
To Love Is To Let Go

Claire was still trying to get away even though her wrists and ankles were sore, and the pain stung even more when she moved around.

How did she get there? How did her life turn out that way?

Claire was shouting when Craig kissed her neck and onto her breast, but she immediately stopped when Craig put his knife under her neck.

Claire was desperate between her trembling body and tears. She knew where that moment could lead. Craig could rape her while threatening her with the knife under her neck.

“You’re very beautiful, Claire…” he said while examining Claire’s body.

Claire could even realize that Craig was shivering just because he took time to caress her skin and smelled her like some addict sniffing their drugs.

Some people say too much love will kill you. That night she felt that was true, even though she wasn’t even the one with too much love. She felt that night, her time was up.