
chapter 1:simple times

Hi! My name is Luka ,I go by Viewer nowadays though.

This story your about to read is just purely about my life, as of now I am 13 and turning 14 ,yet my life has been an eventful one ..and not in a good way so let's just start when I was a baby.

When I was two my older brother supposedly tried to murder me with a hammer he had found ,at least that is what my mother told me when I was 6.

Since I really don't have memories of being a baby ofc ,I mean who does ? I'll move on to when I was around 6.

My days were mostly spent outside with my friend let's just give him a fake name rq uhh how about Scott? Scott is kinda fitting for him.

He was the one person I considered my true friend there were also 2 girls I wad friends with ,let's call em Lisa and Maria.

We used to have alot of fun eben though they were as loud as a shounen protagonist I didn't really mind. my mother was a teacher at a high-school and my father was an electrician at the time ,I'd only see my father in the evening and I had spent most of my life either at my friends house or with my mother. It was a simple life.

When I was 7 I noticed that i had never seen my parents even HUG let alone kiss , so I confronted my mother about it.She said not to worry about dumb things like that yet it still bothered me.

When I was 8 I witnessed my father come home completely wasted.It was an awful sight but a lesson was learnt . Not much happend when I was that age so I'll skip ahead to year 9.

My father kept getting excruciating stomach pain ,we went to the hospital and it turns out he needed a liver transplant, my parents couldn't afford it and decided to send my father to Austria cuz they have free health care in nato (I am from Georgia btw )

I think that's enough for chapter 1 of my life