Meet Daniele Berti, a reincarnated person,At least he learned that when he turned 5 But unfortunately the world he is in is more dangerous than he thinks.
third person pov
Magnus then handed over the documentation without saying anything.
Michael looked at them with interest at first, but as he turned the pages his expression became much more serious.
The Archangel took a deep breath and spoke when he finished the file.
"I believe you are aware that this is something that will restart the war so I will ask another way...why"
Magnus revealed a computer and a black cat hairpin-shaped USB attached to the side.
"You'd better see for yourself, Michael."
Michael examined the data, and the more he examined it, the more horrified he became.
Special information about Devils' clan skills and mutations inside this USB
The main topic of these was 'Super Devils', but there were a few more deeper information, special external sources to confirm the mutation.......'Malebranches'
Michael couldn't believe it, he knew that Sirzech Gremory and Ajuka Astaroth were stronger than older Satan's, but this was pure nonsense.
They even overshadowed Rizevim
When Daniele saw Michael's reaction, he decided it was the right moment to speak up.
"Michael, I want to create that device for defensive purposes, not to start a war, even Rizevim is dangerous, let alone Sirzech Lucifer and Ajuka Beelzebub, so I want to create it as a trump card.Apart from that, there are also Malebrances, if they suddenly fall into the hands of the Devils, can Heaven really survive?"
Michael sighed and stretched his hand towards Daniele's forehead.
Flicked Daniele's forehead
"Don't underestimate Heaven, Daniele, we have a few hidden trump cards too, but----"
Michael reached up and used his left hand to comb back the bangs of his long blonde hair.
"I will still accept the precautionary measure, I will provide support for this project, but if it is used to start a war, I will destroy it myself, is it understood?"
Daniele and Magnus, nodded for a moment.
"So, is there any special material missing?"
"Actually, we need something with intense holy power, of course we can use external sources, batteries or something, but continuous flow would be best"
After thinking for a while, Michael replied to Magnus
"I can handle this, but is there anything else besides the machine?"
Magnus raised his hand and Daniele looked at him in surprise.
"Actually, I was going to inform Dany later, but the situation is good now."
Magnus transferred an object here with his pure white phone, a device that was quite familiar to Daniele.
-----Sacred Gear Extraction Device
"This is the Sacred Gear Extraction Device that Dany sent me earlier, I worked hard on it, but I managed to get it to the level of removing normal Sacred Gears without killing their hosts, but this process is extremely long and the other party must not resist it, otherwise it will not work. "
Michael looked at Daniele, who was avoiding eye contact, as he felt a headache coming on.
".....So what do you propose to do with it"
At that moment Daniele raised his hand
"Actually, I have an idea."
Michael looked at Daniele with one eyebrow raised, realizing that Daniele was the brains behind the anti-devil machine, he would be lying if he said he wasn't intrigued by the idea this time.
"First of all, you can't interfere with the Sacred Gear Placement System, can you, Michael? "
With Michael's approval, Daniele continued
"Can't we remove it from pension exorcists or Sacred Gear owners who don't want to join the supernatural coming to church and transfer it to compatible users? This will also prevent the Heaven from losing Sacred Gear.Recycling in short "
Michael had to admit, he certainly couldn't imagine hearing recycling and Sacred Gear in the same sentence, but...
"That's actually not a bad the way, did you two tell anyone about the Anti-devil Device and the Sacred Gear Extraction Device?"
"Well, I didn't tell anyone about the USB, I was worried that the contents inside would be used for human experimentation, and as for the Sacred Gear Extraction Device , that was also secret."
"That's good, there was actually a possibility of human experimentation, before the 'clean' of course "
Even though Magnus and Daniele didn't understand the meaning, they didn't ask.
"So, Magnus, how are the equipment I told you about? "
"Me and the angels finished some of them and some interesting things came up "
"Wait what equipment"
Michael looked at Daniele with a playful smile.
"What, are you the only one with interesting ideas?"
"*cough* cough* I don't know what you're talking about"
While Magnus and Michael laughed at Daniele's expense, the person in question looked away
Daniele pov
"Shouldn't it be Dulio or Irina who did this, Michael?"
