
Acquiring Strengths

Zero's POV

' Status ' I thought.


Name: Hyoudou Zero

Age: 1 year old

Race: Human/ ???

Dragons: Nebula and Heave

Titles: [ Reincarnated Human ] , [ Dragon God of Death ] , [ Dragon God of Life ] , [ Charming baby ], [ Charmer ] , [ Siscon ] , [ ??? ]

Lvl: 8

Exp: 4400 / 4500

HP: 2000/2000

MP: 1800/1800

Str: 150

Agi: 150

Def: 150

Int: 150

Luk: 150

Cha: 200


[ Sleep Levelling ] , [ Summon The Goddess of Death ] ( not available ), [ Mana Control ] , [ Zero Dimension ] ( not available ), [ Item Storage ] , [ Magic Elements (F)(W)(A)(E) ] , [ Creation Magic ] , [ Appraisal ] , [ Lover's contract ] , [ Lover's wish ]

Money: 11000 yen

[ Missions ]

[ Live with your sister ] - live with your sister in one room. This is an SSS-class mission. You'll live with your onee-chan until you ascend.

Punishment: HP will be reduced to 5 every night you're going to leave her. It will just stop when you sleep with her. Rewards: 2000 EXP every hour you sleep with her.

Expiration: Until you ascend


I sighed while lying in the bed like a robot.

' I am still young to experienced this kind of life. I never look at the mirror since I arrived here but here I am as a slave of my own sister... ' I thought then look at my sister who suddenly sleeps at the top of my chest.

' She's light? Or I am just stronger than I look? ' I thought then grinned.

" Hey, you idiot. " in a low voice said.

' Who the heck is that?! ' I thought then look at my surroundings.

" Dragon. Mind " another one talked inside my mind but this time it's a girl's voice.

' Where are you? Why are y— ah! Nebula and Heave! ' I said in my mind when I suddenly remember Nebula and Heave.

" Now, you remember. " the low voice said and suddenly my eyes get heavier as I fell asleep. While my consciousness is still awake.

Suddenly a man with a built body and a woman with a bored look appeared in front of me.

" You got a better-built body than I expected. I am Nebula. Dragon God of Life." Nebula said

" ... Heave. Death. Friend with Zae. Goddess of Death. " Heave said and nodded.

" So you know Goddess of Death? Hmm... Zae is her name huh? " I muttered.

Suddenly, I remember the question that I was about to ask earlier.

" Why am I here? " I asked.

" Training. " Heave said

" Heave is right. Since you can't train in your world because of your sis— "


" We are inside of your mind. Are you an idiot? " Nebula harshly said " Anyways, I don't care about that now but you need to train before your sister wakes up let's train. " he continued I sighed and look at the two dragons who are now walking.

" I wonder why my sister is sleeping it's still afternoon. " I said then follow the two.

( after 25 minutes )

We reach our destination. A field without nothing is quite... weird in this dimension.

'Is this mine? Or not?' I thought

" This is not yours. Thanks to heave later. " Nebula said

' Wait! He can rea— ah! They're inside my mind... I forgot. ' I thought.

" I want to ask something. " I said while the two is preparing.

" What is it? " Nebula asked

" Why my body doesn't look like a baby? " I asked

" Because of you're now a part of that Zero Hyoudou's soul. The soul is the most needed when you want to train here " he explained

" I see.. " I said while nodding

" Now, let's start doing warm-ups! " Nebula shouted

" 500 push-ups, squats, curl-ups and laps of running. Start. " Heave said

" WHAT?! " I shouted when I heard the number, I am shocke— no. Horrified!

" Don't worry you won't get exhausted here. " Nebula said while nodding.

' DON'T LIE TO MEEEE!!! ' I shouted in my mind and started doing push-ups.

( After 1 hour )

" Hah! Hah! Hah! " I huffed while lying on the ground.

