
Growing up

As the evening settled in after the small celebration in honor of Haruto's well-being, the three families gathered in the cozy living room, basking in the warmth of friendship and camaraderie. Laughter filled the air as they shared stories and reminisced about old times, the flickering candlelight casting a soft glow over their faces.

Haruto sat among his friends and family, a sense of contentment washing over him as he basked in the love and support of those closest to him. Yet, beneath the surface, a new awareness stirred within him, a heightened sense of perception that set him apart from the rest.

As the night wore on, Haruto found himself looking at the world around him with fresh eyes. Colors seemed more vibrant, sounds more vivid, as if a veil had been lifted from his senses, revealing a hidden world that had always existed just beyond his reach.

Curiosity piqued, Haruto wandered outside into the cool night air, his senses attuned to the subtle energies that hummed beneath the surface of the earth. With each step, he felt a connection to something ancient and primal, a force that pulsed with life and power.

Turning his gaze skyward, Haruto's eyes widened in wonder as he beheld a sight unlike any he had ever seen before. Amidst the twinkling stars, he glimpsed a red dragon soaring through the night sky, its majestic form twisting and turning with effortless grace.

At first, Haruto couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of the Western-looking dragon performing loops and dives with such abandon. It seemed almost comical, a creature of myth and legend behaving as though it were a mere playful kitten.

But as he watched the dragon's aerial display, a sense of awe washed over him, mingling with his amusement. For in that moment, Haruto realized that the world was far stranger and more wondrous than he had ever imagined, filled with mysteries waiting to be discovered and adventures waiting to be had.

With a newfound sense of purpose burning in his heart, Haruto vowed to explore this hidden world, to uncover its secrets and unlock its mysteries. For he knew that he was no longer just Haruto, the boy from Kuoh Town—he was Haruto, the bearer of Amon's will. And as he stood beneath the starry sky, he knew that his journey was only just beginning.

As Haruto and his friends Issei and Irina played together in Issei's backyard, a sense of curiosity gnawed at him, drawing his attention towards Issei in a way he couldn't quite explain. As he glanced at his friend, he noticed something peculiar—a faint, shimmering aura surrounding Issei, almost like a translucent veil.

Intrigued, Haruto focused his gaze, his senses honing in on the mysterious energy emanating from Issei. And there, nestled within the glow, he saw it—a crimson gauntlet-like object, pulsating with a faint energy that seemed to hum with life.

With a mixture of trepidation and fascination, Haruto delved deeper into the depths of the gauntlet, his mind reaching out to explore the hidden recesses within. And as he probed deeper, he felt a presence stirring within the artifact, a slumbering consciousness that lay dormant within its confines.

Suddenly, Haruto found himself face to face with a magnificent creature—a red dragon, its form majestic and awe-inspiring as it slumbered within the confines of the gauntlet. With a long neck and piercing green eyes, the dragon exuded an aura of power and majesty, its scales gleaming with hues of red and gold.

Despite its imposing appearance, Haruto sensed a gentleness and wisdom emanating from the sleeping dragon, a quiet strength that belied its fierce exterior. As he gazed upon the creature, he couldn't help but feel a sense of reverence and awe wash over him.

Realizing that he had stumbled upon something extraordinary, Haruto made a silent vow to unravel the mysteries surrounding the sleeping dragon within Issei's gauntlet.

As the sunlight filtered through the leaves of the trees, casting dappled shadows on the ground, Haruto turned to Issei with a curious expression. "Issei, did you know you have a dragon inside you sleeping inside a cool armored glove thing?" he asked, his words tumbling out in a rush of excitement and wonder.

Issei blinked in confusion, his brow furrowing as he tried to make sense of Haruto's words. "What do you mean, Haruto?" he asked, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

Beside him, Irina chimed in, her curiosity piqued by Haruto's revelation. "Yeah, Haruto, what do you mean? Issei has a dragon inside him?" she asked, her eyes wide with anticipation.

Haruto nodded eagerly, his gaze fixed on Issei. "I saw it, Issei. It's like a big red dragon, all curled up inside this shiny glove thing on your hand," he explained, gesturing animatedly as he tried to convey the image he had seen in his mind's eye.

Issei frowned, shaking his head in disbelief. "I don't know what you're talking about, Haruto. I've never heard of anything like that before," he admitted, his confusion deepening.

Meanwhile, Irina leaned in closer, lifting the front of Issei's shirt in an attempt to see if there was anything unusual about his chest. "Do you see anything, Irina?" Issei asked, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment as she covered his head with his shirt.

But Irina shook her head, her brow furrowing in concentration. "No, I don't see anything," she replied, her disappointment evident in her voice.

