
High King of the Rivers

born after the awakening of the elves but before being forc.... found and taken to Valinor this is the tale of the first and only High King of the 4th clan the Cantëayr King Of The Rivers one of the first of elves in Middle-earth and with the Valar. (I OWN NOTHING FROM THE WORKS CREATED BY JRR TOLKIEN OR THE 6 MOVIES I ONLY CLAIM MY ORIGINAL CHARACTERS)

Nerdy_stoner · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
17 Chs

The Seven Siblings (Edited)

(Cantëaian POV)

Seeing all six of their faces instantly drop and then the two on the right smiling in good humor. The two on the left both laugh out loud, but the two in the center are both trying to control their facial expressions. The female Eldar's corner of her lips keeps twitching into a small smile, while the male's left eyelid is twitching slightly. and I laugh so hard my stomach hurts.

I instantly stop when the male Eldar, with golden hair, says.

"Funny sister... But I think introductions are in order."

He gestures to himself and the Golden-haired female.

"I am Imin. and this is my mate Iminyë."

Pointing at the black-haired pair of Eldar.

"His name is Tata, while his mate's name is Tatië."

Finally, he pointed at the last pair and spoke.

"He is known as Enel. Enelyë is his mate."

He then looks at me and says with mirth.

"So you see Sister, I am the first, then the second, and the third."

While pointing at the other two pairs of Eldar as he talks.

"That makes you the youngest sibling... Sister, the baby of the family if you will."

Getting everyone else to laugh. After a while they control themselves and Imin says.

"So, as I was saying, what is your name? And if I could ask... where your mate is?"

While still pouting I say quickly and quietly.


Knowing full well now. Our names literally mean first, second, third, and fourth in our language. How do I know that? I have no clue but it's in my head. just like my instincts when looking at the blade and shield. Or the fact that I still don't feel wet, but I'm still standing in the river. It almost feels welcoming. Iminyë asks,

"What was that little sister"

Getting a glare from me and chuckles from the rest.


I said proudly before adding.

"I don't know where my mate is. I woke up right here next to this river... When I got into the river, I saw something."

My six siblings looked confused and worried. Before Tatië took my hand and asked.

"What did you see, cantëaian?"

"I saw myself standing here, sometime in the future... With a man who looked like me, except he was taller. Some of our features fit together. His eyes when he turned around were switching from my own color to a pure blue like frozen bodies of water."

I spill what I saw before taking a breath. Then I continued telling them about the sword, shield, and even the ring. At the end of my explanation, I say.

"I-I think it was my son... Then when I came back to myself, I was still staring at my reflection before I heard a voice in my head that sent my fäe tingling joyfully. He said my name, that he has been waiting for me... Well, that they all have been waiting for us, Eldar of Eru. But that he... He was specifically waiting for his love, or me. He said that he would see me soon."

Iminyë, Tatië, and Enelyë all rushed forward, embracing me in a hug. feeling my loneliness and longing for my mate, and son. Who I have both seen and heard in my mind's eye. While Imin, Tata, and Enel were looking on with sad smiles.... after a moment Enel asks.

"Eldar? Is that what we are? Our people. Are they called the Eldar? And where are the rest of our people?"

Enelyë hugs him. While we all feel a collective need to find more of our people. It's almost compulsory. I don't think any of us want to find out what happens if we fight it. Tata said in a hauntingly musical voice.

"Elves, the Eldar of Eru, are the first of Eru's children... Fated to be ageless and immune to most poison on Ard. They are the chosen of the Valar in the west."

Tata only snapped out of his foresight Vision by Tatië checking him over wondering what happened to him. Just then Iminyë eyes glossed over and when she came back, she had a brilliant smile and said.

"We are going to have to prepare for an adventure west till we find out. People... I say we have 6 months till we have to move west. By then we will run into our people, as they come East to us."

All of us look at her, nodding our heads. Then Tata and his mate, start sharpening as many arrow tips as possible. Along with seven spearheads.

While Enel and Enelyë hunt enough meat, fruits, along with animal skin.

Iminyë and Imin were using the animal skins to make clothes, tents, bedrolls, and bags.

As I am whittling seven bows and then stringing them. Before hardening seven long branches with heat, water, and my voice. Forming seven spear poles that are as hard as iron.

The seven of us got into such a groove of our tasks. We all unintentionally used our voices, our ability to work magic into our tasks.

For me, it made the bows five times stronger, and double the flexibility than they should have. and the spear poles were as hard as iron, but as light as a small stone.

Tata and Tatië used their voice and craftsmanship to make arrowheads that are as sharp as razors, but as strong as steel. With shafts that are deceptively light and hard.

Between the three of us. All seven of us had one spear and a bow with fifty arrows that all looked like they were made by a journeyman blacksmith.

Enelyë and Enel have us stocked with food for more than just the adventure and they had time to make us each a small dagger. Each with a black obsidian blade.

Imin and Iminyë somehow used their talents to make us all robes. Imin and Iminyë made fourteen pairs of robes, two for each of us. Imin and his mate had a golden one and a white one. The edges were white on the gold robes and vice versa. Both had a bright star on their backs.

Tata and Tatië had blue robes along with a white one. Both with 2 Stars white/blue on their shoulders.

Enelyë and Enel have forest-green robes with 3 white Stars right over their hearts.

My robes had the crest I saw in the vision, of 4 stars over a wave of rapid rushing water. The first was a sea green with the stars being white and pure blue for the wave. While the white one has a sea green wave, and 4 pure blue stars, both on the back of the robes.