
Highschool dxd : Yasaka is my wife

The_Creator223 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
31 Chs


Chapter 10


Vince grunted in pain as he fell down on the ground. He rolled over and breathed heavily as he lay there on a sandy beach, in the middle of the night. Upon looking up he let out a small smile at seeing the starry night and hearing the sounds of the water. "Even though this is all in mind, I gotta say this feels just like the beach."

Yume nodded as she sat down next Vince and started rubbing his back. [Yes it does. It's actually very peaceful here. But you really should be a little more careful in here Vince. You may get more experience in using your Sacred Gears, but it puts a strain on your mind.]

"At least this the reason why I get those headaches from time to time." He muttered to himself.

[You need to rest your mind Vince. Your body might not feel a thing, but your mind will.] She advised softly.

Vince sighed but nodded. "Well at least I've trained a good amount in here and from here on out I can use these two days to do what I want before I have to crash the ceremony."

[Be sure to use your time wisely Vince. The ceremony happens this Sunday at midnight.] Yume then placed Vince's head on her lap.

"On a technicality that would be on a Monday." He closed his eyes and turned his head around. "Night, Yume."

[Goodnight Vince.] She said as she closed her eyes with a smile.

(Next Day)

Vince groaned as he got up from his futon. (I have a small headache, so that means I need to take it a bit more easy when I train in there. Well, it's nothing that a little coffee can't help.)

[Good morning Vince. How are you?] Yume asked as she stretched.

Vince took his gray cellphone and shrugged. "Better, I just have a little headache. I'll take some coffee though."

[But you take coffee everyday. You're practically addicted to it.] Yume exclaimed.

"It's not my fault it tastes good." He replied with a small chuckle.

[I find it surprising that you actually liked drinking it when you were thirteen.] She said with a small sigh.

"Still don't regret it." Vince then walked to the kitchen and started the preperations for his coffee. (I spended most of yesterday in mind refining and improving on my control with my Sacred Gears. Today is a Saturday, so I'll work more on my technique and probably call Yasaka.)

[Hey Vince, your coffee is ready.] Yume called out.

"Thanks." Vince poured a cup of coffee on a mug that showed a symbol of the zodiac sign Aquarius. He poured a certain amount of coffee cream and sugar into the coffee and stired it.

[Shouldn't you put more coffee cream on your coffee?] She asked.

"Not in the case. This is the right amount for the type of coffee I like to drink." Vince took a tip of his coffee and sat down on a small chair. "Bitter-sweet."

[Oh... What are you going to do for today Vince, you already prepared everything yesterday.] Yume asked in a curious tone.

Vince flexed his fingers causing the coffee to come out of the mug and move around. "I was going to work the kinks out in my technique. After that, I'm gonna call Yasaka. I'm pretty sure she's a little curious why I haven't called in over a week."

[Okay, what are you going to see the others though?] She asked him.

Vince opened his mouth as he moved his index finger causing the coffee to go into his mouth. He swallowed the coffee and shook his head. "Nope, I'll see them on Sunday when I crash the wedding."

Yume then looked at Vince with a deadpan look. [You really want to shock them, don't you?]

"Oh defintely which reminds me, I should also buy a camera incase I ever see something I want to take a picture of." He replied with a smirk.

[At least you didn't forget how to be a trickster.] She replied shaking her head.

Vince whistled innocently as he walked into the bathroom. A few minutes later he came out dressed in a plain blue t-shirt and a pair of gray cargo pants. (I'll go to the outskirts of Kuoh.)

Without saying a word, Vince left the house as fast as he could after coating his legs in blue lightning.


Vince stopped running and stopped channeling lightning into his legs. "Hmm..."

Upon closer inspection, he saw that he is surronded by trees with no one in sight. "This place is perfect."

[Yeah, it's a big forest. With this much trees around it'll be the perfect place to work on that technique.] Yume said in agreement.

"Here goes." Vince created a lightning shaped katana and quickly slashed left to right. Creating two shockwaves in front of him that slashed nearly slashed two trees in half. "How was it Yume?"

[You still need a little more work Vince. You just need to keep using the technique until you get the hang of it.] She informed him.

