
Assassins duty

The assassin stood beside her boss.She stood with pride but her face stood still with a frown.

Her boss loved to gamble but she never had a bet with just money.

She would bet their lives or lives of any human or thing that they loved.

And of course she would confidently bet her own life because that is what she loved most.

Each time she gambled she had won to nobody's suprise except the opponent.

The assassin would shoot the opponent while her boss stared in awe.

The boss went by Qr code even the assassin didn't know her true name but as long as she was getting paid she didn't bother.

Qr code loved the quick expression change of the opponent as soon as they realised they had lost their lives.

The quick expression of excitement to fear to no expression at all as they fall to the ground blood dripping from their faceless bodies.

Qr Code never cheated despite winning every match she played.The assassin did her dirty work for her the assassin either changed the deck when the banker wasn't looking or threatened the banker.

The assassin never mentions the fact that she's going to kill the opponent to the banker she's bribing.

Incase the banker decides she or he wants to play the good guy and play in the opponents favour.Then the assassin would have to kill her own boss which she vowed to never do ever since she was hired.

Today it would be the same as most days this time she had changed the deck so she had no worries.

She is waiting outside the room with a gun in her hands and a calm expression.After hearing her boss's gentle laughter she walked in and waited till the opponent got a good look at her.

Then the opponent goes through something called a "chain of reactions" as Qr code calls it.

The chain of reactions is basically a bunch of emotions put together in your last moments living on earth.

After the opponent is finished with its chains of reactions the assassin shoots them.

The banker screamed and Qr code left her seat with a satisfied smile and left the room.The assassin got one last look at the banker and decided she would let somebody else deal with her.Besides the assassin looked like she would stay frozen in terror for a while anyways.