" Here. " Heave said and throw a water bottle. I seated on the ground and start to drink the water. I then saw a woman beside Nebula.

" Who is she? " I asked while looking at the pink haired girl with a simple outfit.

" Oh? She's Aira, one of the human living in my dimension. " He said

" You also have one? Heave! Is there also someone living here? " I asked then look at Heave.

" Yes. Undead people. They are living underground. " Heave explained

I just nodded.

" Now, stop talking and let's start to train once again! Zero! You'll be fighting this Dragon human with swords. You can use magic if you want. " Nebula said I just nodded and mouthed

'Status' I thought


Name: Hyoudou Zero

Age: 1 year old

Race: Human/ ???

Dragons: Nebula and Heave

Titles: [ Reincarnated Human ] , [ Dragon God of Death ] , [ Dragon God of Life ] , [ Charming baby ], [ Charmer ] , [ Siscon ] , [ ??? ]

Lvl: 8

Exp: 4400 / 4500

HP: 2000/2000

MP: 1800/1800

Str: 245

Agi: 201

Def: 189

Int: 305

Luk: 178

Cha: 203


[ Sleep Levelling ] , [ Summon The Goddess of Death ] ( not available ), [ Mana Control ] , [ Zero Dimension ] ( not available ), [ Item Storage ] , [ Magic Elements (F)(W)(A)(E) ] , [ Creation Magic ] , [ Appraisal ] , [ Lover's contract ] , [ Lover's wish ]

Money: 11000 yen

[ Missions ]

[ Live with your sister ] - live with your sister in one room. This is SSS-class mission. You'll live with your onee-chan until you ascend.

Punishment: HP will be reduced to 5 every night you're going to leave her. It will just stop when you sleep with her. Rewards: 2000 EXP every hour you sleep with her.

Expiration: Until you ascend.


' Hmm... Can I decrease my Mana Consumption? Mana Consumption is big. If I use simple magic... my mana will deduct 20 consumption. ' I thought.

Anyways, I need to focus on creating a new skill.

" [ Creation Magic: Mana Consumption Decreased ] " I muttered

You've acquired a new skill [ Mana Consumption Decreased ].

" YES!!! " I cheered in excitement " Explain what is [ Mana Consumption Decreased ] skill! " I said

[ Mana Consumption Decreased ]- an SS- class skill. It decreases the mana you will use when activating a skill. 20 Mana Consumption will be deducted on every skill that you will use. ( Lvl. 1 / Max )

Mana Consumption: 0 MP

" Hehehe! Status! " I said once again while chuckling.


Name: Hyoudou Zero

Age: 1 year old

Race: Human/ ???

Dragons: Nebula and Heave

Titles: [ Reincarnated Human ] , [ Dragon God of Death ] , [ Dragon God of Life ] , [ Charming baby ], [ Charmer ] , [ Siscon ] , [ ??? ]

Lvl: 8

Exp: 4400 / 4500

HP: 2000/2000

MP: 1790/1800

Str: 245

Agi: 201

Def: 189

Int: 305

Luk: 178

Cha: 203


[ Sleep Levelling ] , [ Summon The Goddess of Death ] ( not available ), [ Mana Control ] , [ Zero Dimension ] ( not available ), [ Item Storage ] , [ Magic Elements (F)(W)(A)(E) ] , [ Creation Magic ] , [ Appraisal ] , [ Lover's contract ] , [ Lover's wish ], [ Mana Consumption Decreased ]

Money: 11000 yen

[ Missions ]

[ Live with your sister ] - live with your sister in one room. This is SSS-class mission. You'll live with your onee-chan until you ascend.

Punishment: HP will be reduced to 5 every night you're going to leave her. It will just stop when you sleep with her. Rewards: 2000 EXP every hour you sleep with her.

Expiration: Until you ascend.



" Zero! Are you ready? " Nebula asked I just nodded while smiling.

" YES!! " I said enthusiastically. I walk towards the center with Nebula and Aira. Both of us nodded at each other.