"Alright. I'll just keep at it until I can slice down a tree with this." Vince walked to another tree and slashed left to right creating two shockwaves in front of him that almost slashed the other tree in half.

(I started practing this technique at the place where I trained Rias yesterday, I've been practing it for nearly a week and I almost have it.) Vince immediately repeated the same attack again as he whispered. "...Sakura End."

(Four Hours Later)

"Sakura End!" Vince swiftly slashed left to right as he created two shockwaved in front of him that sliced through a tree in half.

He made his lightning katana fade away as the tree slowly move and dropped to the ground making a loud noise that echoed through the forest. "I did it..."

Vince fell to the floor as he panted in exhaustion. (I'm glad that I finally got the hang of using Sakura End, now.)

[Great job Vince. It's getting late so you should head home.] Yume advised.

"You have a point. Besides I don't want to explain this." Vince gestured towards the trees in the forest that had either deep gashes or were chopped off. He then channeled lightning into his feet and took off as fast as he could.


Vince sighed as he walked out of the bathroom, now shirtless wearing only a pair of grey sweatpants. (That was a good shower, overall today was a day well spent. Only one thing to do now.)

He picked up a regular cellphone and dialed a number. After a few minutes Vince spoke up. "Hey Yasaka, it's me. How are you doing?"

"Oh hello Vince, I am doing well. Is everything okay? You haven't called in a while." Yasaka asked in a concerned tone.

"I just finished doing a job and right afterwards I got a new job to care of, so I've been very busy." He said with a sigh, before he continued. "Yasaka, would it be alright if I come to Kyoto tommorow?"

"Of course Vince. But you are going to talk about what happened? You sound very exhausted." She asked.

"I'll talk about it tommorow when I see you and Kunou in Kyoto. What's happening with my job right now is very sensitive and I would prefer to talk to you about in person."

"Very well, take care Vince."

"You too Yasaka." He replied as he hung up the phone and lied down on his futon.

[I think you should hold of on training in your mind Vince. You're already exhausted and it wouldn't help if you burn yourself out.] Yume advised him.

"I know. Besides, I'm too tired to train. Night Yume." Vince said as he covered himself in a blanket and closed his eyes.

[Good night Vince.]

(Next Day)

Vince opened his eyes and yawned loudly. He got up from his futon and stretched his arms. (I feel better. So today is the day I crash a wedding, huh? I never thought in my life I would ever do something like this. But it must be done.)

[Good morning Vince...] Yume greeted as she yawned a little.

"Morning Yume." Vince walked into the bathroom and closed the door, a few minutes later he walked out of the bathroom. "What time is it?"

[11:59 in the morning. I guess we can't really say good morning now right?] Yume asked with a sheepish smile.

"It's still before noon, so technically it's still morning." He replied with a small shrug.

[We have until midnight so you should take care of anything you want to do before then. I have a feeling that once we go use the magic circle, their won't be any turning back.] She said seriously.

Vince nodded in agreement. "I have the same feeling too. Well, it'll be crazy night that much is assured. Anyway, I better go get ready. I did agree to visit Yasaka and Kunou today."


Vince walked out of the train station with his hands in his pockets. To his surprise he saw Yasaka and Kunou waiting just outside of the train station. He then walked up to them and gave them a small wave. "Hey."

The two turned around and smiled at seeing him. Yasaka then walked up the Vince and spoke. "Hello Vince, how are you doing?"

"Good." He then turned to Kunou and ruffled her hair, causing her to pout. "So how are you doing Kunou?"

"I'm okay, but stop doing that Vince." She replied as she fixed her hair.

Vince let out a small chuckle, "Moving on, do you have a place to talk in private? I don't mind telling you or Kunou about it, but there are people that like to talk a lot."

Yasaka nodded and gestured for Vince and Kunou to follow her. "I do. It will only take a few minutes."

Vince shrugged and followed Yasaka with Kunou walking right beside him. He looked down at her. "I never really noticed before but you're really short Kunou."

Kunou gained a tickmark as she glared at him. "I'm not short!"

Vince picked up Kunou with one hand and then put her down. "Sure you are."

Yasaka covered her mouth with her hand as she giggled, from seeing Vince and Kunou's interactions. "We're here."

Vince looked around and let out a small whistle as he saw a large temple, surrounded with a lot of cherry blossom trees. "Nice place, the place looks deserted though."

