
Highschool Of The Dead (HOTD): The Reincarnate

A soul get reincarnated in the word Highschool Of The Dead and gains two random abilities from a spin the wheel to aid him in the apocalypse. (A/N: I have a hard time putting my imagination into words so some thing may not make sense but please bear with it. I hope to get better as this continues and if you have any tips please let me know in the comments. Thank you.) Chapter Release: 3~4 chapters a week. This fanfic is just for fun. Something’s may not make sense but please bear with it.If you don’t like it drop it. *Harem *No Rape and NTR *Probably Netori

Abyssal_King_ · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
18 Chs

Planning and Preparations Part 2

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"Going somewhere?"

Feeling a chill on my back I hurriedly turned around only to see him lying on the ground where I left him with a crazed smile on his face. Doing a kick up he faced me like a predator would with their prey. And that was when I realized he was using the [ Demons Eye ].

'So that's why I'm feeling intimidated huh' I thought to myself, fixing my gaze on him,' But as the emperor, I alone will remain'

Reassuming my stance I strengthened my resolve and conviction before I did a quick dash toward him.

'As he's now using the [ Demon Eye ] he will be able to see the future farther ahead of me now. I can do the same as well evening it out but where's the fun in that?' I thought to myself as a crazed smile spread on my face, 'Just like Captain Yami said, Surpass your limits.'

As I was busy with my inner monologue, I felt a jab directed at my solar plexus. Caving in my body, I shifted my feet a quarter of an inch. His jab slid right past me. Using the palm of my hand, I directed his blow smoothly away from me. A small opening appeared in his defenses but I knew better than to go for it and I stood corrected as changed his stance and delivered a reverse butterfly kick to my abdomen.

Grabbing his leg, I threw him to the other side of the field to create some distance. The only way to defeat Dark Kodaka is to evolve. Even though I possess the [ Emperor Eyes ] and all its variants I don't have the experience nor the complete comprehension of this ability to use it to the fullest.

"I won't be able to defeat you now but soon I'll make you kneel," I told Dark Kodaka.

Disrupting my concentration, Dark Kodaka slowly began to evaporate into nothingness. Falling down to the ground I was breathing heavily. Constantly fighting using the [ Emperor's Eye ] and [ Zone ] I was losing stamina at a rapid pace and I would have collapsed if I continued for any longer.

Laying down on the soft green grass a while longer I thought about the simulation I just did.

Image Training or Mental simulation is a specialized form of training for high leveled martial artists.

When Image Training, the fighter involved closes their eyes and pictures a foe, the fighter then imagines themself combating the imaginary foe. This allows the fighter to determine how an actual battle against said foe would play out. However thanks to [ Zone ] I had a full concentration on my foe so I was able to fight physically without holding anything back.

Image Training is very useful, as it allows one to gain combat experience and come up with new strategies. Because of this, it allows one to train practically anywhere, even in places that are not ideal for standard physical trading, such as confined spaces or in an area that would otherwise prohibit a normal training regimen.

"Time to get home", I muttered to myself as I started to make my way back home.

I need to become accustomed to using the [ Emperor Eyes ] if I'm going to fully assimilate it into me. Reviewing the fight simulation I just did I can say that I did pretty well in executing the knowledge and experience I gained in martial arts and self-defense.

Making it home I took a quick shower before getting dressed in some pajamas. Entering my bedroom, I grabbed an empty sheet of paper from inside the drawer of my desk and began writing the necessities I needed for the apocalypse. Canned food, gallons of water, medicine, sanitary items, etc. I can store them in the basement of the house as my parents didn't own a warehouse to store them in. The house already has walls around the property. The range was wide so I didn't need to worry about it much if they got in.

The walls are sturdy and I can just put barbed wire across them to stop human enemies from climbing my walls. Luckily my house is on the outskirts of the city so there are few houses so it's safer here even during the apocalypse. I won't be able to get a gun as I'm not old enough yet, so there's no point in potentially risking myself buying them illegally from somewhere as I don't want to be behind bars when the apocalypse happens. Though I'm pretty sure I will at least be able to get my custom-built daggers. Two beautiful slightly curved daggers with light blue outlines on the blade with a crown on the butt cap of the daggers.

(Image Here)

'I can't wait for the apocalypse to begin.', I thought to myself before falling asleep.

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Waking up around 6 O'clock, I cracked my neck and got out of bed. Stretching my body for a bit I walked inside the bathroom and took a shower. After taking a shower I went downstairs to the kitchen and cooked breakfast. Nothing too much, just toast, eggs, and a salad. Now for the most important meal of the day. Lunch. The bento included Ebi fry (fried shrimp), tamagoyaki, sausage, potato salad, and rice with furikake (a dry Japanese seasoning).

Grabbing my school bag, I made sure I had everything I needed. Notebook, check! Pencil, check! Study material, check! And my blindfold, check!

Leaving the house I locked the door behind me and walked toward Tokonosu High School. He became homeschooled ever since his parents passed away. He moved down here so it's easier to receive an education. He was pretty smart and I already have knowledge from my past life so it should be a breeze.

