

This book had been deleted unfortunately

lacyevans · แฟนตาซี
22 Chs

Meeting the viscous 2

Everyone had already gathered for dinner, the twins where sitting together at the left side of the table.



When Gaia arrived at the palace, she went to the court room after she was done, she met with the king and Josey.

Aiden didn't pay much attention to her and so did peter but Josey did pay attention to her, but not in a good way.

"Here comes the money bag",Josey welcomed her with a smirk on her face, her green intimidating eyes pierced through gaia's.

Gaia clenched her fist tight behind her back. How she hated the twins, so much.

Gaia and the twins weren't in good terms, they loved to threaten and scare her every minute they see her, it was obvious that they didn't like her, and so did she.

"Good evening milady",she greeted, taking a low bow.

Even though she was a friend to the throne that didn't stop her from respecting members of the crown.

"I can presume you came for the king, am I right?",Josey asked scoffing loud,not hiding her disgust for one bit.

"I came to greet the king",

"Then I guess you would be staying for dinner",.

"Yes, milady".

Just then, lillia and Josie had walked in, holding hands together.

Gaia turned round and saw them, her eyes went red. Her blood boiled so much on seeing how lillia was free around the other twin.

How possible was that? When she had tried approaching the twins to make them like her but they never did.

Now they fell for a no good commoner.

"Greetings lady Josie",.

  Josie expression changed just like before on seeing Gaia, her hands clenched tight.

"What is this witch doing here?",she grunted.

"To see big brother ",this time Josey replied, a small mischievous smile on her face, happy about her sister change of expression.

"You've seen him now leave immediately",Josie spoke through gritted teeth.

This time Aiden intervened,

"That enough Josie, she's doesn't mean any harm",.

His eyes fell at the girl behind her,

"How was it?",he asked.

Lillia who was a little bit confused, wondering why the tension was high replied him.

"It went well, milord",.

Aiden gave her a quick smile then he turned to peter.

"Have this given to the magistrate",.

Peter nodded then left the court room.

"Why don't we all go have dinner",Aiden suggested already walking out of the court room with his hands holding lillia's.

    At the dinning room..

  They all sat down and ate  peacefully, at least that was when a little commotion was heard coming out of the dinning room heading their way.

"What's happening?",Gaia asked, she was sitting close to the king so her hand slightly brushed against his hands.

  The door opened and few guards walked in holding a badly beaten up maid, dragging her roughly.

Gaia felt her stomach sank on seeing the beaten maid, the poison bottle in her hands.

"What happening livius?",Aiden asked not battling an eye lid, even the twins weren't shaken as they looked at the maid and guards around her, lillia and Gaia were the only people that had different a look of worries in their faces.

"Milord, this maid tried to poison our queen",he announced, pushing her into the ground hard.

Lillia gasped, her hand coming to cover up her mouth, Aiden eyes went red with anger and his face went unfathomable with his dark gaze, his eyes shot at the maid.

"Who sent you?",he thundered at her, his voice sent fear into everyone's spine.

Gaia went cold, her body shook in fear,as the thought that the maid was going to expose her now.

Damn the stupid maids, they couldn't do their job properly.

The maid got on her knees, her head down, she laughed comically, like a maniac, her voice crooked at the end. The people behind her took a step back by her drastic change, wasn't she afraid of the king's wrath?.

Suddenly, the maid raised her head, her eyes shot at the king, she wasn't looking scared, if possible she looked like devil himself.

"Why does who sent me bothers his majesty?",she said, swirling her body softly.

Gaia was a little confused, why was the maid like this? Wasn't she going to report her?.

Aiden looked at the maid for a while before a smile broke through his lips, the smile not reaching his eyes.

"You work for maximus don't you?,and you are the mole we have here",Aiden revealed.

The maid eyes widened as the king called her out, she was speechless at the king's words.

"At least am not the only one here",she smirked.

Aiden's smile this time fell at her words, she wasn't the only one?.

How many where they?.

"Take her to the dungeon 'properly'",he ordered.

The maid began to struggle, making it hard for the guard to pick her up.

"He would come for you, all of you and his going to attack you soon, so if I was you, I would prepare myself because his coming in full force",she laughed.

The guards successfully raised her up and they turned round to carry her away, then suddenly she kneeled the guard holding her hands, swirling around she punched the one at her back hard at the face, making him to pass out.

She brought out something fast from her dress pocket, a pocket knife, with a fast speed, she threw the knife at Lillia's head.

          Lillia's eyes widened at the approaching attack, was this her end?

Her heart beat fast and her brain shut down immediately, her body went cold as ice.

Suddenly another knife interjected with the approaching knife, making a clanging sound. The knife already changed position, fell to the ground.

Josey stood there with a smirk on her face,

"I guess we all carry a pocket knife with each other",she said.

A chilly atmosphere freezed everyone, they all apart from Lillia who was still in shock looked at aiden.

Aiden went two face angry, his blood boiled within him when he remembered how the knife almost killed her, lillia, his new Friend.

He stood up, his legs glued strong to the ground. He walked up to the maid, his eyes never leaving her's.

He bent down carrying the sword of the still unconscious guard. He stood before the maid, grinding his teeth.

" Say goodbye to life".

He swung the sword back, then brought it forward, propelling the sword straight into her neck, slicing her head away from her body neatly.

Blood gushed out and splashed at his face and neck, giving him a deadly look.

The maid headless body fell limb to the ground, with blood flowing out of the exposed neck.

"Everyone better prepare for battle, because we are attacking the people of slough at the next full moon".