"Yes, unfortunately but the temple is surronded by pagoda trees and cherry blossom trees. It is a quiet place to speak in private and the cherry blossom trees bloom late in the season." Yasaka explained with a smile.

"It's also a very good place to play hide and seek in too." Kunou added.

"Still the area looks very good. You really do a good job keeping Kyoto together Yasaka." He said, sounding slightly impressed.

Yasaka blushed a little but smiled. "Thank you, now let's go speak in private."

A few minutes later Vince, Yasaka and Kunou sat down next to a cherry blossom tree that was currently in full bloom. The sakura petals fell from the ground slowly as the wind blew.

Vince looked at Yasaka and Kunou he then began to explain what happened over the weekend. Rias, the engagement, the rating game, and the new job that was purposed to him. Kunou's eyes widened as she heard the what happened while Yasaka raised an eyebrow, although she did frown a little after hearing about an edited version of how Rias tried to end the engagement.

"Wow Vince, you really are in a mess." Kunou spoke in a surprised tone.

"Tell me about it. But I can't exactly back out of it. Either way, I have until midnight to use the magic circle and stop the wedding." He replied with a small shrug.

"I agree. Though, I would be careful if I were you Vince. It is obvious that Sirzechs-san has a plan that involves you." Yasaka said seriously.

"I know. But hopefully it won't be too ridiculous." Vince said with a small sigh.

"Do you have everything you need to beat the Phenex?" Kunou asked curiously.

"Yeah." Vince showed Yasaka and Kunou two vials of what appeared to be holy water, before pocketing it. "I have White Water in there. So it'll be a huge advantage against him."

"You certainly are prepared Vince." Yasaka commented with a small smile.

"I guess. But now that I'm done. What about you two, how is things so far?" He asked them.

Yasaka and Kunou then talked about what happened with them over the time Vince hasn't called. He nodded but then chuckled a little at hearing that Kunou was grounded for pulling a prank.

Vince continued to chuckle and turned to Kunou. "You put laxatives in the other kitsune's drinks and got caught?"

"Yes, I did." Kunou admitted.

"I'll make sure not to taking any drinks from you then." He answered shaking his head.


A few hours passed by with the three talking to each other about topics and about recent events that happened today. Vince then got up from the grassy field and dusted himself off. "I have to get going now."

"Why? It's not close to being midnight yet, Vince." Kunou asked sadly.

"I want to go home and sleep early that way I don't waste too much time waiting." Vince replied casually.

His eyes softened at seeing Kunou sad. "How about we get some ice cream before I go home?"

Kunou's eyes brightned as she smiled. "Really?"

"Sure." Vince patted Kunou's head and then turned to Yasaka. "You don't mind right?"

"Of course not. Besides, we the tempature is increasing, it'll be good if we cooled off a little." Yasaka answered with a smile.

The three then walked into the streets in Kyoto. The people that were looking commented on how Vince and Yasaka looked like a couple. Causing Vince to blush slightly and for Yasaka to smile a little. Kunou also smiled but started to tease Vince about being with Yasaka until he poked her forehead with his index and middle finger, causing Kunou to yelp in pain as she rubbed her forehead. Much to Yasaka's amusement.

Vince paid for the ice cream and took a small bite of out his popsicle. (I never did anything like this before. It feels nice.)

"Are you okay Vince? You're spacing out a little." Kunou asked as she took a bite of her popsicle.

"Yeah, I just thinking if I forgot anything important." He answered.

Yasaka took a bite out of her popsicle and looked at the scenery. "It's very peaceful here in particular."

Vince looked at the scenery and nodded. He finished his popsicle and threw it in the trash. "I have to go now, take care."

"Bye Vince, be sure to call okay?" Kunou said.


"Vince, be very careful when fighting a Phenex. If you underestimate them, then you will be in trouble." Yasaka warned seriously.

"Don't worry I won't." Vince then gave a small wave good bye and walked away.

"You know mother, you looked really happy when people called you and Vince a couple." Kunou said with a teasing smile.

Yasaka then looked at Kunou with a smile of her own, that slightly scared Kunou. "Kunou, need I remind you that you are still grounded?"

"Sorry mother."