As they stood there in the warm sunlight, surrounded by the rustling of leaves and the chirping of birds, Haruto couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration gnawing at him. He was certain that he had seen something extraordinary within Issei's gauntlet, yet neither Issei nor Irina seemed to believe him.

Determined to uncover the truth, Haruto vowed to delve deeper into the mystery of the sleeping dragon within Issei's glove. For he knew that there was more to this strange encounter than met the eye, and he was determined to uncover the secrets that lay hidden beneath the surface.

As Haruto pondered how to make Issei and Irina see the dragon inside Issei, he felt a sense of frustration building within him. He knew what he had seen was real, but convincing his friends seemed like an impossible task. Determined not to give up, he resolved to find a way to show them the truth.

Lost in thought, Haruto barely noticed when Irina, with her tongue poking out in anticipation, started poking at his stoic face for fun. Her giggles filled the air, and soon Issei joined in, adding to the playful atmosphere. Despite himself, Haruto couldn't help but let out a heavy sigh as his friends continued to poke and prod him.

But amidst the lighthearted teasing, a thought suddenly struck Haruto like a bolt of lightning. What if he could use the memories of Amon to learn how to make Issei and Irina see the dragon within him? It was a risky move, delving into the depths of his consciousness, but Haruto knew it might be the only way to convince his friends of the truth.

With a determined expression, Haruto closed his eyes, focusing his mind on the memories of Amon that lay dormant within him. He delved deep into the recesses of his consciousness, seeking the knowledge and power he needed to make his plan a reality.

And as he delved deeper into the memories of Amon, a sense of clarity washed over Haruto. He could feel the ancient knowledge and wisdom of the End Bringer coursing through him, guiding him toward a solution.

Finally finding a way to show Issei and Irina the dragon inside Issei, Haruto halted their playful poking with a firm but gentle tone. "Can you two stop, please, and give me your hands?" he requested, his voice tinged with urgency and determination.

Both Issei and Irina, taken aback by Haruto's sudden seriousness, complied, their curiosity piqued. "What do we do, Haruto?" they asked in unison, their eyes wide with anticipation and excitement.

Haruto took a deep breath, summoning the memories of Amon to guide him. With a steady hand, he placed Issei's and Irina's palms against the surface of Issei's gauntlet, closing his eyes as he focused his will.

As he concentrated, a soft glow enveloped their joined hands, shimmering with otherworldly energy. And then, as if by magic, the image of the sleeping dragon within Issei's gauntlet materialized before their eyes, its majestic form bathed in a warm, ethereal light.

Issei and Irina gasped in astonishment, their eyes wide with wonder as they beheld the magnificent creature before them. For a moment, they were lost in the beauty and majesty of the dragon, captivated by its presence.

As the vision faded and the glow dissipated, Haruto opened his eyes, a sense of satisfaction washing over him. "There," he said softly, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Now you can see what I saw."

As Issei and Irina expressed their excitement and gratitude with hugs and jubilant jumps, Haruto couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth and camaraderie wash over him. They were in this together, bound by their shared discovery and the newfound connection they had forged.

However, Irina's question brought a sobering reality crashing back into focus. "So, what do we do, Haruto? Do we tell our parents or not?" she asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

Haruto hesitated the memories of Amon's plight flashing through his mind like a warning beacon. He knew that revealing the truth about Issei's dragon to their parents could have serious consequences, especially if they sought help from others who might not understand the situation.

"Maybe we shouldn't tell our parents just yet," Haruto suggested cautiously, his brow furrowing with concern. "We don't know how they'll react, and if they start asking other people about it, it could attract unwanted attention. We need to be careful."

Issei and Irina exchanged worried glances, the weight of their discovery settling heavily upon them. They knew that Haruto was right—revealing the truth about Issei's dragon could put him in danger, especially if others feared what lay dormant within him.

"Okay, Haruto, we'll keep it a secret for now," Issei agreed solemnly, his voice tinged with apprehension. "But we'll need to figure out what to do next. We can't keep this hidden forever."

Haruto nodded in agreement, a sense of determination burning bright in his eyes. "We'll find a way to help Issei and his dragon," he vowed, his voice filled with resolve. "But for now, we'll keep it between us. Together, we'll find a way forward."

As Haruto delved into his thoughts once more, pondering their next course of action, he was startled by Issei and Irina resuming their playful poking. Their antics snapped him out of his reverie, and he glanced at them with a mixture of amusement and exasperation.

"Why not ask the dragon?" Issei suggested, his eyes twinkling with mischief as he joined Irina in poking Haruto. The idea sparked excitement in Haruto's mind, and he nodded eagerly in agreement.

