

This book had been deleted unfortunately

lacyevans · แฟนตาซี
22 Chs

Queen candidate

Gaia was in huge rage and jealousy after she left the castle,she couldn't believe the king was this doting even though he technically didn't do much but the fact that he spoke up for the suppose new wife mother, that alone was superb.

"The king is never like this",she muttered to herself. She was in her carriage alone, the carriage rode with steady pace through many narrow roads.

Gaia looked out of the window and swore inside her to get the throne no matter what. She had stayed by the king side through his aunt's, getting their trust wasn't easy, now that she was close to the king she won't let a nobody take the throne from her, Never. "Take me to Burnham street",she said, the carriage man heard her and nodded flipping the rein horse.

     Soon they arrived at the street,gaia came down,Holding her dress up, avoiding the dusty ground from touching her long gown.

"Wait for me here",she ordered the carriage rider. She walked down the street a little, getting the attention of few passby. No one could blame them, her clothes and face attracted them, her gown shone under the sun, sparkling intensively. Her skin was fair and looked smooth compared to their ragged hard skin. Gaia held her chin high, gasping at the attention she was getting. She arrived at an old house, with fencing. She yucked as she opened the small gate, the creaking noise of the gate was loud and offending to her ears. She held her dress higher before standing to knock at the door of the house, even though her hand was covered with a  white glove, she grimaced to herself. After few knockings, the door opened and a young looking lady came out, she looked tattered and unattractive, having blemish on her skin, her black hair looked unhealthy and rough. She was terribly ugly.

The lady black eyes peered through her lashes looking around to Sense any danger. Her eyes came to settle at the person in her front.

"Nice to see you, Regina",Gaia had a funny smile on her face.

"Me and you have a talk",.

Regina looked round again to confirm safety first.

"There's no one here with me, just me",gaia reassured her sensing her disturbance.

"Come in",

Regina opened the door wide for her to enter but the smell of the house rushed out blocking gaia's nostril hard.

Gaia held her nose sharply forgetting about her dress, the dress fell down and the tip brushed the dirty ground. Gaia on seeing the dirt on her gown quickly held it up.

"Even though am so disgusted at your surroundings, what am here for is really necessary",with that gaia reluctantly went in. The inside of the house was even worse,Gaia had never  seen such a dirty ugly house in all her life. The ground had cracks going up the wall, leaving dust. The table at the middle was old barely holding itself, the chairs where worn out and was broken down. Gaia shivered in utter disgust.

What kind of house is this?

She didn't dare to sit but stood staying away from any furniture.

"What do you need?", Regina asked in haste. Gaia knew she didn't want her here and neither do she but this was important.

"I need your help",Gaia replied.

Regina stared deeply at gaia, she knew who gaia was but the fact that she needed her help was beyond her.

"What for?",

"I need a very deadly..... poison, that kills it victim immediately",gaia revealed. Regina scoffed at her request.

"What If I told you that I don't have it?",

Gaia smirked, she brought out a small bag fulled with coins.

Regina eyes sparkled by the sight of the coins.

She went inside her home, came out with a small bottle,it was a see through glass bottle with red cover head, blue like liquid could be seen in it. She handed it over to Gaia then took her coins.

"Remember, only a drop is needed. And becareful that thing kills effectively", Regina warned.

"That exactly what I want",Gaia smirked.

Walking out of the old house, Gaia had a crook smile on her face. She didn't feel any remorse on what she was about to do, never. The throne was more important to her than anything, so she must do anything possible to get the throne and stand side by side with the king.

   Regina looked at the retreating figure of her guest. Gaia had never asked for anything in her hand, neither had she got herself here.

"What is she up to ?",

     Meanwhile Rose, back at the castle was in an anger fit, she was so angry that she refused to leave the castle ground, she sat dimly at the court waiting for the king. He didn't have any official people waiting and she didn't care if lillia found out about her relationship with the king, she even wanted the lowly human to know so that she could know her place. She got the throne but not for long because Rose was ready to do anything, not just anything. She stubbornly waited for the king to arrive, meanwhile been served tea.