(I really liked today, I kind of wish that their were more days like that.) Vince lied down on his futon as he closed his eyes. "Yume, can you wake me fifthteen minutes before midnight?"

[Of course Vince, goodnight.] Yume said with a smile.

"Good night."

(A Few Hours Later)

[Vince, wake up it's time.] Yume called out.

Vince immediately opened his eyes and got up from his futon. "Thanks Yume."

[Your welcome.]

(Since I'm crashing a wedding I should at least look I'm going to a wedding.) Vince walked into a closet and pulled out a set of clothes.

Vince then looked at a mirror and sweatdropped. (I better hurry up, before things start.) He took out his grey cellphone and pressed the button on it, causing his eyes to turn red and his pupils to turn into slits.

[Are you ready to go Vince?] Yume asked him.

"Yeah. I have everything set up, let's go." Vince then took out the paper with the magic circle and on it. (No time to waste, I better get moving.)

The magic circled glowed brightly as a light enveloped the entire room.


Vince opened his eyes as he looked around. His eyes widened as he looked around the place, a spacious hall filled with wedding decorations and a large portrait of a red headed middle aged man. (That old guy looks like Rias. He's probably a related to her.)

[Vince, we have to go.] Yume urged.

"I know, but I gotta say rich people really do like to waste money on overrated crap." Vince commented as he walked down the hall and opened a giant door. He discretly closed the door and walked in, without anyone looking, with the exception of Sirzechs who just smirked at seeing him.

Vince looked ahead and saw Rias wearing a red wedding dress with her hair tied up. (Huh, the red dress suits you Rias.)

Riser smirked as he spoke out loud, gaining everyone's attention. "Today, is a truly wonderful day. Not only today we celebrate the opportunity to gather and deepen the bonds between our clans. But, today, is also the day when we are officially bethro-"

"I refuse the betrothal between Rias Gremory and Riser Phenex." Vince spoke calmly, his voice easily interrupting over Riser's voice.

Everyone's eyes widened as the Issei and the other club member's noticed Vince as their eyes widened even more.

"Vince is here?!" Issei said sounding shocked.

"Ara ara, so Vince-kun finally decided to show up." Akeno said with a smile.

"...Late." Koneko spoke.

"This explains why Grayfia-sama told you not to interfere Issei-kun." Kiba stated.

"Yeah." Issei said with a nod.

Rias looked at Vince and blushed a little at seeing him dressed up in a black longcoat suit with a black tie, a dark grey dress shirt, black dress pants and dress shoes.

"Who said that?!" Riser yelled in a furious tone.

"I did." Vince walked forward towards Rias and Riser as everyone in the room started whispering. "Didn't you hear me the first time?"

"You! What is the meaning of this?!" Riser said with a scowl.

"What part of "I refuse the betrothal" didn't you hear?" Vince asked sarcastically, causing Riser's scowl to widen.

Riser's peerage quickly appeared in front of in between him and Riser. Vince frowned and looked at them. "Stay out of my way or I'm taking all of you out."

"What makes you think you can hurt us?" Yubelluna spoke with a smirk.

He looked at Riser's peerage with a grin. "You know what they say. Weak master, weak servants."

Riser and his peerage immediately glared at Vince to which he just rolled his eyes. Before he could move four figures went next to him.

"Leave these guys to us Vince." Issei said as he summoned his boosted gear.

Vince nodded and then turned Akeno. "Nice kimono by the way, Akeno."

"Ufufu, thank you Vince-kun. You look pretty handsome with your suit." Akeno spoke with a smile.

As the two peerages were about to fight whispers echoed across the room with everybody clearly confused.

"This is just a little entertainment that I prepared." Sirzechs said loud enough to gain everyone's attention.

(What is this guy planning exactly?) Vince thought with a frown.

"I wanted to see the power of the prodigy of black lightning and dark water, so I asked Grayfia." Sirzechs stated.

"S-Sirzechs-sama!? You can't do something irresponsible like this!" A red haired middle aged man shouted in a panicked tone.

Everyone in the room eyes widened as they turned to Vince as soon as they heard black lightning and dark water. He frowned as he noticed the attention that is now on him. (I'm guessing he wanted to present me as someone special. It makes sense since pretty much everyone hear is noble.)

