
Hiring the Hitman

A short story about two cousins on one crazy adventure. After hiring a hit man, Leo has gotten himself into some trouble. But luckily Jax is there to bail him out! Although, it looks like now, they could both use some help... ( This story may be unpleasant to some readers! Proceed with caution!)

Jaxwrites · แอคชั่น
6 Chs


"Let me out! LET ME OUT!" Leo shouted, struggling to pull away from the nurses.

"Please, calm down. We just want to help you" She spoke softly. He continued to struggle but eventually calmed himself. They sat him in his chair, adjusting his straitjacket.

"I want to talk to her... I want to talk to my therapist" He mumbled with his head down.

"Alright sweetie. You can talk to her" She told him. A moment later, a young woman with light blonde hair and hazel eyes walked into the room.

She convinced the nurses to leave and she sat in front of him.

"Leo.." She began. "Are you okay to talk now?" She asked.

"Yes" He stated.

"Good. Now, can you tell me more about your cousin? Jax was it?" She asked.

He nodded. "Yes. Their name was Jax. I killed them" He explained.

"And why did you kill them?" She questioned.

"Well, the truth is.. it all started when I had a dream" He began.

"Jax was sitting in their room minding their own business when they were interrupted by a ding. But where did it come from you may ask? Well, Jax has a cousin named Leo and together they are a force not to be reckoned with" He was explaining his story to her. He was explaining exactly what happened in his dream...