She waited for so long but the king didn't come for her and she could already hear the embarrassing whispers of the maids. Rose could only throw them a dirty look before kicking the tiles angrily. She stood up and left the castle in quiet rage.

What was Aiden doing that he couldn't come and meet her?.

She arrived home, the home of the duke. She wept loudly when she got in startling her parents who where having tea at the beautiful palour.

"What happened my dear?",the duke asked worriedly.

Rose was his only daughter, his wife bore him two sons and a single daughter. So duke Cicero had always pampered his daughter, giving her everything she wanted, always making him happy when he sees her happy,but that was quite opposite when she cries. He hated it much. When rose was six years she had cried one day about some maid who poured a little bit of hot tea in her. The maid was killed immediately, burying her in the forest.

So everyone avoided her like a plague, making sure that she didn't cry to avoid death on themselves.

So when Rose burst in crying, the maids and servant immediately dashed for hiding not blocking her part, sworing deep inside them to whoever made her cry, now they where the ones that suffered it most.

"Father",rose called siting heavily on the soft cushion.

"What happened dear",the duke asked worriedly.

"I was embarrassed today at the Castle",she said. The duke and the entire people at his house knew about the king's affair with rose, keeping it a secret from the outside.

"Embarrassed? By who ? Who would dare to embarrass the king's lover?",the duke asked angrily, ready to kill someone.

"It the king's suppose new wife",.

   There was hush silence at the mansion at rose reply. She didn't get the kind of impact that she wanted. Her father had a look of shock and surprise at his daughter revealing.

"The...the new...queen?",duke asked to reconfirm.

"Yes father",

At the ceremony, the duke was pissed and annoyed by the fact that the king had chosen a maiden while he was still with his daughter. But rose had explained everything to him, making him understand the king and he felt pleased knowing that the king didn't marry intentionally.

"What can we do ?, she's the queen",the duke wife Roseline spoke.

"I don't know",her husband replied.

Rose felt disappointed, she knew that her father couldn't do anything but she decided to just try.

"Father, mother",she began to cry.

The mansion shook at the pitch voice and both parents knew that if they didn't do anything, rose might continue crying.

"Okay, it okay don't cry, I have an idea",the duke finally said much to rose happiness.

"You do?", Roseline asked surprise at her husband, what could he possibly do to a royal family especially the king's wife.

"Yes, I can't bare to see my princess cry. And besides my daughter is the rightful queen, no one else is",.

Rose finally got up and started jumping up in happiness.

"Thank you father,thank you so much, I love you", she immediately ran out of the room.

Roseline looked at her husband and hoped he wasn't planning to do anything stupid because she knew how ruthless the king was and how he treats those that betrayed him, no matter who they where?.


Back at the village, Amelia had startled down, the king had renovated her home, turning it to a house of envy. Her neighbors always peeked through their windows to stare at the beautiful house next door. Amelia felt happy, being the subject of everyone's discussion. Even though some where not good, she didn't mind at all. As long as she was happy she could live. Right now, she sat happily at her sitting room drinking tea, some of the few maids sent to her by the king prepared food for her.

Such was life.

Even though she missed her daughter badly,she knew that she was living well, seeing how the king humiliated a Royal member just for her daughter she could trust him.

As she drank her tea, a maid walked up to her.

"There's a young man outside milady",she said.

Amelia wondered who could that be, was it one of her neighbors?.

"He goes by the name Julius",the maid revealed as if reading Amelia's thought.

"Julius, please get him in ",the shock in Amelia face was quickly replaced by happiness. When the young looking man walked in her smile increased. Julius was lillia childhood best friend. They where so close that people teased them, calling them married couple,not that Amelia mind it much.

Julius good looking face was admired by everyone, including Amelia's maid. The maid even began to flirt shamelessly at him immediately she saw how good looking he was. He has a short brown hair with sky blue eyes.

