

Hunter threw his car key on the cabinet near the door. He opened his shoes and socks, loosening his tie before putting his laptop bag near the cabinet too.

He heard a few sounds from the TV and looked at his watch. It was 9.30 pm, so unusual for her to still walk around outside her room or watch TV like that, considering they were avoiding each other.

Yup, he noticed how Claire was always off to work earlier than him just to avoid him.

Hunter slowly walked toward the living room with his jacket in his hand. His body instantly stretched as he saw what was in front of him.

Maybe it would just be a normal sight if there was someone else watching TV. But it was Claire, the woman who could always make him turn on in the blink of an eye.

She was lying down sideways with her eyes fixed on the TV, watching some kind of make-believe, a cheesy and steamy romance from its sound.