
Chapter 2: How did he die Alyssa POV

After detention I served my punishment and my plan was to go home immediately to avoid being doomed by Rissa and her friends but I failed because they caught me sneaking out of the school.

"Hey were you trying to run, like for real do you think you can run" Rissa said angrily.

"you must be so foolish to think you can run" Vicky blurted out.

"Her shoes. let's do something to her old fashioned shoes"Fiona said

"Please don't" I pleaded. But they didn't listen. Rissa pushed me to the ground, pulled my shoe, brought out a knife from her bag and then cut the shoe.

"you know what " she said to me "this is a trash and trash are meant to be in a trash basket" with that she throwed my shoe in a nearby trash can and walked away laughing along with her friends.

Uncontrollable tears ran than my cheeks. l walked to the trash can and then picked up my shoe which was already looking dirty and smelling. I wore it and the students passing looked at me weirdly. The fact that they saw her bullying me but decided not to interfere hurt me more. But it wasn't there fault who weren't even up to her shoes. I ignored their weird stares and went home.

What was in my mind now was how my mum was gonna look at me, how she was gonna feel. Those thoughts made me cry the more.

I opened my house and then saw my mum at the kitchen. She saw me and smiled cheerfully and then walked up to me. I tried to fake a smile but I couldn't as tears ran down my cheeks.

"Honey why are you crying". I tried to reply but a big lump made its way to my throat and tears started flowing again. She looked at me and then looked at my legs and then my shoes.

"Sweetheart ❤️ what happened to your shoes" she asked me with concern.

l couldn't look at her face. l felt disappointed at myself. I couldn't keep the shoes my mum gave me I'm so useless.

"Mom I'm so sorry I couldn't keep it I'm so sorry please forgive me, I was bullied again please" I said so fast as I cried.

"it's ok honey mom understand it's not your fault" she said wiping the tears that ran down my cheeks with her thumb finger.

"No mum I don't deserve your forgiveness, I couldn't keep your best shoe you kept for m-".

"It's ok honey. A shoe can't be compared to the love I have for you, even if I have kept it for a thousand years ok" she said as she hugged me so tight.

"Natalie came to look for you, she said it was urgent. Did you see her in school" she said pulling out of the hug.

"No I didn't. She didn't even come to school today" I said going to the kitchen to take some fruits.

"Ok. She lost her dad" Mom said sighing.

"What" I said shocked as I dropped the apple in my hand and then turned to face her. "You're joking right" I said smiling expecting her to smile at me and say it was a joke.

"why would I make a joke like that, that's why she came". She said with a serious expression on her face.

"how how did he die" I said as tears ran down my cheeks.

"he was involved in an accident last night" she said walking to me "we will go see her after you freshen up" She said as she walked passed me and continued cooking.

I quickly went to take my bath as I wondered how Natalie would be feeling right now. She was my best friend.