

Apart from Allan, 3 other people are sitting in the CSO Dept. They are Anders engineer from Sweden, Rakesh engineer from India, and Dody, an engineer from Indonesia. Luna also helped the three of them with administrative matters to replace Maya, who would resign soon.

Allan lives with his family, his wife Tania who is also Finnish, and their two children - in a luxury house the Company rents for him in the Pondok Indah area.

Rakesh is a father of three children, he is more senior than Allan, and lives alone in an apartment in the Kemang area. His family, wife, and children have grown up, studied, and live in India.

Anders, a long-haired Swedish nationality, is the only single guy at CSO. He also lives in an apartment with his Girlfriend, close to the Rakeshs.

Meanwhile, Dody, the young father, lives in the house he just bought, close to the office.


On the first working day, the CSO Team had dinner after office hours, Allan called it a Welcome Dinner for Luna. It turns out that dining out has become a habit in CSOs. Almost every weekend they eat out together and try all the cuisines in the Kemang area, Pondok Indah, and sometimes even Anyer*).

Luna could immediately feel the family-like atmosphere in the office from the first attendance. Allan is highly authoritative and humble, his attitude is 'more eastern than easterners'. Rakesh, the wise father, demeanor is calm, his speech is neat and full of meaning. Anders is a bit stubborn, but he is the warmest and most friendly on the team. While Dody is very enthusiastic. When he laughs, his voice was heard everywhere.

"Do you have a passport, Luna?" Allan asked as they sat waiting for orders at the Jewel of India restaurant.

Luna shook her head

"Do you have a driving license?" he asked again a few moments later.

Luna shook her head again.

Maya, the 'defense housewife' in this department crosses her legs and lowers her skirt which is pulled up while smoking her cigarette. Don't know what's on her mind, like she doesn't think Luna exists. Luna didn't mind either. She tries to respect the senior. Anders is busy looking for refreshments in the restaurant, and Rakesh still reviewing the menu chart on his table.

"Have you ever come here before?" Ask Allan again.

"Never. Everything is always never" Finally Luna spoke.

"Everything is always the first time" corrected Allan with a smile

Maya threw her cigarette smoke aside.

Maya is a girl who has lived in Geneva for a long time, English is her daily language, and fluent in French and German. She resigned after getting married to Dutch and they soon moved to Amstelveen, The Netherlands.

And Luna will replace her. Luna, who doesn't have a passport, and doesn't have a driver's license, has never been anywhere. The farthest trip is hometown to Jakarta. And she also got rid of professional candidates who, on average, graduated from well-known universities with a minimum GPA of 3.

Luna, the queen of the CSO household now, the richest department in the Company, rich at heart, and rich in budget entertainment. If it's not by the grace of God Almighty, this would not be possible.

She called it a Kind of Magic.


Maya has handed over all her work and responsibilities to Luna, Petty cash complete with the password, and a cupboard containing merchandise as a gift for customers, such as scarves, hats, table clocks, exclusive agendas, T-Shirts, and various kinds of good souvenirs, one big cupboard full.

Luna was tidying the contents of her closet when she found a unique souvenir made of crystal with a shape of an animal... she observed it when suddenly Allan was already close behind her.

"Do you know the name, Luna?"

Slightly surprised, Luna turned around, finding Allan standing close to her in such a way that his chest was pounding irregularly.

Then shook her head.

"It's a Reindeer, a type of deer that lives in the Arctic plains."

Then Allan told about the deer slowly and clearly with a Finnish accent,

"The difference is this deer, both male and female, have antlers. The male horns are long and branched, while the female is shorter and simpler. This beast is approximately…"

Allan took six small steps… "Yes, it's about 1.8 meters long, while the height is..." His arms were stretched from the bottom up to think that the distance was about 90 cm. "His legs are short, but his hooves are big and strong, so he can walk in snow."

Luna nodded in awe when she saw Allan's style of storytelling.

"Perhaps you've heard the story of Santa Claus driving a carriage and handing out presents on Christmas Eve. Well, this Reindeer what's pulling Santa's carriage…" He continued at the same tempo.

Luna didn't move from her place; she enjoyed her boss's style. Allan tells the story like a prince who has just found his soulmate. It was a very comfortable morning in the office until a group of three bad boys, Anders, Dody, and Rakesh came to destroy the atmosphere.

"Good morning..." They greeted almost at the same time.

"You wear a new dress, Luna?" Attack Anders with his distinctive voice at the door

"Your dress is very colorful" Rakesh chimed in behind him.

"Dody, Luna doesn't want to go to Finland with me, she chooses to go with Allan to Jambi" Anders exclaimed early in the morning.

"Luna? Going with Allan. Why didn't she ask me?" replied Dody.

"Luna is mine. Nobody can touch her but me." Allan jokes.

"Be careful Luna, Allan already has a wife" Anders said

"In this world, there is only one God. The wife and girlfriend can be more than one..." Dody defend. Actually, not only defending, he has interests as well. Hidden Agenda.

"Perrekelle..." Anders hissed. Only he knows what it means

That's how every morning begins. Luna never commented on their jokes. Luna is more often silent as the joking target of her four new friends. But that makes the working atmosphere at CSO warm and exciting.

"What are you doing Luna?" Ask Anders another time.

"Check check your expenses guys. I guess it's only me here who doesn't have any expenses."

"You have no expenses, but you're expensive," Rakesh said.

The girl didn't know what to say. There is always a funny answer from these three guys, anything can be turned into a joke.

"It is more pleasure to give than take, Luna" That wise man often advised.

"It is more pleasant to stay in the office than at home," commented Dody freely.

"Because of Luna?" Said Anders. "Why are you silent Luna?" Ask Anders again

"Nothing… Just Cold." Reply Luna short.

"Girl, you are a cold or cold girl?" Again, Rakesh spoke.

And just keep on the conversation with the fun. Working with them doesn't feel like work, it's a work environment, and co-workers like what she wants.

Beyond her dreams.


*)Anyer is a beach town in Banten, It is located on the west coast of Java about 120km from Jakarta