
His A-list Star: A glamorous comeback

Excerpt~~ "Do you know how long— I have wanted to do this?" When he spoke up, his voice was husky, a mixture of desire and sincerity. Matching with the look in his eyes. Sending this strong vibration across her body. "From the very time I saw you, walking down that aisle, dressed to kill. And all I could picture at that moment was how to get my hands on you." A smile lit up her face as her heart made a joyful leap at his words. She felt that fluttering sensation in the pit of her stomach. Hot blood ran down her spine, as she lifted a hand to stroke his cheek to be certain he was real and not some hologram before leaning forward to trail a simple and soft kiss on his hard- chiseled chin. This is where she wanted to be, in his arms. Safe and secured. "Now that I think about it, I caught you staring at me that I almost lost a foot—- you literally were drooling on me." He laughed. His laughter was so rich, it sent her heart racing again. Out of the ladies I have acted alongside with, I have to admit— I'm not saying this to make you feel elated or to sound cheesy but it was what I felt at that moment. I felt that connection I had never felt before in all the female actors I have acted with. Truth be told, you are the best……" Synopsis~~ Jane Anderson was a rising star who was making waves with her acting talent, but at some point had to give up some big roles because of her boyfriend and it had always been her dream to act alongside a top actor, Toro Wilson. She finally landed herself a big gig to star as the female lead in a historical magical drama, alongside Toro Wilson. It was a dream come true. To celebrate the day, she ended up in a bar with her half sister who is also a rising actress and her friend. They partied the whole night and the next morning, Jane found herself unclad in the bar upper room and it dawned on her, she had a one night stand with an unknown guy but while hurrying out of the room, unknown to her, a camera was secretly taking shots of her. Soon, she found out her boyfriend was cheating on her with someone she never expected. Amidst the heartache, she was accused of a crime she didn't do which made her give up acting. Situationship brought her close to the top actor, Toro Wilson, who for some reason had a trauma of laying his hands on women (touching women) Now the two grew closer and worked together. Jane has to beat all odds to rise to fame again while Toro helps her in every way possible. Note: The story might contain some mature and gore contents so reader's discretion is advised.

ChunliVoid · สมัยใหม่
37 Chs


"You were doing what—- in your dreams?" The yelp Matilda released the instant she said caused Jane to shut her up immediately, clasping a hand over her mouth.

Matilda's eyes lit up with surprise and awe.

"You don't need to shout like that, you get people's attention." Jane scolded and pulled her hand away from her mouth. The surprise look retained on Matilda's face.

"Let me get this straight," Matilda scooted her seat closer to her, still feeling perplexed. Though she knew it was just a dream but then it wasn't still a dream, she wondered what caused her friend to have such a dream.

"You had a one night stand with a mysterious guy and while on that bed, you dreamt of no ordinary actor but a top one at that, an actor every female– both celebrities and non celebrities fantasize about having a shot with? You mean to tell you did it...you know— with him, in your dreams?"

Jane gave a faint nod and chewed on her fingers. "It felt so vivid that I thought it was real until I snapped my eyes open and saw myself in an unfamiliar room, unclad."

"Wow….. friend, this is—- I'm just short of words, I have no idea what to say other than ask, is that how much you're happy to act alongside him, to the point of sexualizing him?"

Jane's jaw dropped at her friend's accusation. She wanted to defend herself but no word was coming forth. Yes, she desired so much to act with him. From the moment she started watching his movies, she vowed to act alongside him although that might be a difficult fit but she knew she would one day. And from that day onwards, he became her favorite actor whether the movie or series was worth her time or not. Any movie he starred in, she was bound to watch it.

Soon she found herself fangirling over him, following him in all social media he was. To her, he was her role model. His acting skill was superb and realistic.

"I would never do that!" She snapped. "Yes I'm happy to act alongside him but I will never sexualize him."

Okay, was that the absolute truth or was she lying to herself? In her dream, even though it was just an act, she was pouring out her heart and her whole being to him. But then, he's just a dream and she does have a nice boyfriend who loves her with his whole being.

"You want me to believe that?" Matilda's kept brow arched up as a sly smirk lit up her lips. Jane knew she was teasing her but right now, the fact that she slept with a mysterious guy wrecked her mind.

Jane rolled her eyes as a response. Earning a laugh from Matilda.