While I was arranging the documents given to me in the desired order, I said, my desk is full of paper!!!
"Irina had already chosen to cook and Dulio---"
"He ran away, didn't he?"
"He took up his mission urgently and left, and for some reason his assignment was to regions that are famous for their food."
Curse you Dulio!!!!!
Finally I continued to deal with the huge paper pillar in front of me
"By the way, how are your relationships with girls, Daniele?"
"Hmmm, actually pretty good, I'm going on a Date with Via today "
"Be careful not to fall"
"Please don't make fun of me"
I could only sigh as Michael burst into giggles.
Maybe I should see what the other girls are doing
With this thought, I walked towards where Irina was.
Cooking lessons with Irina
Instead of going in, I watched from the door. She seemed to be concentrating.
"Now, we will add some more flour!"
My dear chestnut continued to knead the flour, humming happily
Then she looked back at the people listening.
"By the way, don't forget to put your blessings on your cake for the person you made it for!!!"
Suddenly a hand rose from the crowd, this will be interesting
"Yes you"
"So who are you making your cake for?"
the person at the moment poked him
"İdiot. Of course it's for 'Paladin', I'm right aren't I miss Irina"
Irina stood for a moment and smiled brightly as her cheeks turned red.
"For my fiancée of course!!!!"
"....let's look at Asia"
[You're embarrassed, aren't you?, right]
<I didn't!>
Confession of sin with Asia
"Waaahhhhh!! I'm real garbage, a maggot like me doesn't deserve to live!!!"
?????? What the hell is going on?
On the floor, an exorcist with piercings in his ears and nose is kneeling in front of Asia's legs and cry like a little kid.....the guy looks to be in his twenties!!
"Isn't this guy a maniac in danger of excommunication?"
"Yes, I heard that he killed devils and other supernatural creatures just for fun, even if he didn't commit any serious crime, he was under surveillance."
".....As expected from a 'Twilight Angel '.Another fallen soul has come to light"
"Well, she's Highness Strada's granddaughter , so it's not surprising."
I'm glad Asia's reputation has been fully restored in the wider community, which shows that Griselda's plan totally worked.
But what about a 'Twilight Angel'
I approached the audience
"Excuse me"
One of the nun's turned and stiffened when she saw me,
"P-paladin! How can I help?"
"Relax, don't worry, I'm just going to ask about this 'Twilight angel' thing."
"Well, Miss Asia Argento Strada, she was here before and she happened to stumble upon one of the problematic ones, but he came out crying and apologizing.But it didn't stop there, the same thing happened a few more times, and eventually people around her started calling her 'Twilight Angel' who illuminates the twilight."
"It's not important"
...... That's my Asia.
Baby naming with Xenovia
When I finally got to the place that was further away from the others, I saw Xenovia with a confused look through the doorway.
A tired woman lying on the bed, Xenovia with a baby wrapped in a blanket
Xenovia took the baby in her arms, her hands trembling, and at first she didn't understand how to hold it. Although the baby cried a little because it was wiggling, she eventually found the right position and calmed the baby calm down.
When the calming baby reached out with his little hands and gently touched Xenovia's face, my blue-haired fiancée's expression changed to one of tenderness and concern that even I had never seen before.
I felt like Xenovia was more beautiful than anyone I saw right now, that expression on her face made my heart beat very, very fast.
"Ambrosi, let his name be Ambrosi.May he live a very long happy life"
'Ambrosi huh, Ambrosi was a name meaning immortality,'
Xenovia finally gave the baby to his family and hurried out the door
When she walked out the door she saw me and the first thing she did was hug me.
I wrapped my arms around her and caressed my fiancée's hair as she leaned her head on my shoulder.
"Let's go home Dany"
"Our date."
"I just....want to spend time at home with you right now"
"As you wish"
While opening a magic circle under us, I released my wings and halo like Xenovia's and we were teleported through the angel magic circle that opened below us.
Me and Xenovia lay in bed holding each other, but we weren't in a church or a hotel, we were in the house we now bought in Heaven
After the tour of Heaven, before going to Magnus, the girls and I decided to buy a house, our rooms in the Church were only for two people and not private enough, so we bought a house where all of you would live.