"It should be fine. The "Rating Game" from last time was very entertaining. But it was a bit disadvantage for my little sister who had no game experience to face off against Raiser-kun who is a prodigy from the House of Phenex." Sirzechs answered.

"...So Sirzechs-sama, you are saying that the last game wasn't fair?" Riser said sounding aggravated.

"No, no, not at all. If a Maou such as myself says such thing, then I would be making the old nobles look bad. The connection between the High-class Devils is important after all." Sirzechs replied with a smile.

"Then, Sirzechs. What do you want to do about it?" A middle aged man with red hair asked.

(That's the same guy from the potrait I saw on my way here.) Vince thought folding his arms.

"Father. I want to make my cute little sister's engagement party into a flashy one. Vince Reinhart, the prodigy of black lightning and dark water versus the prodigy son of the Phenex household. Don't you think it's the ultimate event? To stir up the party by having a battle between two prodigies. There aren't any entertainment which can surpass this." Everyone in the hall became silent at his words.

Sirzechs then looked at Vince. "Reinhart-kun. You have our permission. Riser, can you show your power once more right in front of Rias and I?"

Riser then let out a fearless smile. "Very well. There is no way I can decline if Sirzechs-sama asks me. This Riser will show his last performance before getting married!"

"Reinhart-kun, what prize do you want when you win the match?" Sirzechs asked looking at Vince.

"Sirzechs-sama!?" A man shouted.

"What are you saying!?" A woman yelled surprised.

(I see where Sirzechs is going with this.) Vince thought to himself.

"He's a Devil, so we need to give him something fitting for it since we are asking him to do something for us. Now then. I can give you anything. A peerage? Or the most beautiful woman?" Sirzechs asked ignoring the protests from his relatives.

"What I want..." Vince pointed his finger at Rias. "...Is for Rias Gremory to be given a choice. I want everyone in both the Gremory and the Phenex household to listen well and to abide by on what she choses, whether Rias wants to continue the wedding or not will be her choice and her choice alone."

Rias' eyes widened greatly as Sirzechs smiled happily. "Very well. If you win, Rias will be given the decision whether to continue with the wedding or not. The battle between you two will begin in this courtyard outside. Due to the destructive nature of your black lightning and dark water."

Vince stuffed his hands in his pocket and walked out to the courtyard casually ignoring the looks he received.

Everyone quickly ran out of the hall to outside of the courtyard while Rias and her peerage looked at the courtyard from a balcony. While Riser's peerage looked at the courtyard through another balcony.

"Do you think Vince-kun will be able to win Buchou?" Akeno asked looking at Vince from the balcony.

Rias started at down at Vince and Riser who were both now in the middle of the courtyard. "...I don't know."

"Vince can do it." Issei replied gaining their attention.

"I believe Vince-san can win too." Asia added.

"I believe Vince-kun can win as well." Kiba said with a smile as Koneko nodded in agreement.

Issei then shouted at Vince from the balcony. "Kick that yakitori's ass Vince!"


Vince looked up from the balcony and nodded with a smirk. (Heh, they think I can win. That's surprising, but I'm not surprised Rias and Akeno are sceptical.)

"So you can use black lighting and dark water." Riser smirked. "That's pretty rare. I never thought I would actually face someone that can use it."

"Get to the point." He said folding his arms.

"Do you really think you can win? You saw the "Rating Game" . With my immortality you don't stand a chance." Riser replied with an arrogant laugh.

"Immortal and unbeatable have two different meanings. Don't get so cocky bird brain." Vince stated dryly.

Riser gritted his teeth in anger as a guy spoke up. "Please start!"

Riser relased his fire wings and pointed at Vince. "Even if you have black lightning and dark water it is still not enough you- Guuuh!"

Without warning Vince immediately sprinted towards Riser and kicked him the stomach with his legs coated in black lightning. Riser was sent flying until he slammed into a statue. "Go ahead keep talking. I'll just continue to kick you until you stop."

Riser glared hatefully at Vince as his whole body is now enveloped in flames. "You'll regret that you low-class trash!" He ran towards him with his fist cocked back, completely covered in flames.

