
His Beloved Bodyguard

When an exclusive job offer makes its way to Tina's ears, she finds herself being a shield for an arrogant rich heir. With a potty-mouth and a habit of picking fights, Panda King is bound to be on the receiving end of threats, blackmails and attacks. Can Tina tame this rich man before he gets himself (and her) killed? *** "What are you doing?" I ask nervously. He hasn't figured it out right? "Practicing." He leans his mouth near my ear and whispers. Shivering at his breath, I stare into his eyes. What is this? "Practicing what?" "Being your boyfriend of course." *** Updates every Monday and Thursday. Cover created by me (Wings006)

Wings006 · สมัยใหม่
73 Chs

Chapter 62

"Tina, are you sure about this?" Panda King asks as I sip the coconut water from the coconut which he cracked for me.

I nod and smile at him, "You have a better idea?"

"You know I don't." He sits down next to me on the giant rock as the waves splash around our ankles. "I'm just worried about what might happen."

Grabbing his hand, I gaze into his worried eyes which match the ocean in front of us. "Don't worry Pan. If you play the cards right, we will have her hook, line and sinker."

He frowns as he stares at me, "Hold on, aren't you even a tiny bit jealous?"

Laughing at his concern, I pat his hand and lie, "Of course not. I wouldn't have planned this if I was."

His eyebrows furrow more as he pouts, "Not even a minuscule?"

Sighing dramatically, I reach my hand out and touch his forehead, "Don't frown so much, you'll get wrinkles."

"Are you calling me old?" He says with a shocked look and pinches my cheeks with his fingers.

"Ow! Yes, you're an old man!" I tease, slapping his hands away,

He lunges at me and traps me in his arms with a smirk, "Who is old?"

"You!" I laugh, trying to get out of his arms. He grins and tightens them around me before laying his chin on top of my head.

"Will you be an old woman with me then?" He says.

I pretend to think before answering, "Do I have to?"

"You think you have a choice?" He mumbles before suddenly lifting me up bridal style in his arms.

"Hey Pan! Let me down! Have you forgotten I am pregnant?!" I cry as he carries me.

Panda leans his face towards me and smiles gently, "I haven't forgotten. But I am jealous." He says and kisses my forehead.

I gasp at the soft feel of his lips and turn my face away from him as I blush and a smile dances onto my face. It doesn't feel so bad to be held like this.

As he gently lays me down on the bed, I suddenly feel something move inside me. Placing a hand over my bump, I feel it again and my eyes widen in excitement. 

"I think the baby just kicked me!" I say happily, grabbing his hand without a second thought and placing it over my stomach.

Panda's eyes widen as he stares at me. "I felt it." He whispers in shock.

"Our baby probably wants to come out and see his mum and dad." I say quietly as we sit there, feeling the kicks.

I suddenly realise what I just said and quickly cover my mouth with my hand. Did he hear it? Yes, he definitely did.

"Wh–what did you just say?" Panda's face is close to mine as he stares into my eyes seriously.

I gulp nervously. I can't lie anymore. "Y–you're the father. Not Hans." I explain honestly.

"I–I am? Me?" He asks in disbelief.

I close my eyes, unshed tears waiting to pour out as I wait for him to deny and reject me. Of course a rich heir like him wouldn't want to start a family with a woman like me. No matter what our feelings are, even his family would never accept me.

I hear him shuffle a little and then I feel the soft, feathery touch of his lips on my forehead and big, warm arms wrap around me.

"Thank you." He whispers huskily. 

Reopening my eyes, I see that he has tears in his eyes but the smile and twinkle in them are enough to diffuse my worries. 

"Sorry I hid it from you." I say and hug him back. "It was the result of Ciarra's scheme so I didn't want to get you involved because it wasn't your fault. It was an accident."

"A happy accident." Panda smiles through his tears as he kisses my nose and cheeks too. He moves away a little and bends down towards my stomach.

"What are you doing?" I ask curiously.

He leans in and places a small kiss on my bump, "Cub needs Daddy's love too."

"Cub?" I chuckle, "You're already calling yourself Daddy." 

"Of course my baby is a Panda cub." He grins, "If our baby doesn't call me Daddy, who will? But I will definitely make him call that guy Bull."

"Bull? Why are you so mean to Hans?" I ask with a laugh. "I can't believe you have already started with your Dad jokes."

"It's his fault for trying to steal you from me." Panda sits back up and pouts, "I get jealous you know."

With a smile, I lean my face towards him and kiss his cheek. It's fascinating to watch his face turn every shade of red.

"Don't get jealous too often." I say, "He's my friend."

"Would you have married him?" Panda asks, holding my hands. I lean my head on his broad shoulders.

"If I had no choice I would have." I admit, "I only have my Dad and brother left, I don't want them to feel troubled and burdened by my problems. But I have never loved Hans more than a friend."

Panda's face is confused as he stares at me, "I am sure I saw your mother once when I visited you."

I stop for a while, wondering how to tell him. It's been months but my heart still mourns. My eyes are filled with tears again as I speak quietly, "My mother passed away five months ago." Voicing it, I realise how long it has been. Has it already been so long? Yet, it feels like yesterday where Mum took me to her friend's party.

"I'm sorry." Panda gently pulls me into his chest as the tears silently roll down my face. I cry into him and he patiently sits there and pats my back comfortingly.

"I'm being a crybaby again." I sniffle and pull away from him. Damn these pregnancy hormones.

"I won't let you cry again." Panda says firmly as he wipes my eyes with his fingers.

"You're going to find a way to control my hormones?" I chuckle.

"No, I have a better way." He smirks and tilts his head towards me. His ocean blue eyes intensely gaze at me as he leans his mouth down.

My breath halts as he softly places his lips on mine, kissing me gently. A moan escapes my mouth as he licks my lips before gliding his tongue into my mouth. Our tongues dance a waltz as they fight for dominance inside my mouth. 

As I run out of breath, I pull back and Panda leans his forehead against mine as we silently gaze into each other's eyes, mesmerised. I smile a little as his breath fans my face.

"Sorry, my stamina isn't good right now." I mumble in embarrassment.

"We can do it again after you've given birth." He whispers in a seductive voice, "We will do other things too."

My face heats up, "You're so bad."

"Only with you." He winks.

The blush on my face isn't going anywhere as I try to keep my heart steady, "Stop flirting with me Pan."

"Are you blushing?" He says in amusement, ignoring my words. "I have to flirt with the woman I love don't I? How else will I make you interested in me?"

My heart which is already beating fast from the intense make-out session is now beating even faster at his words. Why is he such a smooth talker?

"I'm already interested." I say with a smile.

"Only interested?" He smirks.

"I'm in love with you." I confess. My eyebrows suddenly rise and my eyes widen as I gape. "You tricked me into saying it!"

"Would you have told me if I hadn't?" 

Panda King knows me too well.