"Griselda was right"
"Hmmm, from what angle?"
I questioned while playing with Via's hair
"I .... I'm really not fit to have a baby, I was scared when I held has in my arms, I was very, very scared .The thought that I might hurt him scared me to death, My hands and feet are tangled together "
I lightly kissed Via's blue hair as she buried her face in my chest.
"Likewise, I don't think I'm ready either, but we will live a long time together and when the time comes, we will both have children."
"Do you think I will be able to succeed?"
"No, I don't think so. I know this, my Via will be a perfect mother "
Xenovia looked at me with her brown eyes and then lifted her head and placed a kiss on my lips.
"I love you my future husband"
"Likewise my future wife "
We just lay in bed until Irina and Asia came home
"So how was your day? "
I questioned while eating dinner cooked by Asia and Irina at the table
"Ah Yes!! Good reminder Dany!"
After spanking herself, Irina opened the space storage and took out a box. When she opened the box, there was an extremely delicious looking cake inside.
When Xenovia quickly attacked with her fork, Irina lifted the box up and dodged it.
"After dinner, Xenovia!"
"Then why are you bringing out the now?! This is literally seduction."
"Hmph, one of the values that angels should have is patience, be patient!"
"I'm not going to learn angelhood from you, you self-proclaimed angel."
I ignored the two and headed towards Asia
"How was your day, Asia?"
"I-it was interesting.....I guess"
"Well, I guess there can be no difficulty for 'Twilight Angel'"
Asia's face turned red
"What ...from where"
"Hmm, you're very popular in the confessional arena, my dear twilight-illuminator angel."
I was holding back my laughter while Asia was punching my back (they don't hurt at all, they are really soft) with her face turned pure red.
When the sound rang indicating that I received a message on my phone, Asia also stopped.
When I looked at my phone, the answer made me raise my eyebrows.
"Is there something wrong, Dany-san?"
Irina and Xenovia were also looking at the message over my shoulder when Asia asked.
"Well, who wants to go to the underworld?"
Currently, me and Asia were following behind Gabriel, while Irina and Xenovia followed behind Michael.
We were invited to the Sitri - Gremory Rating game, to be honest, I didn't think I would participate, after all, peace has just been established.
But when you have a V.I.P like Odin....yeah there's nothing else to do
When I entered the door there were Sirzechs, Serafall Odin and Rossweisse
"Hello Michael and Gabri-- Gueh!"
Does it seriously hurt you that much to say good words to her, Levia-tan?
"Well then, hello everyone "
Michael showed his iconic smile
"I'm glad you came the same way"
Sirzech replied with his own smile.
For some reason Odin suddenly grinned at me and looked at Gabriel?
"You are breathtaking as always Gabriel, the God of bible certainly knew what he was doing when he created you "
I felt a vein throb on my forehead as Odin looked at Gabriel with a perverted face....wait a second is he looking at me!!!
He's doing it on purpose!
"Lord Odin!!! Stop it now!"
Odin rolled his one eye in exasperation.
"Yes yes you virgin Valkyrie "
"I...I don't care about that!!"
Odin then raised one eyebrow and looked at her
"Oi, The Lion King "
"Yes Lord Odin"
"Those three chicks, what's your relationship with them?"
"I am Dany's fiancee"
Of course, Xenovia did not hesitate to stand out
"Me too!"
... of course Irina too
Asia confirmed with a red face.
"Well done, well done, they are all perfect beauties, by the way, what do you say about Rossweisse, three girls younger than you have found boyfriends. The lion king has found three girlfriends which means he's three times better than you!"
Rossweisse looked at me with slightly teary corners of her eyes. I can't read minds, but for some reason there was a sign saying 'How did you find three when I couldn't find one!' it was writing
Wait...Odin writes with magic!!!
At that moment, the Fallen Angel magic circle opened in the room and Azazel came out of it.
"So~~ what did I miss!"