Before he could voice his approval, Irina piped up with her question, directed towards the dragon within Issei. "Hey, mister dragon, what are you doing inside Issei?" she asked, her tone filled with childish curiosity as she continued poking Issei's chest through his shirt.

Haruto watched in bemusement as Irina persisted with her questioning, her determination unwavering despite the absurdity of the situation. "What are you doing, Irina?" he asked, dumbfounded by her actions.

"I'm asking the dragon, Haruto," Irina replied matter-of-factly, her gaze fixed on Issei's chest as if expecting a response from within. Despite knowing the futility of her efforts, she seemed undeterred in her quest to communicate with the creature hidden inside her friend.

As Haruto watched Issei and Irina, a smile tugged at the corners of his lips. Though their methods were unconventional, he couldn't help but admire their determination and creativity. Perhaps, he mused, there was a lesson to be learned from their playful curiosity—a reminder not to take life too seriously and to approach challenges with an open mind and a sense of wonder.

With a chuckle, Haruto joined in their antics, poking Issei gently as he addressed the unseen dragon within. "Hey there, mister dragon," he said with a grin. "What's it like being cooped up inside Issei's glove all day?"

As time passed, the three children continued their quest to communicate with the dragon hidden within Issei's gauntlet. They tried various approaches, each one more creative than the last, in their efforts to make contact with the mysterious creature.

Issei, ever practical, asked straightforward questions, hoping for a direct response from the dragon. "Hey, dragon, can you hear us? What's it like being inside the gauntlet?" he inquired, his voice filled with earnest curiosity.

Meanwhile, Irina took a more playful approach, addressing the dragon with a mix of jest and wonder. "Hey, mister dragon, are you cozy in there? Do you get bored being stuck in Issei's glove all the time?" she asked, her eyes twinkling with mischief as she poked Issei's chest in playful imitation of their earlier antics.

Haruto, ever thoughtful, approached the situation with a sense of reverence and respect. "Dear dragon, we mean you no harm," he said softly, his voice carrying a note of sincerity. "We simply wish to understand your presence within Issei and learn more about who you are."

Despite their different methods, the children shared a common goal—to connect with the dragon and uncover the truth behind its presence within Issei's gauntlet.

As Haruto considered using the power of Amon to communicate with the dragon once more, he hesitated, a nagging doubt gnawing at the edges of his mind. What if reaching out to the dragon inadvertently caused harm to Issei and Irina? What if their curiosity led them into danger?

With a sense of unease, Haruto delved into the memories of Amon once more, searching for a solution that would allow them to communicate with the dragon safely. And then, like a beacon in the darkness, he found it—a method of creating a protective barrier to surround both Issei and Irina, shielding them from any potential harm while they made contact with the dragon.

Drawing upon the ancient knowledge and power of Amon, Haruto focused his will, weaving the threads of magic and energy together to form a shimmering barrier that enveloped Issei and Irina in a protective cocoon. Within its confines, they would be safe from harm, free to communicate with the dragon without fear of repercussion.

With the barrier in place, Haruto felt a sense of relief wash over him. Now, they could reach out to the dragon without putting themselves in danger. And as he turned his attention back to Issei and Irina, a determined glint sparkled in his eyes. They would uncover the truth behind the dragon's presence together, united in their quest for knowledge and understanding.

"Guys, I found a way to talk with the dragon," Haruto informed his friends, his voice tinged with both excitement and caution. "But are you two sure you want to do this?" he warned them, his concern evident in his tone.

"I'm sure I want to do this, Haruto," Issei affirmed, his gaze steady and resolute. "I trust you to keep us safe."

Irina nodded in agreement, her eyes shining with unwavering trust. "We trust you, big brother Haruto," she said earnestly. "We know you'll protect us from the big red dragon."

Haruto's heart swelled with gratitude and determination as he heard his friends' words. With their trust and support, he felt emboldened to proceed. "Okay, then," he said with a nod, his voice steady with resolve. "Let's do this together."

With a sense of purpose, Haruto connected their minds to the gauntlet inside Issei, forming a mental link that would allow them to communicate with the dragon. As their consciousnesses merged, they entered a shared space, ready to confront the mysteries that lay hidden within Issei's glove and the enigmatic presence of the dragon within.

As the three children found themselves in the void with the sleeping dragon, they were filled with a sense of awe and wonder at the sight before them. Determined to awaken the majestic creature, they tried everything they could think of, from calling out to it to gently shaking its massive form. But no matter how hard they tried, the dragon remained unmoved, lost in its slumber.

