
His Cruel Revenge

Teja Narayan is a neurosurgeon. She changed a lot because of her past. She is a confident, lovely, innocent, bold, and self-esteem person. Tanish Kashyap is the CEO of Kashyap Enterprises. Teja is his obsession. He forced Teja married to him for revenge. There are two reasons for his revenge:- 1. Teja slapped him which hurt his male ego. 2. Teja is his obsession. But, Tanish's father decides to marry his choice of girl. Who is this girl Tanish's father choose? Is Tanish getting married to Teja for his revenge or did something else happen? This is the sequel of Dream- An Ambition. I hope you will love it. I highly recommend you to read Dream- An Ambition first.

Tripti_Narayan · สมัยใหม่
176 Chs

Chapter 102- Decision!

Teja POV:-

" Okay, I am ready to give you a chance. But I want you to talk to your family about our marriage first. Also, tell them about Vihaan as Vihaan is my son.

I don't want your family to treat him like an outsider.

I know your family is good. But still, I want to make sure that they accept him wholeheartedly first. " I explained, and he smashed his lips on me.

I got shocked and stiffened.

I felt love, passion, and happiness in this kiss, and I began to melt on the kiss, but when he touched my cheeks.

I came back to my senses and pushed him away from me.

He came back to his senses and apologized immediately, " I am so sorry, Teja. I was so happy to hear your yes that I made this mistake. I am sorry. I promise I will never lose my control again. I will never force you. "

I smiled at him and replied, " It's okay. But don't make me uncomfortable again. "

" You don't need to be worried about my family. I will talk to them. I am sure they will happily accept Vihaan. After all, he is just a child. Can I meet him tomorrow? " He assured me and asked.

" Sure, he is at our hospital in the VIP room near my cabin. Right now, I am looking for an investor who can invest in our new project as I rejected the previous one who was non-other than Tanish Kashyap. " I explained, and he gasped.

" What? Tanish? Is that mean your meeting was with that bastard? Did he find out your identity? " He asked.

" Unfortunately, yes. And I found out that Tanish didn't sign the divorce papers yet.

So I can't marry you right now until we couldn't be divorced officially. " I replied, and Akaash cursed him.

" F**k, that bastard. Did he have to destroy your life every time? " He muttered, and I looked at him sadly.

" I am sorry, Akaash. Because of me... " He cut me off by putting his finger on my lips and said, " Teja, it wasn't your fault. He was the one who destroyed your life and didn't let you move on with your life. So, never say that it's all your fault. When the truth is the exact opposite. "

I smiled at him, and he removed his finger from my lips.

" Let me pay the bill, and then we can leave. " Akaash said, and I nodded.

Akaash paid the bill, and we came outside.

Soon valets came with our cars.

" Thank you for the first dinner date. I truly appreciate it. Now you go to your home and call me when you reach. Love you! " He said and kissed the back of my hand.

I blushed and said bye to him.

I sat in my car and came home.

I entered the hall to see everyone is talking about my decision. They are eagerly waiting for my response.

I cleared my throat so they could realize my presence.

" Teja, you came back. We didn't see you. Come here, sit with me. " Mom said and made me sit with her.

I looked at everyone calmly, as I wanted to surprise them with my decision.

" So, how was your dinner with Akaash? " Mr. Albert asked curiously.

" It went well. We talked to each other. I told Akaash about Vihaan. He was so happy to find out I was adopting Vihaan. He wanted to meet Vihaan soon. " I explained calmly.

" Than, how did it go? " Mom asked.

" Mom, it went well, as I said already. " I said softly, pretending to not be able to understand their thoughts.

They groaned in frustration, and I laughed internally. I am enjoying their frustration.

" Ohho, di! Please, tell us your decision about your relationship with Akaash? " Arjun finally came to the point.

" Oh, about that! " I took a pause and looked at them and found them staring at me curiously and nervously.

" I decided that Akaash and I couldn't get married... " I paused, and I saw they got sad at my answer.

" Till I won't get divorce with Tanish Kashyap. " I stated, and their eyes sparked, and confusion also filled with them.

" What do you mean? " Mr. Albert asked, and I told them everything about my meeting with Tanish to my dinner with Akaash.

" So that bastard found out your new identity. He didn't give you that f**king divorce, and he wants you to come back with him in that f**king hell. " Mr. Albert roared.

His face looked so angry that scared me.

After all, he looked like a true devil right now.

I know he is worried about me, but I realized my past is stuck in my subconscious mind.

I still can't forget it easily.

When he looked at my scarred face, he calmed himself and looked at me with sadness.

" I am sorry, Teja. I lost my temper. But I will never hurt you. " He said sadly, and I sighed.

" I know, but I can't still control myself fully. I looked at everyone with suspicious eyes. After all, I was betrayed by my own family. It's not easy for me to forget everything and move on. " I stated and left the hall.

I heard a sigh and cry from the hall, and I knew it was Mr. Albert who took a sigh, and a crying sound escaped from his lips.

My intention was never to hurt him, but I can't forget anything everyone has done with my mother and me.

I can't forget and move on so easily.

I came to London. So I can live a peaceful life without thinking about any bad memory.

Time may heal my injuries, but it didn't make me forget my past.

Today I decided to give Akaash a chance as I want to move on, and the love I saw in his eyes held a determination to be with me and support me at any cost.

That's the reason I want to give him a chance.

If he could help me and I move on in my life and leave my past behind. Then it would make Akaash's and my life happy.

If not, then we can live like friends throughout our life.

If he wants to divorce me in the future, I will divorce him.

I didn't even realize when I slept in these thoughts on my couch.