[So we'll start the Rating game ]
[A few rules will be set for the sake of safety and fairness for both sides of the match ]
[1- Gasper Vladi is prohibited from using his Sacred Gear and drinking Hyoudou Issei's blood]
[2-If a lot of damage is caused to the area, the person responsible for the damage will be retired from the game immediately.]
[That's it for the rules. I am Grayfia Lucifuge announcing the start of this ratings game]
Accompanied by the sound, we all focused on the game, but Rossweisse was still looking at me with betrayed wet eyes.
third person pov
When the Sitri and Gremory peerages were finally introduced, Daniele stiffened.
"Wait, who are those two?"
"Hmm, didn't Rias tell you about her new peerage members, Dany?"
Azazel raised an eyebrow at Daniele's negative nod, he had already noticed that Daniele and Rias had a pretty good relationship even if they argued.
'Maybe she wanted to make a surprise, but when she heard that he were training Sona, she either gave up or forgot.'
"Anyway, the bishop is Lilitifa Vepar, and her knight is a middle school kid named Yukihiko Hoderi."
Daniele's eyebrow twitched at the name
"Wait, you said 'Hoderi', right? I didn't hear wrong."
"Exactly, but seriously, Rias Gremory has abnormal luck.The boy appeared out of nowhere and challenged Kiba, and when he lost, he asked Rias to make him her 'knight'.Literally a natural holy sword user . Lilitifa is already someone who has an agreement with her family ,"
Daniele's mind was elsewhere while Azazel was talking
'I 'am sorry Akio, but you were right, your brother turned out to be really stupid!!!'
[Rias Gremory's Bishop retired ]
The game continued while they were talking, events went according to canon Gasper turned into a bat and was retired because of garlic
Currently, Issei and Koneko were grouped together, while Koneko was detecting the enemy's location with Senjutsu, Saji and Ruruko arrived at the scene with Saji using the absorption line as a rope.
Saji kicked, stepped back and cut the line coming from the glove.
But in the meantime, he wrapping a new line to Issei's arm o rather Boosted Gear
"That was dirty Saji"
Saji just shrugged
"I'm playing to win here, Hyoudou, and I will win"
"Come on, Saji!"
As Issei lunged towards Saji, Saji countered and absorbed Issei's power while creating distance between them.
Issei responded to Saji's power absorption by doubling his own power.
He dodged the sudden punch directly to his face and created a bullet with the Demonic power he had accumulated and threw it at Issei.
Issei used his glove to fight back but slipped back.
<Ddraig, do you have any plans to get rid of this?>
{Even if you continue to increase your power, Saji Genshiro will absorb it, so transfer your left hand as soon as you increase the power, our first priority should be to enter Balance Breaker}
Saji didn't let go of Issei, who was talking to Ddraig, and pulled the line, knocking the Red Dragon Emperor off balance and kicking him high to avoid getting close to his face.
"Gah!!! "
"Are you still standing Hyoudou, I didn't hold back on that kick"
"Hehe, you really made it stronger, Saji."
"Of course, the hellish training I received from the two Shishou's pushed me to become stronger"
"Shishou? that a damn ikemen!? How do you call it Shishou, Saji!?"
"Hehe no doubt he was damn ikemen but he's still undoubtedly my Shishou "
"Is that so, I can't disappoint Tannin Oji-san either."
Issei momentarily transferred the power to his right arm and ripped off the bound line before absorbing Saji
On the other side , the fight between Koneko and Ruruko continued with Koneko's ki-coated blow hitting Ruruko in the chest.
Ruruko grabbed Koneko's arm even though she vomited blood
"Heh, your punches...compared to that monster's(a certain Lion King)...just cute!!"
Ruruko hit the joint of Koneko's arm with her knee, causing the white-haired Nekoshou to go crazy in pain, and kicked her left leg joint with her right leg just before she fell.
"I'm sorry, Saji-senpai."
[Sona Sitri's pawn retired ]
"Good job Ruruko, let your senpai handle the rest."
{Partner, Now!}
"Alright Ddraig, now Balance Breaker!!"
As Issei got into his Scale Mail, Saji took the opportunity to tie a line around his arm again.
"It's no use, Saji!"
