBdz

ArriaCross · สมัยใหม่
1421 Chs

The New Young Miss

Gold Heights Condominium.

Three months later.

Notes of Mozart's "Rondo alla Turca" skipped in the air within the spacious penthouse unit, as Iris Long's fingers danced across the piano keys.

The old housekeeper, Yi Mei, watched the Young Miss playing the piano so skillfully, so elegantly, and so beautifully.

The Young Miss looked like a fairy as she swayed, especially with the picturesque view of the city's night lights outside the ceiling-high glass windows behind her.

Yi Mei knew that the Young Miss could play the piano before, but she had never seen her playing so seriously and so regularly.

The white grand piano intended as a decoration before was now proudly serving its true purpose.

Ever since Iris Long returned home from the hospital a month ago, Yi Mei was repeatedly shocked and amazed by the Young Miss's sudden changes.

Before the car accident, serving this spoiled brat was a total nightmare. She had no respect or regard for the servants. She frequently threw tantrums whenever the servants failed to satisfy her which was almost always. As a result, the Young Miss frequently reduced the newly hired servants to tears. Servants quit on a regular basis and Yi Mei had the undesirable job of hiring new servants until the cycle repeated itself again.

Yi Mei despaired and felt hopeless. However, she was loyal to Master Tengfei so even when she hated it, she endured the brat's nasty and selfish attitude.

To be honest, she felt relieved that she didn't need to deal with the spoiled brat for one whole year after the accident. She felt guilty for feeling this way, but it was the truth.

When she learned that the brat woke up from coma and would soon return home, she couldn't help but feel dismay and dread. She even panicked a little, but she was too well-trained to show it on her countenance. She steeled her emotions, stood ramrod straight, and welcomed the Young Miss home.

Much to her shock, all her worries proved unfounded when the Young Miss finally returned. Perhaps the Young Miss was traumatized by the accident to the point that her personality changed so much.

As soon as Iris arrived, she started firing people. Her makeup artist, hairstylist, fashion stylist, selfie assistant, diet coach, and the other useless glam squad members who still received their salaries during her coma despite not working for an entire year were all dismissed.

The new Young Miss was polite whenever she spoke to Yi Mei and the rest of the servants. The third time that Iris spoke to her without being rude, Yi Mei burst into tears.

"What happened to you, Young Miss?" Yi Mei cried. "Did you hurt your head too hard?"

Iris sighed softly, her eyes gentle. "I'm sorry. It's been hard on you."

The dam controlling her emotions and years of resentment finally burst open. Yi Mei cried so hard that her whole body quaked. She felt so touched by the Young Miss's apology. She almost couldn't believe that this was happening. It felt like a dream.

Iris watched her, tranquil as a still lake, waiting for the old housekeeper to calm down. It was at this moment that Yi Mei realized that the Young Miss really changed for the better.

Afterwards, Iris focused on her recovery. She endured painful physiotherapy and rehabilitation sessions at home.

Seeing the Young Miss so determined, Yi Mei felt goosebumps, especially when the Young Miss began playing the piano every day. At first, she only played simple pieces and the notes were discordant because she was still too weak. But as she gradually became stronger, the pieces she played became more complicated and difficult, but also more skillful and mesmerizing.

Now the Young Miss was more or less recovered, walking and doing things by herself without needing a wheelchair or assistance from her private nurse and the servants. Her medical team was amazed at the speed of her recovery. Her stamina and muscles were still lacking, but they only needed time to gradually return to how they used to be.

Back to the present, Yi Mei smiled as the last notes of "Rondo alla Turca" drifted. She stepped forward.

"Young Miss, dinner is ready."

Her old heart skipped a beat when Iris turned her calm phoenix eyes to look at her.

'So beautiful,' the housekeeper thought to herself.

"Thanks for the hard work," Iris replied.