Walking down the street, the scenery outside was truly refreshing, The fresh cherry petals gathered on the side of the road. The air was clean and refreshing. Kids frolicked around and the streets were starting to get busy.

(Image Here)

'Anime worlds sure are beautiful.' I thought to myself.

Too bad that this will all end soon. The road will be covered in blood and bodies, the fresh air polluted with the stench of death and smoke and the once bustling road will instead be the dead walking around.

- - - School - - -

Making it to the school I walked right through the gate ignoring the confused and lustful gazes I was getting. Walking inside the school, I approached the staff room and knocked on it.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Come in", I heard a voice from inside, presumably a teacher.

Sliding open the door I felt everyone fix their gaze on me once again. Ignoring it, I began to introduce myself.

"My name is Sumeragi Kodaka, I'm a new transfer student and I wanted to know what my classes were."

"Etto, let me see… Ah, here we are. Your teacher should be Mashima-san", a female teacher said as she pointed toward the male teacher.

He was pretty tall, taller than me at least with a small build, however. He had brown hair and eyes with glasses on. He had a sharp gaze and his aura radiated that of a strict teacher.

"My name is Senjiro Mashima, you can call me Mr.M or Mashima-sensei." he introduced himself to which I nodded.

"Ano, are you blind?" I heard the previous female teacher ask," I'm not trying to be rude or insensitive but in your files, it says that you are not blind but you are wearing a blindfold so I'm curious."

"No, I'm not blind I just wear it because if people saw my eyes they would be enchanted with them. Besides, I can see clearly even with this on." I told her with a straight face.

"Ara~ are you a narccist?" I heard another female teacher say as she approached from behind me.

Stepping to the side to let her pass I responded to her," I'm no narcissist. Let's just say I'm confident in my looks and abilities." I said with a smile.

Walking in front of me she asked," Then if you're so confident, why don't you show so we understand?"

"If you think provoking me with the idea of saying that I'm a coward then I'm afraid it's not going to work," I told her as she visibly deflated before continuing.

"But I can make an exception," I said out loud before leaning toward the female teacher in front of me, "Only because you're beautiful, Aimi '' I said with a seductive tone. Backing off, her face was so red it looked like steam could come out of it at any moment.

(A/N: He knew her name because he overheard it from the teachers.)

All the teachers who noticed this looked at her flabbergasted. Probably because they never expected someone like her to be flustered. Regaining her composure she looked at me with a light blush on her face and said, "Well take off the blindfold now"

I then opened the blindfold. Everyone present in the staff room who was watching blushed. The eyes seemed to reflect everything. The blue shining eyes seemed to have the power to destroy the world. Even Mashima-sensei, who was always composed, was in shock. If somebody stole these eyes it could make a fortune. That's how beautiful these were. And with these eyes, my face was also handsome.

(Image Here)

Pulling my blindfold back on, everyone was still in a trance so I just left and explored the school. I need to have a mental map of the school to know where to escape as well as pick up resources.


As I walked around the school something caught my eye or more as someone did. A male of average height with brown eyes, spiky black hair which can occasionally have a purple hue, and a slender yet reasonably powerful build that contributes to his agility. His attire consists of his black school uniform with a red T-shirt underneath.

The boy was Takashi Komuro.

He seemed to be in his depressive state already. I considered going over there and introducing myself to him but I saw it as a waste of time. I won't interact with the main cast until the apocalypse unless I have no choice but to.


'There's the bell. Time to get to class before I get lectured' I decided, walking to class.

- - - 3rd POV - - -

"Everyone take your seats, I have an announcement to make!" Mashima-sensei ordered loudly. Without a second thought, everyone went back to their seats as they stared at sensei with different expressions.

"As of today, we'll be having a new transfer student in our class."


"LET'S GO!!!"

The class erupted into cheers.

"Is it a girl sensei?!" some of the boys asked excitedly.

"No, it has to be a boy, right sensei?!" some of the girls asked joining in.

Soon, the others started joining in but were immediately stopped by a loud slam by sensei.

"It's a boy so keep quiet!" he spat out sternly.

The boys visibly deflated whilst the girls cheered. Mashima-sensei quieted them down once again before hearing a knock on the classroom door.

"You can come in", he turned to the door and spoke.


Such a clear melodious voice entered the room. The door slid open revealing a tall young man roughly standing around 190 cm (6'2 ft) with snow-white hair and a blindfold covering his eyes. He had a sharp chin and nose along with a built body that isn't visible to most. He also had this aura that radiated dominance. It was an aura that an Emperor would possess.

The young man walked towards the teacher's podium in a calm manner that made Rulers pale in comparison to him.

"Good morning everyone, my name is Semeragi Kodaka and I'm the new transfer student. My hobbies consist of sleep and trying new things. Also, feel free to call me by my first name." he introduced himself.

"Have a seat in the back next to the window, Sumeragi-Kun.", Mashima-sensei said.

Nodding my head I took my seat and quietly listened to the lecture.

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