While Issei was rushing forward, he tried to pull Saji towards himself by pulling back his right arm, to which the line was attached, but at that moment Saji cut the line and threw Issei off balance.He grabbed the wasted line hard with both hands and threw Issei into the shop.
"I'm not the same as before , Hyoudou!"
Koneko at the expense of İssei rushed forward and dodged the line that Saji threw at her and attacked Saji with her still intact left hand, but her hand stopped right in front of Saji's chest.
When she looked at her arm, the blue line had turned between the railings at the back and was tied to her arm and was now absorbing her power.
When she turned to Saji, she was met with a left uppercut that landed right on her jaw, and Koneko fell off balance, falling to the ground as she felt the world spinning.
The last thing she saw was a shoe hitting her face
[Rias Gremory's rook retired ]
Issei, who saw these and left the shop, lost his temper.
"Saji you son of a----!!!!!"
With a sudden burst of power from his emotions, Issei appeared in front of Saji and punched him in the face with an armored glove, splashing blood on the ground, and hit him with a punch with his other arm, causing more blood to flow.
'Ahh, Shishou was indeed right'
Saji and Daniele were standing in front of a mountain
"Listen Saji, you don't stand a chance against Hyoudou Issei."
Before Daniele could finish his sentence revealed Regulus Nemea and swung it, creating a fissure in the mountain.
"This is the power of a Longinus"
Daniele sighed as Saji bowed his head and clenched his teeth.
"That's the truth Saji, you can't beat Hyoudou Issei one on one but that's the thing because you don't have to beat"
Flashback end
'Fighting with your mind and will, not your strength, Shishou said that this is the style that best suits me and my Absorption line ...Then!!!'
With blood flowing from his mouth and nose, his face unrecognizable, Saji stood upright instead of falling and confronted Hyoudou Issei directly.
"Now taste the power of me and the Evil Dragon, Vritra!! Balance Breaker!!!"
As Saji radiated a dark sinister purple aura, the Absorption Line on his arm disappeared and was replaced by purple snakes that wrapped around his entire arms.
The snakes suddenly wrapped around Issei's body from close range, and at the same time, five snakes headed towards a place buried directly in the ground.
"This is my Balance Breaker , Absorption Snake Line "
Issei tried to escape as the snakes surrounding him absorbed his strength, but it became even more difficult when Saji pressed both of his hands with his own arms.
In the end, Issei's strength still surpassed Saji and he punched him right in the face with his right arm at full power, Saji, who was unconscious, grabbed Issei's right arm at the last moment and fell to the ground and disappeared.
[Sona Sitri's last pawn retired ]
"I..... I have to go to Buchou "
Yukihiko and Kiba were moving according to the determined direction.
Yukihiko was a young boy with spiky black hair and a slight hint of arrogance in his eyes, a natural Holy Sword wielder who possessed one of the Totsuka no Tsurugi, the Japanese Holy Sword.
The two knights encountered Tomoe, Tsubasa and Tsubaki and started fighting.
Tomoe placed her sword in its sheath and took a position.
'Charge the sword with Demonic power and.....draw!!'
Yukihiko used his holy sword to resist the sudden swift attack, but a part of it cut his shoulder.
The tongue-clicking young holy sword user used the momentum to swing his sword towards Tomoe from below.
At that moment, Tsubasa caught the sword with the palm of both hands.
At that moment, to Yukihiko's surprise, holy power turned into Demonic power and Tomoe used this position to swing the sword.
But Yukihiko was someone who had trained since his childhood. He used Tsubasa's leg to throw himself back and took no damage.
"Kiba-senpai what the hell was that!?"
"I guess it's the kind of skill that reverses the qualities ."
Kiba started thinking, how are they going to win this?
He narrowed his eyes as an idea came to his mind.
"Sword Birth!"
He stabbed the sword into the ground and created a wall of swords separating himself and Yukihiko from the enemies.
"Over here, Yukihiko!"
Yukihiko quickly threw Totsuka no Tsurugi at Kiba.
"Balance Breaker, sword of revenge!"
