
Chapter 12: My Bed

The collar around her neck was pure crystal as was most things she has seen in this castle. It wasn't bulky but it was not easy to carry around her neck. It was studded with small emerald gems with a stone loop hanging from the front to potential hook a rope to pull her around. Her hands stayed placed within her lap, feeling tired and also hungry.

Katerina felt a sense of humiliation surrounding her as she sat in the chair in complete silence. She hadn't spoken for some time now and it was getting much later in the night. Ezra had flaunted around the bedroom for some time, leaving the bedroom to return in different clothing.

He was wearing nothing but satin bed pants. They were a shiny red color to match his eyes, but what caught Katerina's attention all together was the nude top half of his body. He was extremely muscular even with being tall. The ripples in his biceps and pectoral muscles made her skin turn into goosebumps. Her eyes rolled over his body several times before he snapped his head around to look at her, knowing well that she was staring at him but she quickly looked away. She had hoped he did not catch her looking as it was inappropriate for a woman like her to gawk at such a man.

Ezra casually laid himself in his bed, pulling the sheer curtains of the canopy closed to sleep comfortably. Before lying down, he looked at his pet. Rolling his eyes, "Why are you sulking?" Noticing her frown from having the collar now on, he raised his brow, awaiting an answer.

She changed the subject, "Where am I to sleep?" She responded with a question that made him chuckle.

"It looks like you will choose that chair, but the floor might be the next best thing." He let out a yawn then smiled. "Or you may sleep in my bed." He stated, making her heart skip a beat. After hearing that he said, "Actually, that is a command." He patted the roomy empty space beside him.

She contemplated on the options she was given. The chair would only make her muscles more sore than they already were from being thrown around by vampires. The floor was stone and cold beneath her soleless shoes but it seemed better than getting into bed with a vampire prince whom only cared about causing her pain.

"It wasn't an option, Katerina." The sound of her name in his mouth was sour and cringing. Reluctantly she stood up and walked slowly to the bed. As she reached up to pull down the satin sheets, he stopped her.

"I didn't say you could sleep with a blanket." He tilted his head, searching for her reaction but she only nodded.

She had pulled herself onto the bed, wrists aching and her eyes feeling heavy. She made sure to keep her body furthest from the prince as she could with her hands pulled close to her chest. It was getting rather cold and she could feel herself start to shiver.

Such a piece of work, he though. He hadn't remember the last time he took care of pet or remembered how much of a real hassle they were. Yet here this young girl was, begging for a blanket through her shivers. He was frustrated with the way she made him feel and how defiant she was. Not only her beauty caught his eye in the shop today, but her aurora of innocence radiated from her soul. He wanted to keep her untainted and pure for as long as he could, but something about her. He lifted his hand once he knew she had fallen asleep and brushed a few ginger locks from her neck. Something about her made him want to devour her to absolutely nothing.

Another moment went by as he stared at her bare neck. Shaking away the feeling, he sighed and took one of the blankets from the end of the bed to place over her small curled up body. He then placed a hand behind his head to close his eyes and fall asleep.