" Aira here is your sword. " Nebula said while giving Aira a sword glowing white "— and here is you— "

" I don't need it. " I said " [ Creation Magic: Phaesphoros ] " I muttered and suddenly a white light covered in my hands and a katana showed up with a black fire covering the metal. The sword handle is black with a dragon royal style designs.

" T-that's the... Phaesphoros sword, a dragon killer sword. " Nebula said while looking at the sword. I nodded and smile

" Shall we dance? " I asked Aira with a grinned.

" Use your full strength. " Nebula said "... And lastly, you can go all out. If someone dies, you can just reviv— "

Suddenly, Aira ran towards me at a fast-paced. I smirked. " [ Creation Magic: Multiple Cast ] [ Notifications: OFF ]" I said

When Aira is only 1 meter apart for me. I cast [ Multiple Cast ] since the Mana Consumption is 30 MP. My MP decreased to 1780/1800.

" [ Creation Magic: Teleportation ] [ Creation Magic: Sword arts ] [ Magic Elements ( F): Fire Ball ] " I said I then teleported on her back and I slashed her while I cast a fireball and aimed her on back. She dodged the sword and let the fire hit her.

" She has a fire resistance skill " I mumbled and moved 3 meters away from her.

" Nice attack. " Aira said and then she vanished once again.

I look for her and she suddenly appeared in front of me then slashed my waist. Before she slashed me I cast [ Creation Magic: Glitch ] and slashed her on the chest but she deflected it.

" Nice Reaction speed. " I said " Creation Magic: Multiple Self - 10 ] " I cast once again and a 10 of me appeared surrounding her.

" [ Teleportation ] " I said and moved 5 meters away from her and join my other self. " [ Creation Magic: Unique Magic Elements ( L ) ] "I and my other self-cast and a bolt of multiple lightning struck towards her.

" [ Multiple Barrier ] " Aira cast on her self and a semicircular barrier covered her.

" Oho. That's awesome. " I said " [ Teleportation ] " I cast and teleported beside her and slashed her neck.

She just died and the barrier she cast earlier vanished. After the battle, she revived.

" Nice battle " Nebula said as he teleported between us.

" I agree. " Aira said " I will get serious this time " she said

" You aren't serious earlier huh? You almost kill me. " I said

" Yes, I am not serious earlier because I only use one magic and that is the barrier I created. I will use magic this time. " She explained

" Then do as you wish " I said and smirked as the both of us start fighting once again.

" They're both battle maniacs. " Nebula said when he reached Heave side.

Heave just nodded and watch the two fight.

( 12 hours later )

Aira and I both stopped when we reached our limits. I also acquired a lot of skills when we fight each other and another sword. I level up my [ Mana Consumption Decreased ] into 5. We've also fought each other 50 times in conclusion with a draw.

" I had fun fighting against you. " I said

" Me too. " Aira said with a smile.

" Ok! You need to wake up man! It's dinner time! Your mother is waking up you! You can continue this later! " Nebula said

I just nodded and closes my eyes again.

( outside of the consciousness )

" —hime! Zero! Wake up! It's dinner time. " Mom said and I also wake up. I saw my sister still sleeping in my chest.

" Mom. Please wake up Yukihimehe-onee-chan. " I said

" I'm doing it already Zero- honey. Did you color your hair honey? " mom suddenly asked

" No, mom. Why? " I asked curiously because I remember I have Brown hair and golden eyes.

" Your hair change into white... " Mom said " Ah well, I don't care if your hair changes because of your still my son. Wake your sister, okay honey? " she said and leave.

' I think you should care about that mom! And why the hell I am the one who'll wake my sister up?!?! ' I thought then sighed deeply.

Enjoy this chapter 2? I hope you enjoy.

I'll be updating this story every Friday,Saturday and Sunday. If the vacation start, I'll try adding some chapter in Weekdays.

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