Vince channeled dark water into his arms and grabbed Riser's flaming fist with his hands. He flinched in pain as he was getting burned by the flames. But Vince easily flipped Riser into the ground and delievered a swift kick into his rib cage, which sounded in a loud "pop".

"Aaagh!" Riser immediately recovered from the attack, via his regeneration and punched Vince in the face. He grunted in pain but countered with an water coated uppercut. The dark water immediately latched on to Riser's face and formed into a sphere.

Riser made gagging sounds as he was being suffocated by the dark water in his face. He released more demonic energy and burned through the dark water with his flames as he took a deep breath.

Vince took this chance and created a black lightning shaped katana from his hands. He then slashed left to right with his katana as it created two black shockwaves in front of him, slashing Riser's torso. "Sakura End!"

"Gaaaaahh!" A large amount of blood came out of Riser's torso as the deep cut was then healed immediately.

"Have fun!" Vince created four black lightning shaped grenades and tossed them at Riser's stomach along with his black lighting shaped katana that pierced through his left shoulder. The four grenades stuck to his skin as Vince quickly jumped out of the way as they exploded.


Riser let out a huge scream of pain as his body was violently electrocuted as his body regenerated instantly. He got up and released an enormous amount of demonic energy from his body. "Shitty brat! Time to show you the true power of the Phenex household!"

Two large magic circle appeared underneath and above Vince, both red-orange. The two magic circles released a massive amount of flames, causing Vince's eyes to widen.

The flames immediately ingulfed everything as Riser laughed. "I've won!"

"Is that what you think?" A voice spoke from behind Riser.

Riser turned around only to get a fist full of black lightning to the face, sending him into a statue at the courtyard. "Aaagh! But how?! I saw you ingulfed in those flames!"

Vince showed raised his foot, which is covered in black lightning. "Your flames are slow compared to me." He then launched a massive black lightning bolt which struck Riser in the stomach.


Vince frowned as his saw Riser regenerate from the attack. (As much as I don't want to admit it. I had to waste a lot of energy to make sure I was faster than those flames. I'll have to use the White Water now before my transformation ends.)

He discretly put his hand inside of his pocket, which didn't go unnoticed by the older Devils. (I'll have to provoke him into attacking me. And then make my move at the last second, I should have enough energy to do that.)

Riser got up and glared at Vince. "Shitty brat!"

"Out of all of your siblings you must be the weakest, am I right?" Vince questioned.

"What did you say?" Riser growled.

"All I saw you do was encase your fists in fire and when that didn't work, all I saw you do was trying to engulf me in flames. To be honest, I think that anyone of your siblings would be more of a challenge than you." Vince mocked with a smirk.

Riser encased his fists in fire and rushed towards him. Vince charged black lightning into his hand that formed into a sphere, the size of a basketball that shook violently. He then sprinted towards Riser, upon closer inspection, one could see Vince taking out a small vial from his pocket with his free hand.

"Die!" Riser yelled as he brought his burning fist towards Vince's heart.

To everyone's surprise Vince immediately disappeared in a bolt of black lightning, he reappeared above Riser. Vince quickly slammed the sphere in his hand into Riser's back. "Don't think so."

Riser screamed in pain as the ball was brutally slammed into his spine. The force from the attack tore through the ground as Riser was pushed further into the ground as the sphere violently released a huge surge of black lightning, shocking him.


Vince quickly opened the vial he was holding in his hand about Riser, the white water poured from the vial into Riser's body as Vince grunted as he felt pain in his arm due to the some of the white water getting into his arm and burning his skin.


Riser started to write in pain as the White Water burned through his clothing as smoke came out. The flame wings on his back started to flicker away as he spoke. "You have holy water?!"

Screams were heard from the courtyard as the Devils immediately backed away. Vince however chuckled. "To be more precise, it's White Water."

Everyone's eyes widened greatly as they heard that as Riser shouted. "Absurd! White Water only brings intense suffering to Devils!"

Vince showed his arm which is smoking and covered in blood. "I could careless, I've done more dangerous things than this before."

He relased dark water from his hands and immediately flexed his fingers causing the dark water to go into Riser's arms and legs. "Now!" Vince made a crushing motion with his hands causing the dark water to immediately crush Riser's legs.