As Kiba's sword turned pure black, he made contact with the Totsuka no Tsurugi he caught, and the Balance Breaker continuously absorbed the Holy Aura from the Holy sword, increasing Demonic Power.
He stood out the moment the sword wall collapsed
"No Tsubasa stop!"
Ignoring Tsubaki's warnings, Tsubasa used reversal on Kiba, but he had already hidden Totsuka no Tsurugi back, affecting sword of revenge in Kiba's hand.
As the Demonic power, which had already increased excessively, turned into holy power, Tsubasa collapsed and Kiba defeated Tomoe by breaking the sword in her hand with a single swing.
She fell to the ground with blood flowing from the wound on her chest.
Tsubasa collapsed with recoil
[Sona Sitri's Rook retired]
[Sona Sitri's knight retired ]
Tsubaki used this moment to attack the unarmed Yukihiko, stabbing her with the Naginata in her hand and retiring.
[Rias Gremory's knight retired]
Kiba gritted his teeth, threw a punch that cracked the wall, and turned to look for Rias.
If Kiba had been more careful at that point, he would have known that the punch he threw shouldn't have cracked the wall.
Kiba finally met up with Rias, Akeno, and their new bishop Lilitifa
Lilitifa is a beautiful woman with rare green hair and pointy fin-like ears
When Issei finally arrived, he looked at the other side and saw Tsubaki accompanied by Sona, standing between Momo and Reya.
Issei felt his body wobble as he was about to take a step and he knelt on the ground.
"W-what's going on?"
Sona later said that Saji wrapped one of Balance Breaker's snakes around his arm to suck Issei's blood.
Before he fell, Issei finally revealed his new ability 'Pailingual' and allowed himself to hear the sounds of the breast
Issei explained that he created this ability because he missed breasts so much during training with Tannin.
When he was finally going to tell him where Sona's real body was, he was attacked by Momo and Reya, pointing to the roof before retiring.
Angered by Issei's loss, Akeno ignored Rias' words and directly attacked Momo with all her strength, and even though Momo used 'Reversal', It had no effect so Momo and Reya eliminated Lilitifa while one of them created a barrier and attacked, but they both fell to Holy Lightning in the end.
[Rias Gremory's bishop retires]
[Both Sona Sitri's bishops retired]
Eventually Tsubaki escaped while taking damage of her arm and Rias and Akeno headed to the roof while Kiba followed her
[Sona Sitri's Queen retired]
[Rias Gremory's knight retired]
"Heheheh~~ you 'trained' them well Lion King"
"Well, after all, I am a former exorcist. Using the weapons we have, the area, the mental state of the opponent, and taking down the enemy... that's how an exorcist works."
"Hahahaha! It's just like on the battlefield, you fight with everything you have, but still the person with the dragon-qualified Sacred Gear"
"The Red Dragon Emperor?"
"No, the boy from Vritra had an impressive will, he was like a real evil dragon."
Hearing Sona's Peerage being praised, Serafall jumped to her feet and ran.
When Odin opened his arms with excitement, Serafall passed by and gave Daniele a big hug.
"It's all thanks to Dany's training"
Daniele looked at Odin, who was looking at him with an exasperated look, and stuck out his tongue.
Childish, yes. Do he regret it, no.
Rias and Akeno's eyes widened in disbelief as they clenched their teeth with light tears and climbed onto the roof.
In front of them, Sona had gathered all the water in the pool into a giant water ball and empowered it with Demonic power.
"If you do that to the ending, you automatically lose."
"Heh, we'll see!"
As Sona launched the giant water ball, Rias and Akeno minimized the damage by attacking directly instead of resisting with their defensive spell circles, but the force of it still slammed them into the wall.
But to Rias' surprise, there were only a few cracks in the wall, which shouldn't have happened, the previous attack should have definitely destroyed this place.
When Rias looked around, did she see holes, holes high enough for a snake to enter?.....snake?
"You seem to have noticed Rias, that's right, this was the second thing Saji did with Balance Breaker, he absorbed the building's durability towards this room, right now the most durable place in this room "
Sona smiled as she pushed her glasses
When Akeno heard the sound of shoes coming from behind, she turned around and instinctively threw holy lightning, but all she saw was a mirror.