"Oh okay, okay, okay, I believe you." Matilda held out her hands in surrender, the smirk on her lips converting into a slight chuckle but her eyes were still teasing her.

"But seriously asking, you didn't see the face of the guy you had a one night stand with?"

Jane shook her head. Her face looked troubled. "When I woke up, I didn't see him but I did see a man's clothes on the couch next to mine. I was too stunned and flustered to even want to see him. I dressed up and hurried out immediately."

"Okay what if, I'm just saying what if— as my intuition, I can't be hundred percent sure since we have no idea who you slept with...but what if it was the same man you are happy to act alongside with, wouldn't that mean your dream came true?"

Matilda winked at her, throwing her a mischievous smile while pointing her two first fingers at her playfully. But that act of hers didn't ride out the worry in her.

"It would be like in those books or rom-com movies where the fl has a one night side with the ml without being aware he's the one. And situationship brings them close and it turns out the ml was actually the mysterious guy she had a one night stand with and the father of her baby because she'd already be pregnant."

Jane gave her a look as if she was highly aware of the words that were spilling out from her mouth. "Haha, not funny," she frowned. "And this isn't some book or romcom movie. This is about me."

"Who knows your story might turn out to be like the romcom movie….." Matilda tried to sound encouraging.

"I wouldn't dare imagine." Jane looked away from her to a customer who walked in. Another staff hurried to her to take her orders.

"By the way, I was meaning to ask you, did someone see you walking out of that room because if someone did see you, it might not be a good one for you."

Jane puckered her brows and lips in thought. Tracing her memories back to that morning. She was certain no one saw her. She shook her head.

"I don't think so. The coast was clear and no one was in the elevator either."

"Phew…" Matilda let out a fake relief breath. "Then it is good, since no one saw you. You are good to go otherwise there will be reports blazing all over the media that you had a one night stand with a mysterious faceless man— probably they might call him a goblin or a grim reaper."

Jane knew she was trying to cheer her out of her troubled state but it wasn't really working. She had to put up a small smile on her face to give her credit for her joke.

"Hey, customer, be of good cheer," Matilda rose up to her feet and gave her a reassuring pat on her right shoulder. "I believe it isn't something serious and if it does become something serious, know that mummy Matilda is here for you."

A weak smile appeared on Jane's face as she found a bit of solace in her reassuring words.

"So are you ready to place your orders now, customer?"

Jane gave a lit chuckle, wondering why she was calling her that instead of her name. She nodded. "I would love a piece of shawarma and any cold drink, you guys have?"

"Noted," Matilda pretended to scribble down on her invisible pad. "Also, you got this. Don't leave Hugo hanging."

Of course Hugo, Jane hoped and prayed he wouldn't freak out if she broke the ultimate news to him. Just as Matilda was about to walk away, the door opened and a woman with two kids, girls who looked like her children. They let out a childish sequel upon seeing her.

"Mom, isn't that the actress that acted in Nayola and the constellation?" Jane heard one of the kids with blonde hair that matched the color of her eyes asked.

"Sure it is dear," their mom beamed while her eyes were on her. Jane reciprocated the sweet smile that tugged on the older woman's face.

"Can we go get an autograph from her?" The other kid who was a bit taller coupled with her beige hair queried.

"Sure." Their mom pulled out a pen and handed it to the taller one. The two children came skidding toward her.

"I guess you got those little fan fellas to keep you company for the meantime," Matilda winked before strolling away.

"Hi, we are sorry to disturb you," the one with blonde hair started. "But me and my sister are huge fans of the Nayola and the constellation movie."

"Wow, I didn't know such beauties are fans of my works." Jane smiled and touched their cheeks.

"We love it, your acting and the actions— like when you commanded the stars to show you the right path and when you made a trace in the constellation to find what you needed for your quest." The beige hair kid demonstrated, earning a laugh from Jane.

"You too are a good actress for mimicking my act."

The two kids looked at each other and giggled.

"Mind signing your autograph on our forearms?"

"Of course, I'd be honored." She took the pen from the taller one and signed her signature autograph on their forearms.

"There you go, all done." She beamed and handed back the pen to them.

"Thanks." They both chorused, staring at the autographs on their arms with admiration.

"Sorry to ask but can we sit with you? Our mother is over there." Jane looked up to see their mother still harboring that smile on her face. "Can we three join your table?"

