

Lily an ordinary was bitten by a werewolf

wisdom_udex · วัยรุ่น
10 Chs

Lily learn how to use her power’s

The school day had ended, and I made my way to the familiar spot near the oak tree, where Alex had asked to meet. The late afternoon sun cast a warm golden glow over the campus, creating long shadows that stretch across the paved path. As I approached, spotting Alex as he leaned casually against the tree, his dark hair touched by the breeze and his eyes bright with anticipation.

"Hey, he greeted me with a friendly smile as I approached, his voice carrying the ease of someone who had known me for years. "I'm Glad you could make it."

I returned the smile, feeling a mix of curiosity and excitement bubbling within me. So, what's this all about? I asked, my tone casual but tinged with interest.

He's gaze met mine, his eyes flickering in with an intensity that hinted as a hidden knowledge. "I heard about what happened to you," he began, his voice low, as if sharing a secret. "I have the same power as you do.

My eyes opened in surprise. The reality washed me like a sudden rush of understanding. It was both strange and exciting to think that I wasn't alone, that there was someone else who could understand the depth of my experiences.

"You do? I said, my voice filled with a mixture of peace and relief. "Feeling the thought I was the only one all this while.

He chuckled softly, a sound that seemed to echo with a sense of companionship. "You're not alone. More of us are out there than you might think.

As we talked, He shared his own journey, describing the challenges he had faced and the discoveries he had made about our shared abilities. His words were like a puzzle falling into place, illuminating the mysteries I had been struggling to understand. With each revelation, I felt a sense of belonging Wetin me, as if I had found my place in a world that once seemed so confusing.

"But don't worry," He said, his tone reassuring. "I can teach you how to control your powers, how to harness them to their full potential. You're stronger than you realize."

I nodded, my determination mirrored in his eyes. The prospect of learning to control my abilities filled me with a mix of excitement and apprehension. It was a daunting task, but having Him by my side made it feel more manageable, more achievable.

As the sun dipped lower in the sky, casting a warm, orange hue over the surroundings, He began to explain the basics of our powers. His words were patient and encouraging, guiding me through the process of understanding and channeling the energy within me. With each piece of advice, I could feel a spark of confidence growing within, a belief in my own potential.

"Close your eyes," He instructed gently, his voice a soothing melody. "Feel the power inside you, the energy that connects you to the world. Embrace it, don't fear it. It's a part of who you are."

I followed his guidance, shutting out the world around me and focusing inward. At first, it felt overwhelming, the raw energy surging through me like a river in full flow. But with His guidance, I began to find my center, to sense the ebb and flow of the power within.

"Now," He said, his voice a soft encouragement, "try to manipulate it. Start small, feel the energy respond to your will."

I concentrated, picturing a small, glowing orb in my mind. With a hesitant motion, I extended my hand, willing the energy to manifest. To my astonishment, a faint, shimmering light appeared, hovering above my palm. Realizing that I was in control, even if just a little, filled me with a sense of accomplishment.

"That's it," He praised, his smile warm and genuine. "You're doing great. With practice, you'll be able to do extremely extraordinary things."

I was encouraged by his words, continue to explore my newfound abilities under his guidance. We experiment with different techniques, each success motivating my confidence. As the evening wore on and the sun dipped below the horizon, I felt a profound shift within me – a newfound assurance in my own capabilities.

As we went our separate ways that evening, I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of gratitude for the unexpected friendship that had blossomed between us. He had given me not only the knowledge to control my powers but also the belief in myself. walked away from our meeting with a newfound purpose, so ready to embrace the extraordinary path that lay ahead.

Have no idea at all that this chance encounter would mark the beginning of an incredible journey, one that would challenge my understanding of the world and my place in it. With Him By my side, I felt prepared to face whatever challenges and adventures await us, armed with the knowledge that I was not alone and that my abilities were a gift, a unique part of who I was. As I looked toward the stars starting to emerging in the night sky, I felt a surge of excitement and determination, ready to embrace the limitless possibilities that lay ahead on this extraordinary path of discovery.