"Gaaaaaaaah!" Riser's screams echoed through the courtyard as most of the Devils flinched at the brutality of the attack as the ground and Vince's dark water is now stained with Riser's blood.

Vince noticed Riser's legs started to slowly regenerate. He took out another vial of white water and opened the vial and poured it again on Riser's body as Vince flinched in pain from getting some of the white water on his arm again.

Riser immediately screamed in agonizing pain as more smoke came out of his body. Vince also grunted in pain his left arm is now letting out more blood. His eyes narrowed as his left arm now went limp. (I better wrap this up quickly.)

"I'll give you once chance Riser, give up the match." Vince said seriously.

Riser gritted his teeth in anger as he tried to get up couldn't. "Fuck you! Do you even know what you're doing? This engagement is important and necessary for the future of the Devils! This has nothing to do with you!"

"I could careless about what you say. The future of the Devils is the responsibility of the older generation. The newer generation shouldn't have to pick up the slack because of their idiotic mistakes in the past." Vince commented as a collective gasp was heard from the audience.

"I have nothing more to say to you." He created a sphere made out of black water from his hand. The black water immediately formed into a large black dragon appeared next to him. The dragon immediately moved to strike down Riser, but Vince forced the dragon to stop immediately.

The water dragon just stopped a few centimeters away from Ravel who appeared in between Vince and Riser. (She must have been either really close by or she's that fast.)

Vince frowned and looked at Ravel. "Get out of my way. This is between me and your brother."

"No!" Ravel raised her hands in as if trying to block Riser, with her body trembling a little. "Even though he won't die I can't just sit back and let you hurt Onii-sama anymore when it's clear that you're the victor!"

"Blame that on your brother for not giving up. I'll stop fighting when I win the match." Vince then frowned and turned to Sirzechs. "Lucifer! Call the match I won't be responible on what happens to her if she decides to continue to interfere in the match."

Sirzechs stood up and walked towards the railing. "The winner is Vince Reinhart."

Vince flicked his fingers causing the water dragon to dissipate. He then looked at Rias. "Rias, do you want to continue with the engagement, or do you want to end it and return to the human world?"

All eyes were on Rias as she spoke. "I do not want to continue with the engagement. I want to return to the human world!"

Vince felt a small pulse go throughout his body as his eyes narrowed. (Damn it, I'm going to run out of time soon!) He immediately channeled black lightning into his legs and disappeared from everyone else's sights.


Vince breathed heavily as his eyes and pupils returned to normal. (Shit, I wasted too much energy and my left arm is out because of the white water.)

[In a way, it's a good thing that you timed out Vince. If you would have stayed longer than the white water would have caused you even more damage.] Yume stated.

Vince nodded in agreement as he walked through the hallways, with his arm still dripping blood. "Yeah, that is a good thing. I had a hard time not screaming in pain from it, but the fact that I was able to stand up to the pain and not die from it. Does it mean I have a small resistance to it?"

[Yes you have a small resistance to white water. It won't kill you outright like a normal devil, but you should avoid getting by it or holy water, since they're basically one in the same.] Yume stated.


"Ah! Here you are!" Rias yelled as she ran up to him with the other members of her peerage.

"Ara ara. That wasn't very nice running after Buchou made her decision like that." Akeno said while placing a hand on her cheek.

"...Still injured." Koneko spoke, pointing towards Vince's left arm that still limp and bleeding.

Rias' eyes widened as she the injury. "Asia, heal Vince."

"Y-Yes Buchou." Asia quickly went towards Vince and started healing him.

"You idiot, why did you have to do this?" Rias asked worriedly as she slightly winced at his injured arm.

"Yeah, that's a nice way of saying "Thank you" ." Vince said dryly.

"Sorry. But why did you have to go through all of this?" Rias asked him.

"I only did this because your brother offered me this job." Vince answered surprising the other club members.

Rias however shook her head, "I know your lying Vince. It wasn't just because of the job, Onii-sama offered you. Grayfia told me how you reacted when you watched the Rating Game, you were really upset."

"Stupid old ha- Mmph!"

Rias quickly covered Vince's mouth with her hand as she and the others panicked and looked around for any sign of her. "Don't say something like that, you'll get into big trouble if you do."

Vince rolled his eyes but moved his arm. "Thanks Asia, my arm is better now."