Jane initially wanted to reject them but on second thought, she nodded. The kids called over their mother and they joined her table.


She slumped down on the sofa and rested her head on the sofa headrest. Taking time to draw in some breath to calm herself down. Her eyes shut, she reminisced about everything that happened the whole day. She kept signing autographs for people who knew her and had watched her movies. While in other cases, she took selfies with them. It was tiring and exhausting but it helped pull her mind away from the night from four days ago.

It still baffled her.

"Hey, are you alright?" A deep manly voice broke the silence in the air. It was the voice that brought a smile to her face and calmed her down. The voice of her loving and caring boyfriend, Hugo. She opened her eyes and met his sturdy figure, walking out of the kitchen. She had decided not to drop off at her parent's house but instead drop off at her boyfriend's house.

She raised her head from the sofa's headrest and sat up. She nodded and let out a tired sigh.

Hugo handed her a glass of water and sat down beside her, giving her a skeptical worried look. "You're fine while sighing like that? Tell me, is everything okay? You rather look tired and your face looks pale."

She took a sip from the water, and settled it on the polished wooden designer table in the middle of the sitting room. She took in a couple of breaths, debating which news to break out first. The fact she slept with a man at the bar because she was too drunk or the fact that she landed herself a biggest role she never dreamt of.

Yes, ever since she got that gig from another agency— WONDER PRISM STUDIO four days back, she couldn't bring herself to announce the news to him because she was worried about how he'd react.

Accepting bigger roles from agencies had become an issue between her and Hugo, he always said that the more she appeared on big TV shows or events, she would have less time for them. That's why she rejected so many offers from big film companies because he mattered to her. She didn't want to lose him, he was the one guy who accepted her and her acting life.

But this gig she got now, she didn't want to give up on it, especially because it'd be the turning point in her acting life and it would be the first big role she accepted, and most importantly, she would be acting alongside her favorite actor.

"Sweetheart, look at me," he turned to her, cupping her face. A reassuring look lingered in his eyes, giving her the confidence to voice out her worries. "Tell me, what's going on with you? Is anyone harassing you?"

Jane gave him a weak smile and shook her head. His hands warmed against her cheeks and she nestled more in the warmth his hands produced.

"Nah, no one is harassing me. But I hope you don't freak out at what I'm about to tell you." She pulled his hands from her cheeks and held them firmly. Squeezing them gently. "Firstly, I want to tell you I landed a big role…..a big film studio reached out to me and requested I should star as the female lead in a historical magical drama…."

She paused and waited expectantly for his reaction and she was right. He gave her that exact reaction she was worried about. The smile on his face deflated as he pulled his hands from her. He stood up, turning his back at her.

"And what was your response?" His voice sounded void.

"That I will accept it—- I already accepted it."

"What!" He suddenly spun to her, causing her to flinch a bit. The look in his eyes darkened and his face wasn't welcoming again. His brows were pulled in a frown. "How could you accept it without consulting me?"

Jane was forced to stand up on her feet to face him squarely. "I wanted to surprise you but I guess you aren't surprised and it seemed you weren't thrilled about the news. Your girlfriend is going to star in a big project that could change her life—- our lives, instead of being happy ... .you are saying I would have consulted you first?"

"You should have…." He raised his voice a bit. "I'm your boyfriend and I deserve to know everything that happens to you or with you." He scooted closer to her, the look in his eyes dissolving into a soft one. He took her hands and stared deeply into her eyes.

"Sweetheart, I'm worried about us. What if you start accepting bigger roles, you won't have any time for us anymore. You will be too busy."

"I will never be too busy for us. No matter the role I get, I will always make out time for us. Sweetheart, this is the time for your lovely girlfriend to rise to stardom. Make waves in the acting world."

She reached out a hand to him, resting it on his left cheek. "And do you know the beautiful part, I'm acting alongside a top actor, every female actor wants to act with. TORO WILSON!" Jane never intended to scream out his name but she already did.

That dark glint returned to his eyes for whatever reason she was unaware of. He pulled away from her touch and the next words that spewed out his mouth stricken her.

"Cancel it."

"Excuse me?" She furrowed a brow in confusion.

"Call the film agency and tell them, you canceled on them and you wouldn't be taking that role. They should look for someone else."

His voice was cold and devoid of emotions.

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