His physique was amazing, dashing like spark light. It felt blinding.

"Milady, you seem to enjoy yourself",his deep voice sent chills down the maids spine.

Heaven have mercy on her but she was ready to flirt her head off

   Amelia saw this act and quickly sent the maid away.

"I don't enjoy much without lillia by my side",

The smile in Julius face deflated a little on hearing this but he quickly cheered himself. He missed his best friend so much. And he loved to wish her a good happy marriage life and see whether the king treats her right. He wasn't able to go to the ball yesterday because he had a lot of things to do back at home and his step mother didn't want him to go, loading him up with work.

"I wish to bid her a good farewell",he said.

"That no problem, you can be able to but I think that would be on my next visit", Amelia informed him much to his happiness.

"Thank you Mrs amelia",he thanked her.

"And besides aren't you going to wed just like your friend, tie the knot too", Amelia asked.

Julius laughed at this, his face was joyous and looked like that of a small child. His face when laughing was cute and charming, looking like a round ball of strawberry. He even scented as one.

"Not now, probably when I have left my step mothers care",.

Every one knew Julius step mom. She was like a witch, always starting and making trouble around. She treated Julius, the only child of his mother, like her servants, sending him massages and errands while her own children, joy and Abigail dine around.

Julius lost his mother when he was only two years, and his father married another wife after her death but then he ran away leaving Julius and his entire family behind,that had caused his stepmom great pain, so she decided to take it out on him, blaming him for everything that had happened.

"I'll be on my way now, my step mom needs some food stuff back home",he informed already heading out.

"No worries dear",.

The maid came out immediately she heard that he was about to leave. She escorted him out, her face red, using her hair to play as she walked him out. Julius was completely oblivious as he walked out and left, he even bade her a good day before leaving the maid disappointed and sad.

"What a dumb pig",she cursed angrily.

  At night....

  At the castle, legs walked sneakily at the back. Soft legs tapped the ground.

And whispers could be heard.

The legs walked into the castle then they got caught by the castle cook.


    Lillia got a little patched and decided to head to the kitchen, she didn't wanted to disturb the maids as they where all sleeping. She walked half way when she heard whispers. She wondered who could it be but her instinct went alert.she felt like something was not right. She immediately hid at the back of a piller when she heard the whispers come closer to her, they passed her and continue heading deep, soon they disappeared, lost in the darkness of the castle ground.

Lillia came out of her hiding spot barely breathing, she headed to the kitchen hoping to see anyone on the way but she didn't. The castle was so quiet, the only noise at that moment was the clicking of her shoe on the tiles. She had almost got close to the kitchen when she saw something at the corner. She went to see what it could be only to see a knife with red liquid, was it blood?. Her spine went cold seeing it. Who had died? She picked the knife up, looking closly at it. It was definitely blood. She heard a quiet groan at the kitchen, her heart flew from her mind as she sharply held the knife, using it as a weapon, what was happening?

She slowly Walked towards the kitchen to see who groaned. The groan did not stop. She arrived at the kitchen, only to see an old man in the pool of blood, his mouth was sealed with a tape.

"Jesus",she exclaimed, due to shock the knife fell from her hand causing a sharp noise, she quickly went to the man, bent over him, and pealed open his mouth. The man gasped as he immediately started talking.

"They....are...hear..."he spoke in a hurry.

"Please I suggest you speak less, let me go get help",she wanted to get up when the man held her hand, causing his blood to rub on her hand.

"I don't have much time left...,... just....tell...",the man life gradually fade away "tel...tell him..that the ... Warrentons are here and ....that ....his been ....betrayed by.....",the old man tried hard to cling to life. Lillia was confused but she still tried to help him, she used her hand to cover the wound at his stomach, he was losing so much blood but she didn't know that he had other wounds. Lillia felt him fade away fully as his body went limp.

Immediately a loud scream was heard behind her. A maid stood in fear looking at the new queen with blood in her hands with their headcook dead body.

"My..my queen,..what.. did...you do?".


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