
Chapter 21: First phase of the Chunin exam

(You can skip this chapter cause nothing really changes from how the Chunin Exam's went in the OG.)

I stood up from the pile of unconscious ninjas and went to do as he said. I was impressed that the ninjas I was sitting on managed to wake up before everyone was done and take a number card. I ended up sitting next to Shikamaru and another ninja I didn't know. After everyone was done, Mr. Ibiki said, "There are several important rules to this first test. I will take no questions, so listen well accordingly! First off is the first rule! You are given ten points each from the start! The written test has ten problems in all! Each problem is one point. And, this test is a point deduction system. You are deducted one point for each problem you get wrong! If you get three wrong, you'll have seven points! The second rule. Pass or failure will be determined by the total points of the three-person teams."


Sakura: "Wait a minute! What do you mean… total points of the team?"


Ibiki: "Shut up! There's a perfectly good reason for this! So shut up and listen! If you've got it, here is the most important next rule! Those who are deemed by the sentinels as having committed an act of cheating or something similar to that… will have two points deducted for each act. In other words… there may be those who will be dismissed during this test without waiting for test grading. Knowing those who commit awkward cheating… will bring ruin upon yourselves. If you aspire to become a Chunin at all, know that Shinobi should act like exemplary Shinobi. And, in the case of even one person on the team getting zero points… Everyone on that team will fail!"


I noticed Sasuke and Sakura staring daggers at Naruto as I signaled to them that I would take care of him, and they should concentrate on themselves.


Ibiki: "By the way, the last problem will be given forty-five minutes after the start of the test! The time for the test is one hour. Begin!"


I looked at the test and realized that this wasn't a test that a normal Genin would be able to answer, but after a minute, I turned to Shikamaru and realized that he already figured it out. I was able to complete the test easily because my father was strict about us being smart… so I already knew all the answers. But before I started writing, I looked at Sasuke and just as I had expected, he already knew what to do and activated his Sharingan, copying all my movements. I knew Sakura would be able to complete the test, so I didn't bother with her. I also let Shikamaru copy without anyone noticing, and then all that was left was to help Naruto.

I then grabbed my paper, stood up, and started walking towards Naruto. I took his paper and gave him mine.


Naruto: "Hinoka! What are you doing!"


I turned to Mr. Ibiki then said, "If I cheat, I lose 2 points. So, if I already have 9, then if you catch me cheating… I'll have 7, which is good enough for me. So go ahead and take those points."


Naruto still looked worried, so I turned to him, smiled, and then said, "Don't worry Naruto, I can easily solve this test. Plus, I didn't write my name on that paper, so you can write yours," before walking back to my seat. Just as I sat down, Shikamaru looked at me before saying, "You're as straightforward as ever, aren't you?"


I scratched the back of my head as I smiled at him.

A few minutes passed, and it was finally time for the 10th question.


Ibiki: "All right! Here is the tenth question! But before that, I'm going to add some rules for the last question."


Just then, a Genin I had seen with Gaara walked in.


Ibiki: "Aren't you lucky! It looks like playing with the dolls wasn't a waste after all? Anyway, sit down. Let me explain! These are the hopeless rules! First, you guys will have to choose whether or not you will take this 10th question!"


Genin: "What, choose?! What happens if you choose not to take the 10th exam?"


Ibiki: "If you choose not to take the exam, then your score will be zero. In other words, you fail! And of course, the same goes for the two others in the same group! And… one more rule… If you choose to take it and are unable to answer it correctly, then you will have to… relinquish your right of taking the Chunin Exam forever."


Kiba: "What type of ridiculous rule is that! Besides, there are plenty of people here who have taken the Exam many times!"


Mr. Ibiki then started laughing before saying, "You're just unlucky. I make the rule this year. But I did give you the option to go back! For those of you who aren't confident, you can choose not to take it and take the exam next year or the year after that. Then, let's begin… The 10th question… Those who will not be taking it, raise your hands! Once I confirm your number, I'll ask you to leave!"


I could feel that Naruto and Sakura were nervous, and just then the person sitting next to Naruto raised his hand and said, "I… I… I'm quitting! I'm not going to take it!" Then another person did, and another… And I could feel Naruto and Sakura were getting more nervous when Naruto raised his hand.


Naruto: "Don't underestimate me! I won't run! I'll take it! But even if I'm stuck being a Genin forever, I will become a Hokage no matter what it takes! I'm not scared."


At this point, I was grinning from ear to ear as I stood up and said, "It looks like he's halted your plan. No one else is leaving. So, I guess we all pass because there wasn't a 10th question, but I suppose this question could've been seen as the 10th. I'm right, aren't I!"


Everybody looked at me shocked as Mr. Ibiki then nodded.


Genin: "So Hey! Then, what were all those nine questions for! It was just a waste of time!"


Ibiki: "Not a waste… The objective of the nine questions was already accomplished. To test your individual ability to gather information!"


Genin: "Ability to gather information?"


Ibiki: "The exam was about group performance. It added pressure by grading everyone together. But the questions were too hard for Genin, so cheating seemed necessary. Two Chunin knew all the answers. But blind cheaters got disqualified. Information is more valuable than life in missions or battles. And in a mission or on a battlefield, you will always have to risk your life to fight for it!"


Sasuke: "Horrible burn marks, nail punctures, and scratches…"


Ibiki: "When information is gathered and the enemy or a third party finds out about it, that information is no longer guaranteed to be correct. Just remember this. To be given the wrong information can bring a catastrophic blow to your friends and town. So that is why, out of necessity, we forced you guys to cheat in order to test your ability to collect information. And we filtered out those who were clearly lacking in those abilities."


Genin: "But… The last question doesn't make any sense."


Ibiki: "However… this 10th question was the main issue of this first exam."


Sakura: "What do you mean?"


Ibiki: "The tenth question was a tough decision: answer it or not. Those who didn't take it failed instantly, along with their squad. Those who tried and got it wrong lost their chance to retake the exam. It's unfair, but it tests Chunin leadership qualities. Only those with strong determination should become Chunin. Choosing to tackle the question shows readiness to face adversity. Passing this test means you're through the gates; the first phase of the Chunin Exam is done. I wish you well!"


Just then someone arrived, breaking the window before saying, "This isn't the time to be celebrating! I'm the proctor for the second exam! Anko Mitarashi! Let's move onto the next stage! Next! Follow me!"


Ibiki: "Read the atmosphere."


Anko looked embarrassed before saying, "78?! Ibiki! You let 26 teams slide by? I guess, the first exam this time around was too easy."


Ibiki: "It seems like this time, there are a lot of excellent candidates."


Anko: "Huh! Well, all right… I'll drop more than half of them in a second exam!"


Sakura: "M More than half? 

Anko: I'm getting excited. I'll give the details tomorrow. So, get information from your Jonin about the location and the time! That's it. You're dismissed."