
high school wars

Schools and colleges are facing each other by the maximum power of the country, only one will emerge victorious and will have the power and total control of the country and the nation.

Skarkor · สงคราม
52 Chs


Lucas Gouin

He could barely remember the last time he slept properly. His mind would run circles around his thoughts and it didn't stop at just that. The day before, he woke up late from staying up too late studying again because he couldn't concentrate on studying with his mind racing with different plans. He had stayed up all night after getting up late from staying up late doing research. It was already 7 o'clock when he got home from cram school and then there were still some papers to finish, and the test tomorrow that was due in two days. But today, his brain wouldn't shut down. He couldn't focus on what he was supposed to be focusing on, which was actually homework that needed to get done before the deadline the next day and not some paperwork about how much he wanted to spend the whole night sleeping or staring at the ceiling. Instead, his body was tired from running around the school grounds during lunch period. His hands were shaking, his legs weak and his breath short. He had to make sure he wasn't going to faint in the middle of class.

His phone buzzed, causing him to jump, and nearly knock over his desk as he tried to catch the device.

Maki Harukawa: Good morning Gouin. You didn't come back home so I thought you skipped breakfast.

the day after Lucas Gouin was at Green Valley School for Boys, the student council member who led the school and ran the school was preparing a party to celebrate their new students arrival. There were many parties held throughout the year, but this one was especially special, as it was the first day they had been having classes with a new student. It had also been a week since Maki saw her old friend, Gouin, who disappeared at Christmas. She had called Gouin several times, she asked Makoto, but neither him nor Gouin answered any of her calls. Now, it seemed like Gouin would finally answer her call.

Gouin: sorry! Had to run away from my house. Didn't sleep well last night.

Maki Harukawa: why? You said you slept fine before.

Gouin: i did! but things just kept piling up. And my friends keep trying to drag me into their crazy plans and then i'm just so exhausted…

Maki Harukawa: Well, we should go together on Saturday. My brother and sister are visiting my parents so we can hang out.

Gouin: ok sounds great. Maybe this summer I'll take off work for good and go to your parents place.

Maki Harukawa: that would be great.

The day went on without a hitch. Gouin took the train back to his apartment.

the next day student Noe Grange shows up at school

looking slightly worse than yesterday, his clothes are dirty and torn and he has bags under his eyes. As he walks towards the main office the other students avoid him like he's a plague, and Gouin stops dead in his tracks as soon as he sees them. Gouin knows Noe, he doesn't know where this hatred came from.

"Noe Grange, what happened?! Are you alright?" Gouin asks concernedly.

noe looks at Gouin shocked, "who told you?"

"Your friends from yesterday."

noe nods, "yeah, they're idiots."

"Do you want to talk about it?" Gouin asks softly.

noe sighs, "i'm not ready yet. I need more time to sort out my head."

"Okay, let me know when you are." Gouin says kindly.

"thank you Gouin." Noe smiles slightly.

As Gouin leaves the room, he sees his friends standing outside, waiting for him. Makoto gives him an encouraging look as he passes by them.

"Where have you been?!" Nagisa says worriedly, "We've been calling you all afternoon, no one knows where you went!"

when Lucas Gouin goes to answer, Noe Grange grabs a grenade and throws it in the principal's office. the principal runs out screaming and the bomb explodes. Gouin tries to run to the door, but something catches him. It feels as if something is squeezing his chest, as if someone is pulling him backwards. He falls to the ground, unable to move.

the day after Gouin is in the hospital receiving treatment.

after Gouin is released, his mother drives him to the hospital.

"Don't worry, mom, I'll be okay." Gouin assures her with a smile.

it's the day Gouin starts the first part of his senior year of high school.


Lucas Gouin receives the news that there will be a 2nd War of Colleges, Colleges, and Schools, starting on April 10th. The announcement shocks the entire population of Japan. Gouin watches as people start to panic while everyone searches for information about schools and colleges. Even though Gouin knew nothing about politics, he couldn't help but feel a little guilty as he listened to his classmates discuss the situation with their families.

In the end, Gouin decides to do what everyone in his class is doing, but unlike everyone else, Gouin keeps a calm facade. He makes sure to act surprised by everything, but deep inside he hopes that he's wrong. Gouin knows it isn't possible, but he can't help but hope he's right. He takes out his notebook and writes down everything the teacher tells him. At lunch, Gouin talks to Rin.

"Have you heard anything about colleges yet?" Gouin asks quietly.

"Not really. I haven't heard anything at all," Rin replies, taking a bite of his hamburger.

"Me neither. Do you think the school board will announce it soon?" Gouin asks.

"I don't know," Rin shrugs. "It might be later than expected."

They continue eating silently until Gouin's dad comes home. He hugs Gouin and Rin tightly before heading to the kitchen.