
High School DXD: Rise of the Devilish Dragon and Pokémon God

what if issei had a brother , a brother with a sacred gear just like his brother however unlike his brother his is the true power of which is completely unknown to everyone. So what issei and his brother accomplish. slight Pokémon crossover just for the sacred gear.

TheKeneticLord5 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
14 Chs

chapter 13

Chapter: 13

"Much too slow, Sheer Cold."

Exploding out from my body was a massive wave of Icy mist that froze everything it touched including the rest of Riser's peerage that was charging at me except for his sister and Carlamaine. 

[Raiser Phoenix-sama's two [Pawns], [Bishop], and [Knight] retires.]

when the icy mist was dispelled it revealed the aftermath everything in a 50-meter radius was frozen solid. I stood there nodding my job here is done it's about time I switch with Rias now with that thought in mind I turned to walk away.

"Where do you think you're going just because you defeated them doesn't mean this is over." Riser's sister said

I looked at her with a raised eyebrow and said.

"If you are talking about Riser's [Queen] Akeno is just having fun with her she should be done by now."

Just as I said that a massive bolt of lightning struck in the distance with a resounding boom.

Riser-sama's [Queen has retired.]

"Speak of the devil and as for Rias well."

A massive explosion went off that destroyed half of the new school building

"Oop that's my cue to leave, Kiba wrap this up."


Nodding I teleported away, appearing on the roof of the new school building next to Asia which was a good distance away from Rias's fight with Riser. My sudden appearance startled Asia but after she realized who it was she smiled at me.


"Hi Asia, sorry I'm late, so how has the fight been going so far?" I asked

"Rias-san has been overwhelming Riser with her attacks but he continues to regenerate," she said 

"Yep thought so don't worry we will be ending this soon."

"Riser-sama's [Knight] has retired."

"Oh look Kiba is finished on his end too."


Rias unleashed another attack that completely destroyed Riser's upper body which he was slowly regenerating from. Walking over to Rias while he was regenerating I whistled

"Damn, that regeneration is no joke not even your four times amp power of destruction take him down permanently."

Hearing my voice Rias turned to me and asked.

"It's time?"

"Hmm hm, it's time to wrap this up."

Rias hearing this nodded and started to walk over to Asia as I took her place in front of Riser who was nearly finished regenerating.

As Rias stepped back, I stepped forward, facing Riser with a calm expression. He looked at me with a mixture of surprise and annoyance.

"You again," he muttered, his voice tinged with irritation.

"Yeah, me again," I replied casually. "Been a while hasn't it?"

"Tch, what do you think you're gonna do if your king couldn't take me down what chance do you-"

he was cut off when I blitzed him and ran my hand into his stomach my sacred Gear in Grass type mode.

"Enough talking."

Riser looked at me in annoyance before flames started being released from his body, jumping back before the flames erupted with a smile on my face.

Alright, step one is done.

"You think an attack like that can harm a phenex."

"You know, I'm getting tired of your whole 'immortal bird' shtick. It's getting old."

"I'm going to reduce to ash."

"aww are you mad but I would like to see try," I said with a smirk

my response pissed Riser as he started to release bloodlust and flames.

step two is complete. now type shift: Electric, Ability: Flash Fire.

Riser fired a massive wave of fire at me and I stood still to let the attack hit me which I casually l walked through taking no damage thanks to Flash Fire being active.

Riser looked at me in surprise before shaking it off and sending a barrage of fireballs at me which I didn't even dodge seeing as it wouldn't even hurt me just make me stronger walking out of the flames with a smirk on my face which I simply using to aggravate Riser I said.

"What's wrong Riser for someone who prides themself on their flames I can't feel a thing."

"I don't know what tactics you're using but it won't last forever." He said angrily 

Releasing his wings Riser flew at me his fist covered in flames.

"Oh hand to hand say less then."

Lightning burst to life covering my hands as I rushed at him as well. Meeting in a clash we started to engage in a bout of hand-to-hand combat. Riser's fighting style was much better than I expected especially with cocky he is I didn't expect him to be as good as he was. His punches were strong I won't deny which would have been amplified by his flames if it weren't for Flash Fire. I dished out attacks of my own by combining my Acupuncture fist and Thunder Punch which was quite the combo and after a few strikes from me, his arms became paralyzed and useless.

Placing my palm on his upper chest.

"Thunder Bolt."

A bolt of lightning shot from my palm blowing off Riser's upper chest and destroying the area behind him. With a kick, I sent the rest of his body back. Riser regenerated the Injury and looked at me with a look of unbridled rage.

"You think you've won?" he snarled, his voice dripping with fury.

"maybe maybe not who knows really," I said my tone amused

Riser glared at me with intense fury, his body trembling with rage. I couldn't help but smirk at his reaction, knowing that I had gotten under his skin.

damn, are arrogant people so easy to piss off it's so fun.