Frustrated by their lack of progress, the children grew restless, their initial excitement giving way to boredom as they realized that waking the dragon might be more challenging than they had anticipated. With a collective sigh, they decided to take a break from their efforts, exploring the vast expanse of the void and finding ways to amuse themselves in their newfound surroundings.

They played games, told stories, and shared laughter, the hours slipping away unnoticed as they lost themselves in the simple joys of childhood. And even though it felt like an eternity had passed within the void, in reality, only minutes had gone by in the outside world.

Eventually, as their boredom waned and their curiosity waned, the children decided to return to reality, leaving the sleeping dragon behind in its peaceful slumber. Though they had not succeeded in waking the creature, they knew that their time together in the void had been an adventure they would never forget, a memory to cherish for years to come. And as they emerged from the depths of the mindscape, they did so with a renewed sense of wonder and a bond that could never be broken.

As the years rolled by, Haruto found himself a step ahead of his friends Issei and Irina, being a year older and a grade ahead due to starting school earlier. However, their bond remained as strong as ever, unaffected by the slight age difference. Living as neighbors in the same close-knit community of Kuoh Town, they spent countless hours together, exploring the nooks and crannies of their familiar surroundings, sharing secrets, and dreaming big dreams.

Despite Haruto's advancement in school, their friendship endured, anchored by shared experiences and mutual trust. Whether it was playing games in the park, embarking on adventures in the nearby woods, or simply lounging around and talking about their hopes and aspirations, they were inseparable companions, their laughter echoing through the streets of their neighborhood.

And though Haruto may have been a year ahead in school, he never once let it come between him and his best friends. He was always there to lend a helping hand, offer sage advice, or simply be a shoulder to lean on whenever Issei and Irina needed him.

During those years passed by, Haruto and Issei found themselves faced with an unexpected change that would forever alter the dynamic of their friendship. Irina's departure from Japan for England, prompted by her family's relocation due to her father's job, cast a shadow over their close-knit trio. Unbeknownst to the boys, this move would lead Irina down a path they could never have imagined, one that would ultimately shape her into a formidable exorcist of the Protestant Church.

As the realization of Irina's departure sunk in, Haruto and Issei felt a pang of sadness deep within their hearts. The thought of their dear friend leaving filled them with a sense of loss and longing. They had grown accustomed to Irina's cheerful presence, her laughter echoing through the halls of their shared memories, and the prospect of her absence left an undeniable void in their lives.

Despite their sadness, Haruto and Issei knew that they had to support Irina in her new journey, even if it meant saying goodbye for now. They exchanged heartfelt goodbyes, promising to stay in touch and hoping that one day, they would be reunited again.

As the seasons changed and time marched forward, Haruto found himself transitioning to a new chapter in his academic journey. Junior high school beckoned, and with it came a change in scenery as he enrolled in a school farther away from his neighborhood. The distance meant that he spent less time playing with Issei, his closest friend, in their familiar surroundings.

Despite the physical separation, Haruto's dedication to his studies remained unwavering. Fused with the cosmic will of Amon, his intellect soared to unprecedented heights, allowing him to excel in every subject with ease. His teachers marveled at his aptitude, often suggesting that he skip grades to accelerate his academic progress. However, Haruto remained steadfast in his decision to embrace his childhood and experience the joys of youth to the fullest.

His parents, too, recognized the exceptional abilities their son possessed. Though they were tempted by the prospect of seeing him soar through the educational ranks, they respected his wishes and supported his desire to lead a balanced life. With Haruto's academic prowess securing him a virtual free ticket to college, they harbored no doubts about his future success. Their faith in him was unwavering, grounded in the belief that he would carve out his path, guided by his innate wisdom and compassion.

And so, as Haruto embarked on this new chapter of his journey, he did so with a sense of purpose and determination, embracing the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead while cherishing the simple joys of childhood that would shape him into the remarkable individual he was destined to become.

As Haruto excelled in his studies, Issei couldn't help but admire his friend's intelligence. Despite feeling a hint of envy at times, Issei never let it affect their friendship. He knew Haruto would always be there to help him when he needed it.

Meanwhile, Issei's encounters with an old man who told strange stories piqued his curiosity. Though the tales were unconventional, they sparked a fascination in Issei, particularly with a certain aspect of the female anatomy. This fascination sometimes led to his friends jokingly calling him perverted.

Despite Haruto's efforts to distract Issei from his unusual interest, Issei found it difficult to shake off. Haruto would suggest various activities to keep Issei's mind occupied, but nothing seemed to work.

Their friendship, however, remained strong despite Issei's quirks. They continued to share adventures and make memories together, with Haruto always there to support Issei through thick and thin. And though Issei's peculiar interests sometimes caused friction between them, Haruto remained a loyal friend, knowing that true friendship transcended such differences.