When the mirror shattered, the Holy Lightning she relied on worked twice as hard on her.
When Akeno collapsed with burns on her body, she threw a kick to the ground and dodged a Naginata coming towards her.
Both Akeno and Rias looked at Tsubaki in surprise
"How "
Tsubaki smiled slightly, similar to her king
While Kiba was chasing Tsubaki, the ground he stepped on suddenly broke apart and he fell downstairs.
"What the hell????"
When Kiba picked up the stone from the ground and saw the hole in the stone, he understood the situation like Rias and felt a deep pain in his chest as he was about to open the magic circle to quickly inform Rias.
I looked down and saw a Naginata blade coming out of his chest and saw Tsubaki holding the Naginata
A magic circle opened in front of Tsubaki's mouth and a sound was heard that made Kiba's eyes widen.
[Sona Sitri's Queen retired]
Flashback end
"Isn't this...against the rules?"
Sona shrugged.
"I've read the rule book a few times and no it doesn't say it though it will probably be there after this game "
"Still, I didn't think you would do this, Tsubaki."
"Right now I'm my king's queen and I'm fighting for her dreams, I won't hold anything back"
Tsubaki's answer to her question overwhelmed Akeno with her thoughts, she wasn't that good of a queen today, was she, she ignored Rias' words and attacked as she wished.
At that moment, Akeno unleashed magical attacks and rushed forward with all her strength.
Even though Tsubaki blocked it with her magic circle, Akeno went straight forward and jumped towards Tsubaki, even though Tsubaki stabbed the Naginata into the voluptuous half-fallen, she did not stop and wrapped her arms around the heterochromia girl.
"It's the last thing I can do, Rias."
Akeno said as she blasted both herself and Tsubaki with Holy Lightning
" Tsubaki!!!!/ Akeno!!!!"
When the two kings lost their beloved queens, they looked at each other.
Rias' PoD attacks and Sona's water attacks collided, but Rias' attacks had the advantage, damaging Sona's arm.
"It seriously hurts to owe that much to that guy."
At Rias' surprised voice, Sona reached out her hand and a sphere of water formed. As the sphere of water began to rotate circumferentially, it got stuck and became similar to a blue aura sphere.
"What is that--?"
Before Rias could finish her words, a swift attack passed by her and took some of the red hair she was so proud of, leaving a scar on her cheek.
"Daniele Berti called this technique 'Bang', 'Shinso's Bang '"
Sona then turned a lot of water around into spheres and created 'Bangs'.
Rias increased her PoD output as much as she could while mentally cursing Daniele a few times.
After this, the two kings continued to fight with all their strength, and both of them were barely able to survive with wounds on many parts of their bodies.
"Let's finish it Rias!!!!"
While Sona stood with both hands in a pose similar to Tomoe's sword drawing stance, Sitri's magic circle opened and she drew in an enormous amount of water.
Even her own blood was being drawn into the circle!!!
Rias was not left behind and created a magic circle and charged an excessive amount of PoD, the amount of power was so much that it even harmed Rias.
Rias saw Sona's gaze fall to her shoulder a second before she attacked and changed her angle of attack.
Sona's condensed water blade and Rias's accumulated Demonic power were released at the same time, but the attacks did not collide, the water hitting Rias' body while the PoD hit Sona.
Sona, whose entire body was torn and bruised, asked while barely keeping her eyes open.
Rias, who was in a similar situation but with a cross cut across her torso, barely spoke
" Whenever we play games like table tennis in our childhood, you look for a second where its is going to throw... your habit... has never changed "
"*sigh* Childhood friends.....seriously.....troubling things"
Finally both Sona and Rias fell at the same time
[I, Grayfia Lucifuge.Announcing that this rating game between Sona Sitri and Rias Gremory ended in a draw!!!]
Well I hope it was good
Saji BxB Absorption snake line : Creates many snakes, making the absorption line's abilities more powerful and long-range
Yukihiko Hoderi is a canon character, not an OC, he has an older brother but he is not mentioned, in short, he can be called a semi-OC.