"now then what are you waiting for come at me," I said

As Riser seethed with anger, he launched himself at me again, his fists wreathed in flames. I met his attack head-on, my fists crackling with electricity as we clashed once more in a flurry of blows. Despite his fury, Riser's movements were becoming sloppy, his rage clouding his judgment.

"You're losing your focus," I taunted him as I dodged his strikes with ease. "Is this all you've got?"

His response was a roar of frustration as he unleashed a torrent of fire at me, but I simply walked through the attack. With a swift motion, I delivered a powerful kick to his side, sending him sprawling.

As Riser struggled to get back to his feet, I spoke.

"you know Riser I have a secret to tell, you know technically Issei isn't the only person in Rias's peerage with a dragon-based sacred gear?"


"Hmm hm, as for the other person, Well you're looking at him, Type shift: Dragon."

My sacred gear which I should really give by the way changed colors from bright yellow to a purplish dark blue. My eyes followed suit and my pupils became reptile-like vertical slits releasing my wings from my back. They also changed instead of the typical bat-like wings I normally had; they were now draconic.

Now was this necessary? No, definitely not. But is it fun and I've been dying to use this mode? Yes, and the look on Riser's face makes it worth it.

Riser's eyes widened in shock as he beheld my transformed state, clearly caught off guard by the sudden shift in power.

"Wha—what are you?!" he stammered, his voice trembling with uncertainty.

"none of your business really, now Dragon Pulse."

firing a beam of purple energy from my hand that blew off his head which he started to regenerate not giving him a chance to finish I blitzed him.

"Dragon Claw."

green energy appeared around my hand taking the form of a massive claw which I used to slash him across the chest also sever his arm which I followed up with a Dragon pulse to the chest sending him flying. He didn't even get to land before I unleashed my next two attacks.


With a flap of my wings, I unleashed a tornado of dragon-type energy that enveloped Riser's body and damaged it more. Charging up whitish gold energy in my mouth I fired upwards into the sky and burst apart falling back down as meteors.

"Draco Meteor."

The meteors crashed down around Riser, causing explosions and devastation as they hit the ground. When the dust settled, Riser was lying on the ground, battered and broken, still alive and regenerating but much slower than before.

"You… you can't defeat me," he growled through gritted teeth, his body still mending itself.

I walked over to him, my draconic form still active, and looked down at him with a mix of pity and amusement.

"I would not be so sure, Type shift: Grass."

Type shifting for hopefully the last time for this fight. My sacred gear turned green in color and so did my eyes my pupils returning to normal.

"Wha-what are you planning to do now?"

I looked down at Riser with a smirk. "Let's just say I have a few more tricks up my sleeve. But for now, I think it's time we put an end to this."

Riser glared up at me, his expression a mix of defiance and desperation. "You can't stop me! I'll keep coming back, no matter what you do!"

"You would be correct but who said anything about physically harming you."

As Riser continued to rant and rave, I simply raised a hand, causing vines to erupt from the ground and wrap around him, binding him tightly.

"What are you doing?!" he demanded, struggling against his leafy restraints.

"Wrapping this up I've had my fun, Mega Drain and Giga Drain."

Green energy was emitted from Riser's body that was absorbed by me after I absorbed the energy Riser's regeneration slowed even more than before to the point it slowed to a crawl and most of Riser's energy was absorbed by me.

"Now then I'm ending this, Spore."

A green powder-like energy was released from my hands onto Riser's body and seeped into it.

"Wha-what are you….."

Riser's words got slower until he passed out. With Riser incapacitated, I released him from the bindings of the vines, letting him slump to the ground unconscious.

"Riser-sama has retired, Rias-sama is the victor."

"Damn, that was a headache," I said stretching 


Multiple voices shouted. I turned to look at them with a smirk.

"Hey guys we are all done here," I said with a smile

Rias and the others rushed over to where I was standing, their expressions a mix of relief and admiration. 

"You did it, Hakura!" Rias exclaimed, her eyes shining with joy and unshed tears.

"I told you that I would didn't I?"

Rias chuckled. "Yes yes did."

Without warning, I was tackled by a white blur. Looking down at my chest with a smile when I saw a very familiar mop of white hair.

"Hello to you too Koneko."


"But as you can see it worked and we won so it's alright," I said looking at her with a smile.

She didn't reply but she did nod in acceptance. Looking over the rest of the peerage watching Asia worry Issei and the rest of the peerage with mild amusement as me and Koneko walked over to the rest of the peerage after we met back up a magic circle appeared below us indicating that we were being teleported back to the club and signifying the complete end of our first Rating Game.

That was fun.

Chapter: 13 end

(AN): I apologize if the ending wasn't good I was running on fumes for like two-three hours because I was studying but again I apologize.