"Your welcome Vince-san." Asia replied with a smile.

"That was awesome Vince!" Issei yelled as the rest of the peerage clapped alongside him.

(Issei really likes to exaggerate. But the others are clapping too, is it really that big of an accomplishment to them? I guess it is since it seems that engagement has been around for years.) Vince chuckled a little before turning to Rias. "At least you're free Rias."

Rias laughed as tears fell down from her face. "Thank you Vince. You may have stopped this engagement, but a new engagement might be brought in, you know?"

Vince's eye twitched in response. "Are you implying what I think you are?"

Rias nodded, "I could tell everyone else was impressed by your battle."

"What do you you and Buchou mean?" Issei asked confused.

"There's a chance that the engagement might pass on to me." Vince answered.

"W-What!?" Issei shouted in shock.

"It shouldn't be a problem. Even though there's a high chance were engaged now, we can always disagree about us getting married, right Rias?" He asked looking at her.

Rias frowned for a moment but nodded. "Yes, you're right Vince. But for now..." She walked up to Vince and pulled him into a searing kiss, surprising everyone in the hall.

She then pulled away with a smile on her face. "It's my first kiss. It's something girls in Japan treasure right?"

Vince looked at her with a deadpan look. "We're not in Japan and you're not Japanese to begin with."

"That doesn't matter, it's still my first kiss so please treasure it." She said with a smile.

"Ufufu, you were calm the entire time Vince-kun. Was that your first kiss?" Akeno asked with a smile.

"No, I already had my first kiss with someone else." He replied surprising the club members.

Rias lightly frowned at hearing that but said nothing about it. "Let's head back home, Akeno prepare a transport."

"Yes Buchou." Akeno said as she created a magic circle beneath them.

"Vince I want you to hold on to me while we're being transported. You're not apart of my peerage, so that magic circle won't work on you. So you need to hold on to me, so you can be transported along with us." Rias stated.

(That's awfully convenient.) Vince thought dryly.

"Come on Vince." Rias pulled Vince into a hug as the magic circle shined brightly.

(Why do I get the feeling this will be a pain in the ass?) Vince thought as he along with the others disappeared, via magic circle.


Authors Notes: Quite a few things happened during this chapter. I have to admit, I had to redo the entire fight with Riser two times, just to get it up to my liking. Now then for the explanations.

Vince's sword technique, Sakura End is a katana technique from the video game Phantasy Star Online 2. I had a hard time choosing what type of sword techinque to pick from a video game. But in the end, this one won out, it was hard to type down what the technique looked like... But I personally think that the techniques from here will suit Vince the best. Also for those of you who have played the game, Vince will not be learning the techniques in a particular order.

I decided to have Vince spend the last day being Kyoto just for the sole purpose of interacting between Yasaka and Kunou. Hopefully the interactions are good, also as for why Kunou teased Vince a little and then Yasaka, not to mention her prank. Well she's a kitsune as well as a little kid. It would be surprising for her not to do something like that. And before anyone asks, yes Vince does have a soft spot for kids.

Also I decided for Vince not to barge in and annouce he wants Rias back. I really see no point in why he would do that. So I changed it and have him interrupt Riser in the middle of his speech.

As for the fight with Riser, it was a little complicated to type down how the fight would go because their are so many different scenarios on how to write it and I didn't want the fight to turn into a curbstomp battle or something overly dramatic. Because it's just really just a fight to determine the outcome of an engagement. That's how I see it at least. Also Vince wasn't overpowered in this match since he did waste a lot of energy trying to avoid getting burned alive and he did get injured from Riser, even though it was more from him pouring White Water on Riser and he was on a timelimit. Vince can't remain a devil forever and it'll cause problems if he turns into a human infront of everyone during the match.

As for the current situation with Vince and Rias. I'm just going by what happened in canon in DxD, since Issei defeated Riser he became the new fiance for Rias. I want point out that Vince isn't going to be forced to be Rias' fiance. He'll just play along with it until the whole situation cools off a bit.

And finally before anyone asks, the grenades Vince tossed at Riser is the Shock Grenade from the video game inFamous.

That's all I have to say for the explanations. Let me know what you think about the chapter, I worked really hard to make sure it came out like this. Take care.