

Lander looked at Mimi with a hopeful and nervous expression. He confessed his feelings for her and asked her to be his girlfriend. He had liked her for a long time but had never dared to tell her. He had always admired her smile, her personality, and her intelligence. He had always wanted to be with her, to make her happy, to protect her. But he had always been too shy, too nervous, too afraid. He had always waited for the right moment, opportunity, and sign. He thought that maybe this was it. He thought that perhaps this was his chance. He thought that maybe this was his destiny.

He waited for her answer, holding his breath.

Mimi stared at Lander with a shocked and speechless expression. She had just heard his confession and his proposal. She didn't know what to say or do. She barely knew him. He was just a classmate. He was just a stranger. She didn't know anything about him or his feelings for her. She didn't know if she liked him or not. She didn't know if she should give him a chance or not. She also didn't know how to deal with her feelings and situation. She had a boyfriend back home but hadn't seen him in a long time.

She missed him, but she also felt lonely and confused. She wondered if he still loved her or if he had moved on. She panicked and did the only thing she could think of. She ran.

She ran away from Lander, from his confession, from his proposal. She ran away from her feelings, situation, and dilemma. She ran as fast as she could without looking back. She ran until she bumped into Fei, waiting outside the classroom.

Fei looked at Mimi with a curious and amused expression. She had seen Lander talking to Mimi and guessed what he wanted to say. She knew that he had a crush on Mimi for a long time, but he had never acted on it. She also knew that Mimi had a boyfriend back home but hadn't heard from him in a long time. She wondered how Mimi would react to Lander's confession and proposal. She asked if Mimi would accept him or reject him. She wondered if Mimi would be happy or sad.

She asked Mimi what happened, expecting her to tell her everything. Mimi looked at Fei with a guilty and embarrassed expression. She had just run away from Lander, his confession, and his proposal. She felt stupid and rude for doing that. She didn't know how to face him or explain herself. She also felt conflicted and confused about her feelings and situation. She didn't know what to do about Lander or her boyfriend back home. She didn't know who she loved or who loved her.

She told Fei what had happened, hoping she would understand and help her. Fei listened to Mimi with a disappointed and annoyed expression. She couldn't believe that Mimi had escaped Lander, his confession, and his proposal. She thought that Mimi was being silly and immature for doing that. She didn't understand why Mimi was hesitant or indecisive about Lander or her boyfriend back home. She thought Mimi should make up her mind and answer Lander.

She scolded Mimi for what she did, telling her to stop playing games and be honest with herself and Lander. Mimi argued with Fei about what she did, telling her that it was not that simple and that she needed more time to think. Fei rolled her eyes at Mimi's excuses and told her to hurry up before it was too late. Mimi sighed at Fei's pressure and told her to leave her alone. They walked away from each other without resolving their disagreement.

(word count: 657)