
Crazy People

นักแปล: Nyoi-Bo Studio บรรณาธิการ: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"I didn't expect the resources in this world to be so abundant. If I had come two years earlier, I would have already become a Level 2 True Realm master."

Liu An hugged the huge ginseng tightly, his face blooming like a flower.

"If you had come two years earlier, you would have become food on the table for the orcs."

Liu Wei rolled her eyes.

They chose an important item from the treasury and left.

Every time they conquered a place, based on how much strength they used while fighting, they would go in and choose an item one after another. The rest would be split equally.

After the two left, Liu Yu and Old Demon Han also chose an item.

"In my opinion, let's form a group to rob these orcs specifically. There won't be any psychological pressure from robbing them anyway."

Old Demon Han walked out with a knife and said to everyone.

Suddenly, he liked this kind of life.